Emily Nicole Roberts
I’m from Swansea in South Wales, and I’m 23 years old. I think it’s important to note here - though you’ve probably already noticed from my photo - that I use a wheelchair in my everyday life.
I’m from Swansea in South Wales, and I’m 23 years old. I think it’s important to note here - though you’ve probably already noticed from my photo - that I use a wheelchair in my everyday life.
My friends and family will read that and sigh “yeah, we know”...
This is because I have a condition called Cerebral Palsy (CP). Embarrassingly enough, I had to learn more about CP, because a stranger once asked more questions about it that I couldn’t actually answer... *bit awks like*.
Point being, yes, I am disabled; but growing up, I was just a little girl, who sat in a little wheelchair. To my parents, I was simply Emily Nicole, their daughter/diva hahaha!!
I remember my mum saying to me in my teens that “the world didn’t revolve around me”. And I was genuinely shocked and appalled!
My life has been plenty of things, but boring isn’t one of them…
I am loud, gobby, unapologetic, and POSITIVE and I’ll be sharing random thoughts, with my unique sense of humour and potty mouth on all magazine-related topics, every month. Reading is believing!
Obsession: the state of being obsessed with someone or something. "she cared for him with a devotion bordering on obsession"
an idea or thought that continually preoccupies or intrudes on a person's mind. plural noun: obsessions
"he was in the grip of an obsession he was powerless to resist"
When I read that this month’s topic was Obsession, the first thing that came to mind was that perfume by Calvin Klein which is always half price at Christmas...
Then I asked myself: “What does it mean to be obsessed?” More importantly, when does curiosity and interest turn into the compulsive, controlling ‘stuff’?
I don’t know the answer mind, but I still thought about it for a bit.
OCD is an obsession isn’t it? Like, having to face the cereal boxes 90 degrees towards the cupboards and switching lights off in sets of two.
Luckily, I don’t suffer from it because my cereal cupboard is up high in the kitchen and I don’t have the bloody patience to switch a light on more than twice (on a good day).
Granted, you can’t choose to have these rituals that dictate your daily life, such as ‘what volume the TV is on’ can you?
Why then, is obsession defined as ‘heavy devotion’. Superfans like 45 year old Geraldine from Skegness who is 100% sure that Shane (from Boyzone) is her soulmate, hardly stacks up to Dennis who’s worried he’s left the oven on because he only checked the tray heat twelve times this morning.
I’m no Einstein (shocking!!) but worrying for your safety and fretting about the hazardous nature of your home can’t be compared to or linked to planning an imaginary wedding with the object of your obsessive affections, whilst checking when your love interest was ‘last seen’ on Facebook.
So what is obsession?
Am I obsessed with the meaning of obsession?
Am I being obsessively obsessed right now?
Someone write in and make it make sense!!!!
Love Emily X
Facebook: emilynicoleroberts
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Instagram: emilynicoleroberts
Twitter: emilynicolerobs
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Tags: Emily Nicole Roberts