Welcome to Issue 104 ~ January 2024: Mirror

Let’s begin by inviting you to enter this month’s Dream Factory ~ Mirror ~ which asks the question: “When you look in the mirror, are you happy with the reflection you see, or do you long to see another reflection staring back?”

It’s about time we gave zero f*cks about what society thinks we should look like and proudly celebrate being unique. Growing old is a privilege ~ a gift that not everyone is lucky enough to receive ~ so this photoshoot is an experiment with how I want my reflection to look.

The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies are discussing: “Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of us all?”

The Zodiac Zingers are here to guide your month ahead ~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.

Pull up a pew to read fabulously decadent & divine ‘Lady P’s hot off the press reflections. This month she’s saltily musing about mirrors, makeup, manscaping, mere mortals, and the surreality of social media and superstitions. Spare a thought ~ and a few quid ~ for the grifters whose money-making days seem to be numbered…

Brace yourselves for: The Good, The Bad & The Dragly, in Life's A Drag, Come join the party as we enter the fabulously riotous and the (not so) glamorous world of Drag ~ complete with over the top tears, possible diva tantrums, laughter and downright naughty behaviour! What could possibly go wrong?!

This month’s inspirational features:

Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper

‘Menopausal Hotties’ returns with the ‘Hotties Menopause Manual’, where we share our insights on the challenges and joys, capturing the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of the many symptoms of the menopause. Or as one of our Hotties likes to call it: something to save us from the cycle of Eat, sleep, rage/rave, repeat”!

Making finance fun and a little less daunting…we have our resident financial expert ~ Danni Watts-Jones ~ she is on hand to help you look after the health of your wealth and money matters, to give you the confidence to navigate life’s financial highs and lows. Will this month’s column give you something to reflect upon…?

Visit One Woman…One Vision and watch some video highlights from our spectacular live 100th Issue celebration ~ The Greatest Online Show.

NEW FEATURE ALERT: The Emma Heaven magazine is very proud and excited to open its doors to the EH Art Gallery ~ immerse yourself in our virtual exhibitions, showcasing the creative and imaginative talents expressed by artists, artistes and photographers.

Our inaugural art exhibition is a collection of watercolour and ink landscape paintings by my wonderfully talented Dad ~ Tudor Vaughan.

Enjoy this month’s extravaganza ~ we will be back next month with a fabulous new issue on Thursday 15th February.

Be part of something special…and be part of the magic…


Welcome to Issue 105 ~ February 2024: Clown World

Let’s begin by inviting you to enter this month’s Dream Factory ~ Clown World.

If you’re of a certain age, you’re probably in a state of shock at how the world is progressing and are longing for the carefree days of your youth.

We now live in a world:

  •  That demands people dance the ‘wokey cokey’
  • Where feelings trump facts, no pun intended...
  • Where our minds are manipulated and bombarded with propaganda

We now live in a clown world where:

  • MY truth matters MORE than THE truth
  • Mob culture rules - coordinating pile ons and take-downs; but who is the current dominant mob and who are they disagreeing with now?
  • We are being forced to take sides as the clowns proceed to divide and conquer

It’s not so much the lunatics taking over the asylum. If we let them, it’s the clowns who will take over, turning our world into a circus, hard to escape from. Alas, there are far too many vying for that ring master’s job.

Do you want to join the circus? Or do you wish the circus would pack up and leave town?

The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies are discussing: “Before the world became a circus.”

The Zodiac Zingers are here to guide your month ahead ~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.

Pull up a pew to read fabulously decadent & divine ‘Lady P’s musings on the clowns which abound in the dating world and beyond. They’re not just confined to the circus, so stay on your guard with her handy guide on how to spot them!.

Brace yourselves for: The Good, The Bad & The Dragly, in Life's A Drag, Come join the party as we enter the fabulously riotous and the (not so) glamorous world of Drag ~ complete with over the top tears, possible diva tantrums, laughter and downright naughty behaviour! What could possibly go wrong?!

This month’s inspirational features:

Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper

‘Menopausal Hotties’ returns with the ‘Hotties Menopause Manual’, where we share our insights on the challenges and joys, capturing the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of the many symptoms of the menopause. Or as one of our Hotties likes to call it: something to save us from the cycle of Eat, sleep, rage/rave, repeat”!

Making finance fun and a little less daunting…we have our resident financial expert ~ Danni Watts-Jones ~ she is on hand to help you look after the health of your wealth and money matters, to give you the confidence to navigate life’s financial highs and lows.

Visit One Woman…One Vision and watch some video highlights from our spectacular live 100th Issue celebration ~ The Greatest Online Show.

NEW FEATURE ALERT: The Emma Heaven magazine is very proud and excited to open its doors to the EH Art Gallery ~ immerse yourself in our virtual exhibitions, showcasing the creative and imaginative talents expressed by artists, artistes and photographers.

Our inaugural art exhibition is a collection of watercolour and ink landscape paintings by my wonderfully talented Dad ~ Tudor Vaughan.

Enjoy this month’s extravaganza ~ we will be back next month with a fabulous new issue on Friday 15th March.

Be part of something special…and be part of the magic…


Welcome to Issue 106 ~ March 2024: War Paint

Let’s begin by inviting you to enter this month’s Dream Factory ~ War Paint.

Your journey through life can be a bit of a rollercoaster ride, littered with tough times, emotional upsets and problems that need solving. In my opinion it’s always best to tackle and face them head-on whilst looking and feeling fabulous! 

When preparing for confrontation, a little war paint and/or a killer outfit will most certainly give you an edge. You look the part and feel powerful which most definitely fuels the confidence needed to take on any battle, on any given day that may come your way.

Nobody quite does elaborate or excessive war paint like a Drag Queen, so let’s bring on our Drag Soldiers as they get ready to kick a little ass and take on the world!

The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies are discussing: “War paint is my armour.”

The Zodiac Zingers are here to guide your month ahead ~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.

Pull up a pew to read fabulously decadent & divine ‘Lady P’s musings on womenly wiles, warpaint, warpaths and anchors…Now if only there were a micellar water to erase muppets, not that she’s mentioning any names…  

Brace yourselves for: The Good, The Bad & The Dragly, in Life's A Drag, Come join the party as we enter the fabulously riotous and the (not so) glamorous world of Drag ~ complete with over-the-top tears, possible diva tantrums, laughter, and downright naughty behaviour! What could possibly go wrong?!

This month’s inspirational features:

Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper

‘Menopausal Hotties’ returns with the ‘Hotties Menopause Manual’, where we share our insights on the challenges and joys, capturing the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of the many symptoms of the menopause. Or as one of our Hotties likes to call it: something to save us from the cycle of “Eat, sleep, rage/rave, repeat”!

Making finance fun and a little less daunting…we have our resident financial expert ~ Danni Watts-Jones ~ she is on hand to help you look after the health of your wealth and money matters, to give you the confidence to navigate life’s financial highs and lows. Financial planning needn’t be a drag!

Visit One Woman…One Vision and watch some video highlights from our spectacular live 100th Issue celebration ~ The Greatest Online Show.

SPECIAL FEATURE ALERT: The Emma Heaven magazine is very proud and excited to open its doors to the EH Art Gallery ~ immerse yourself in our virtual exhibitions, showcasing the creative and imaginative talents expressed by artists, artistes and photographers.

Our inaugural art exhibition is a collection of watercolour and ink landscape paintings by my wonderfully talented Dad ~ Tudor Vaughan.

Enjoy this month’s extravaganza ~ we will be back next month with a fabulous new issue on Monday 15th April.

Be part of something special…and be part of the magic…


Welcome to Issue 107 ~ April 2024: Batshit Crazy

I decided to do an internet search into the meaning behind the phrase ~ Batshit Crazy ~ and this is just a small selection of the colourful definitions I found:

  • Certifiably nuts!
  • Extremely irrational
  • Insane
  • Foolish
  • Uncontrollably wild
  • Strange
  • Extreme madness

Does this sound like anyone you know?

In an ever changing volatile world, life is becoming more bonkers & bizarre by the day.

Are you sick and tired of chaos and all the bullshit that comes with it?

Are we being sucked into the madness of a world that is spinning out of control?

Do we embrace the madness or do we say ‘enough is enough’ and reject it?

We invite you to enter the Dream Factory where you can immerse yourself in our artistic and ingenious photo shoot, complete with a unique ‘behind the scenes’ video.

Enjoy the madness, mischief and mayhem as #TeamHeaven indulge their creativity.

Sit back and watch the magic unfold as we’re about to go Batshit Crazy!

The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies are discussing: “The most batshit crazy things we’ve seen, heard and done!”

The Zodiac Zingers are here to guide your month ahead ~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.

Pull up a pew to read fabulously decadent & divine ‘Lady P’s musings and reminiscences on her moments of madness with fun guys, not that they leave mushroom for imagination…

Brace yourselves for: The Good, The Bad & The Dragly, in Life's A Drag, Come join the party as we enter the fabulously riotous and the (not so) glamorous world of Drag ~ complete with over-the-top tears, possible diva tantrums, laughter, and downright naughty behaviour! What could possibly go wrong?!

This month’s inspirational features:

Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper

‘Menopausal Hotties’ returns with the ‘Hotties Menopause Manual’, where we share our insights on the challenges and joys, capturing the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of the many symptoms of the menopause. Or as one of our Hotties likes to call it: something to save us from the cycle of Eat, sleep, rage/rave, repeat”!

Making finance fun and a little less daunting…we have our resident financial expert ~ Danni Watts-Jones ~ she is on hand to help you look after the health of your wealth and money matters, to give you the confidence to navigate life’s financial highs and lows.

Visit One Woman…One Vision and watch some video highlights from our spectacular live 100th Issue celebration ~ The Greatest Online Show.

SPECIAL FEATURE ALERT: The Emma Heaven magazine is very proud and excited to open its doors to the EH Art Gallery ~ immerse yourself in our virtual exhibitions, showcasing the creative and imaginative talents expressed by artists, artistes and photographers.

Our inaugural art exhibition is a collection of watercolour and ink landscape paintings by my wonderfully talented Dad ~ Tudor Vaughan.

Enjoy this month’s extravaganza ~ we will be back next month with a fabulous new issue on Wednesday 15th May.

Be part of something special…and be part of the magic…


Welcome to Issue 108 ~ May 2024: Zesty

When life gives you lemons, what sort of person are you?

Are you the optimistic type who always strives to make lemonade?

Are you a pessimist who likes to throw a pity party, leaving you looking as though you are constantly sucking on a sherbet lemon?

Or…are you self-destructive? The type who asks for the salt and tequila before swiftly moving onto the gin. And then the vodka, before slowly and completely losing the plot.

We invite you to enter the Dream Factory where you can immerse yourself in our artistic and ingenious photo shoot, complete with a unique ‘behind the scenes’ video.

Enjoy the madness, mischief and mayhem as #TeamHeaven indulge their creativity.

Sit back and watch the magic unfold ~ it’s time to become more zesty…to be bold, energetic and live your best life.

The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies are discussing: “When life gives us lemons, what do we do?”

The Zodiac Zingers are here to guide your month ahead ~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.

Pull up a pew to read fabulously decadent & divine ‘Lady P ~ she’s uncharacteristically waspish this month, yet also more fragrant than her usual self...

Brace yourselves for: The Good, The Bad & The Dragly, in Life's A Drag. Come join the party as we enter the fabulously riotous and the (not so) glamorous world of Drag ~ complete with over-the-top tears, possible diva tantrums, laughter, and downright naughty behaviour! What could possibly go wrong?!

This month’s inspirational features:

Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper

‘Menopausal Hotties’ returns with the ‘Hotties Menopause Manual’, where we share our insights on the challenges and joys, capturing the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of the many symptoms of the menopause. Or as one of our Hotties likes to call it: something to save us from the cycle of Eat, sleep, rage/rave, repeat”!

Making finance fun and a little less daunting…we have our resident financial expert ~ Danni Watts-Jones ~ she is on hand to help you look after the health of your wealth and money matters, to give you the confidence to navigate life’s financial highs and lows.

Visit One Woman…One Vision and watch some video highlights from our spectacular live 100th Issue celebration ~ The Greatest Online Show.

SPECIAL FEATURE ALERT: The Emma Heaven magazine is very proud and excited to open its doors to the EH Art Gallery ~ immerse yourself in our virtual exhibitions, showcasing the creative and imaginative talents expressed by artists, artistes and photographers.

Our inaugural art exhibition is a collection of watercolour and ink landscape paintings by my wonderfully talented Dad ~ Tudor Vaughan.

Enjoy this month’s extravaganza ~ we will be back next month with a fabulous new issue on Monday 17th June.

Be part of something special…and be part of the magic…


Welcome to Issue 109 ~ June 2024: Twaddletosh

Twaddletosh ~ the amalgamation of two of my favourite words: TWADDLE ~ trivial, foolish, gibberish, nonsensical speech or writing, and TOSH ~ pretentious silly talk/writing.

We invite you to enter the Dream Factory where you can immerse yourself in our artistic and ingenious photo shoot, complete with a unique ‘behind the scenes’ video.

The photo shoot is inspired by my love of Alice in Wonderland ~ a colourful story of a bonkers world, full of bonkers people, doing and saying the most bizarre and bonkers things! What’s not to love?!

My character creation is a mashup of Tweedledum and Tweedledee, the Mad Hatter and the Cheshire Cat! The silly and playful antics of Dee & Dum, merge with the eccentric, loud and insane Mad Hatter, topped off with the troublemaking, all-knowing Cheshire Cat with the annoying permanent grin.

I imagine my new character to be an interfering busybody, a grinning buffoon who loves the sound of their own voice, full of self-importance having completely mastered the act of talking crap and turning it into an art form. They think they know it all and constantly talk Twaddletosh.

Sounds much better and politer than bull$hit, doesn’t it? And let’s be honest, we all know someone like this!

I guess Alice isn’t the only one with an overactive, wacky imagination, creating over-the-top, peculiar characters.

Enjoy the madness, mischief and mayhem as #TeamHeaven indulge their creativity.

Sit back and watch the magic unfold ~ welcome to Emmaland!

The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies are discussing: “Wonderful words.”

The Zodiac Zingers are here to guide your month ahead ~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.

Pull up a pew to read fabulously decadent & divine ‘Lady P ~ this month she’s putting herself in the firing line but doesn’t take it lying down ~ so to speak, and is unusually potty-mouthed, albeit vicariously…

Brace yourselves for: The Good, The Bad & The Dragly, in Life's A Drag. Come join the party as we enter the fabulously riotous and the (not so) glamorous world of Drag ~ complete with over-the-top tears, possible diva tantrums, laughter, and downright naughty behaviour! What could possibly go wrong?!

This month’s inspirational features:

Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper

‘Menopausal Hotties’ continues with the ‘Hotties Menopause Manual’, where we share our insights on the challenges and joys, capturing the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of the many symptoms of the menopause. Or as one of our Hotties likes to call it: something to save us from the cycle of Eat, sleep, rage/rave, repeat”!

Making finance fun and a little less daunting…we have our resident financial expert ~ Danni Watts-Jones ~ she is on hand to help you look after the health of your wealth and money matters, to give you the confidence to navigate life’s financial highs and lows, and help us cut through some of the jargon which can seem like gibberish to us non-experts!

Visit One Woman…One Vision and watch some video highlights from our spectacular live 100th Issue celebration ~ The Greatest Online Show.

SPECIAL FEATURE ALERT: The Emma Heaven magazine is very proud and excited to open its doors to the EH Art Gallery ~ immerse yourself in our virtual exhibitions, showcasing the creative and imaginative talents expressed by artists, artistes and photographers.

Our inaugural art exhibition is a collection of watercolour and ink landscape paintings by my wonderfully talented Dad ~ Tudor Vaughan.

Enjoy this month’s extravaganza ~ we will be back next month with a fabulous new issue on Monday 15th July.

COMING SOON: The magazine is thrilled to share with you our exciting news that we will be opening the doors to EH Emporium soon, allowing you to shop our magnificently eclectic range of scented beauty and quirky home fragrance products, plus a plethora of bespoke bags, keyrings and mugs. Follow us on social media for the latest updates.

Be part of something special…and be part of the magic…


Welcome to Issue 110 ~ July 2024: Exotic

What do people mean by exotic? ‘Strange’ or ‘different’, in a striking, unusual or fascinating way.

Sometimes it feels as though we’re living in a boring, bland world, drowning in a sea of beige where people are afraid to be different or to stand out, for fear of being ridiculed or attacked.

What’s so wrong with bright colours, sparkle and a little razzle-dazzle, celebrating our kinks & quirks, our passions, our creativity and our uniqueness?

Are you ready to show off your plumage and ruffle some feathers? Step into the daylight, bask in the glorious colours of nature, strut your stuff and embrace the Exotic as #TeamHeaven indulge their creativity.

The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies are discussing: “What we find exotic.”

The Zodiac Zingers are here to guide your month ahead ~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.

Pull up a pew to read fabulously decadent & divine ‘Lady P ~ did she misread this month’s ‘exotic’ brief for ‘erotic’?! You never know with that beguiling, minxy Mademoiselle!

Brace yourselves for: The Good, The Bad & The Dragly, in Life's A Drag. Come join the party as we enter the fabulously riotous and the (not so) glamorous world of Drag ~ complete with over-the-top tears, possible diva tantrums, laughter, and downright naughty behaviour! What could possibly go wrong?!

This month’s inspirational features:

Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper

‘Menopausal Hotties’ continues with the ‘Hotties Menopause Manual’, where we share our insights on the challenges and joys, capturing the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of the many symptoms of the menopause. Or as one of our Hotties likes to call it: something to save us from the cycle of Eat, sleep, rage/rave, repeat”!

Making finance fun and a little less daunting…we have our resident financial expert ~ Danni Watts-Jones ~ she is on hand to help you look after the health of your wealth and money matters, to give you the confidence to navigate life’s financial highs and lows, and help us cut through some of the jargon which can seem like gibberish to us non-experts!

Visit One Woman…One Vision and watch some video highlights from our spectacular live 100th Issue celebration ~ The Greatest Online Show.

SPECIAL FEATURE ALERT: The Emma Heaven magazine is very proud and excited to open its doors to the EH Art Gallery ~ immerse yourself in our virtual exhibitions, showcasing the creative and imaginative talents expressed by artists, artistes and photographers.

Our inaugural art exhibition is a collection of watercolour and ink landscape paintings by Emma’s wonderfully talented Dad ~ Tudor Vaughan.

COMING SOON: We are thrilled to share some ‘scent-sational’ news with you. We will be opening the doors to our EH Emporium very soon. There you can browse and buy our magnificently eclectic range of scented beauty and quirky home fragrance products, plus a plethora of bespoke bags, keyrings and mugs. Follow us on social media for the latest updates. https://www.facebook.com/emmaheavenu

Enjoy this month’s extravaganza ~ we will be back next month with a fabulous new issue on Thursday 15th August.

Be part of something special…and be part of the magic…