Fashionscopes - May 2021
Just as a horoscope is a short prediction of future events based on the relative positions of the stars and planets at the time of a person’s birth - and we make no judgment if you do or don’t believe. Much...!
So with this in mind, we at have decided to consult with the Fashion gods (yes they do really exist) to see what fashion and beauty looks are essential for your star sign every month.
Failure to comply with your ‘fashionscope’ may result in us calling the fashion police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure and inability to take the mick out of yourself and your wardrobe!
Fashion and beauty should be fun - life’s way too short, so let’s get a grip and don’t take it - or ourselves - too seriously!

The weather may still be a little cold, but now is the time to strike while your fashion is hot. For months now you have been squirreling away all the little treasures you found trawling through the world wide web, whilst languishing on your sofa bored witless & sh*tless, downing yet ANOTHER glass of wine during lockdown; but now, all of your hard squirreling work is about to pay off big time! With socialising firmly back on the cards, it’s time to get out there and parade your fashionista skills to the max. Prepare for lots of adulation from your peers and don’t forget to toast your brilliance sweetie with, yes you’ve guessed it, a LARGE glass of wine. Please squirrel and drink responsibly… #ChinChin

Explore new horizons and discover a whole new world of fashion. It’s time to get out of your comfort zone literally, and abandon the lounge suits in favour of some seriously sharp tailoring which flatters your figure, making you feel like the boss lady you are! Take ownership of your new style and flaunt it with pride. She who dares, wins; and it’s a win-win when you dare to be brave, trying something different, and making a success of it. Could it be that a standing ovation is required from your nearest and dearest, or will a simple ‘wow’ be enough for you? You don’t want to come across as needy, however your fabulousness does need to be recognised! #ApplauseApplause

You are a thrill seeker and nothing gives you greater pleasure than acting a little bit naughty now and again. By this, we mean you like to take a teeny tiny risk that only you know about. For example, you might be quite partial to ‘going commando’… For those of you who are a little less worldly in such departments, this isn’t a fashion statement where you go head to toe in camouflage clothing & makeup sweetie. No no no. ‘Going commando’ is where you go out and about, completely knickerless, feeling pretty good about yourself. Not only does the air circulate more freely, but you also feel like quite the rebel with a (not so) dirty little secret which only you know about! #KnickerThriller

Try some looks out before you make a permanent commitment to a complete image overhaul. Fools rush in and purchase a whole new wardrobe without thinking whether the outfits may or may not suit; not to mention the hairdresser on speed dial with your appointment already booked for you to be bleached, dyed and tinted, with scissors poised to re-do your barnet. In the blink of an eye your crowning glory may run the risk of having to be hidden underneath your vast collection of hats just so you can venture out in public without being laughed at or stared at, resulting in you hot footing it home, to cry into your pillow for the foreseeable. #MomentsOfMadnessHaveConsequences

You find yourself falling head over heels in love with....hats! It may seem a little strange but just go with the flow, as hats can be a wonderful accessory to have in your arsenal. They can elevate an outfit from good to WOW, plus they hide a multitude of sins when it comes to your hair. Sometimes life throws you a curveball and you miss your roots coverup session with your hairdresser, but not even you can brazen and style it out as the latest balayage fashion. And let’s face it...not many people can pull off the greying roots with much aplomb! Just slap on a hat, and kill two birds with one stone. You will look ever so chic, and no longer look unkempt or prematurely older! #BecauseYoureWorthIt

It’s been a while since people have been able to cramp your (fashion) style, however with your social life almost in full bloom this means you have a lot more contact with people who are ready, willing, AND able to p*ss you right off with their nasty comments and sniggers, whilst looking you up and down with their judgmental eyes. You do like to see the best in people, but sometimes a few backbiting, gossiping nasty little b*ggers slip through the net, infiltrate your world, and try to burst your bubble. You can always be diplomatic with the ‘everyone is entitled to their opinion’ spiel however, if diplomacy fails, just politely tell them to f**k off! #DiplomacyIsAnArtform

‘I must try harder’ needs to be your mantra for this month. We know how much you’ve revelled in the lounge suits and comfy clothes, however, now that civilisation is returning to ‘normal’, certain situations do call for you being dressed accordingly, so rocking up to the office for an important meeting in your well-worn yoga pants is not quite the done thing sweetie. You need to focus, or perhaps a little meditation could do the trick in helping you to reassess how you’ve been letting standards in the fashion and beauty departments slip of late. Now is the time to relearn those fashionista skills and stop mooching around like a couch slouch! #GetOffTheSlipperySlopeToSlobsville

Weigh up the expenses and labour involved in revamping your wardrobe. Spring has already sprung, and summer is fast approaching. Last year’s wardrobe no longer fits thanks to lockdown, with you showing off your newly-acquired Mary Berry baking skills, and daytime drinking becoming the ‘new normal’. Concentrate less on the baking ingredients sweetie and more on key items for your wardrobe so you can rebuild that wonderful collection of fashion items that help you look and feel fabulous darling. We know it can be a hard slog looking for the perfect pieces but keep your eyes on the prize - become a bona fide, bodacious fashionista once more! #BuildItUpButtercup

When you feel good, you look good. And now that lockdown is finally (keeping everything crossed) coming to an end, hopefully your life as a semi-sofa loafer has also run its course. Now little butterfly, it’s time to show the world just how fabulous you can look with a riot of colours from clever accessories, rather than yet more food and drink stains slopped over ANOTHER set of day pyjamas. Embrace your wardrobe once more as it will now become an important part of everyday life, and will no longer serve as a sad reminder of the fun days & nights socialising you used to enjoy. Those memories are once again about to become your reality, giving a great cause for celebration; so put on your finest gladrags and get ready to party. #100%FullyCharged

You have a passion for fashion and now thanks to restrictions being lifted you finally get the chance you have waited months for...the right people and location to show off just how incredible your fashion skills have been honed during long nights of boredom with nothing to do other than shop til you drop off to sleep. The hours of trawling the internet will finally pay off and boy are you ready to wow your friends! Your diary is now chock-a-block with pub garden parties a plenty, just don’t forget your brolly, coat, wellies and SPF50. #UnpredictableBritishWeatherNightmare

There is nothing wrong with you sharing your fashion opinions, just don’t be too alarmed when people retaliate with one of their own, and which is the polar opposite of yours. Now we know how you take your fashion ever-so-seriously, which consumes your thoughts for most of the day, HOWEVER, most people couldn’t give a flying chuff if their outfit is ‘so last season’; as long as they look good and feel good, they have zero interest in what’s being shown on the runway as they wouldn’t be seen dead in it walking the high street! Know your audience, and when best to conceal or reveal your inner fashionista snob. #SilenceIsGolden

You may have the urge to splurge on some fabulous new outfits especially since your social calendar is brimming, but just err on the side of caution and don’t go too mad splashing the cash or you may not have enough to actually go out and socialise! There’s nothing worse than having to strictly budget for a night out, going online for the chosen destination’s drinks menu and meticulously calculating just how many drinks you can afford! So sweetie, perhaps just purchase some new accessories to jazz up an old outfit, allowing you unlimited cocktails and maybe some cheeky shots! Anyway, when was the last time you and your pals actually saw each other? You probably barely remember what each other looks like, never mind what’s in your wardrobes!! #FriendsNotTrends
Tags: Fashion scopes