Fashionscopes - April 2020
Just as a horoscope is a short prediction of future events based on the relative positions of the stars and planets at the time of a person’s birth - and we make no judgment if you do or don’t believe. Much...!
So with this in mind, we at have decided to consult with the Fashion gods (yes they do really exist) to see what fashion and beauty looks are essential for your star sign every month.
Failure to comply with your ‘fashionscope’ may result in us calling the fashion police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure and inability to take the mick out of yourself and your wardrobe!
Fashion and beauty should be fun - life’s way too short, so let’s get a grip and don’t take it - or ourselves - too seriously!

You are feeling more than a little misunderstood. You have good intentions and they really do come from the heart, however, the way you execute them can really rub people up the wrong way if you’re not careful. What you really need to ask yourself at a time when people are shielding, social-distancing and/or self-isolating with nowhere to go is - “will they really appreciate your fashion advice via a daily social media live mini-fashion parade of what you should and shouldn’t be wearing during lockdown?” Quite frankly sweetie - nobody gives a sh*t?! Just because you want to look magnificent at ALL times, doesn't mean everyone else shares your philosophy of ‘look good - feel good’. Rest assured though, that we ‘fashion gods’ salute you for ALWAYS putting fashion first! #BusinessAsUsual

This is a pivotal month for you, so use your time wisely. And let’s face it, time is one thing you have in abundance! Without the ability to socialise and show off whilst you’re ‘confined to barracks’ so to speak, instead, you can plan your spring/summer wardrobe with meticulous precision, so that when you finally re-enter the outside world once more, like a caterpillar emerging from its chrysalis, you will be able to dazzle colleagues and friends alike, with your fashionable droolworthy attire. So iPad and large glass of bubbly at the ready, in search of some inspirational ideas and then bookmark those fashion faves, ready to purchase when lockdown ends, from the comfort of your sofa with another well earned glass or two. #NoHurryNoWorry

You’re bubbling over with ideas, along with the rest of the world who have far too much time on their hands! Channel your energy, focus, and put those ideas into practice, as long as they are in line with Government recommendations, OBVIOUSLY! It’s a time to get crafty and we don’t mean devious and cunning. Actually we are encouraging you to get uber-creative. Try some knitting, sewing or crocheting. Just imagine all the cool accessories and clothes you can make for yourself. NOW is the time to unleash your budding designer credentials and show the fashion world just how talented you are, or NOT as the case may be. An added bonus is nobody else will be wearing what you’ve made! Every cloud eh?! #CraftyByNameCraftyByNature

After just coming out of hibernation and ready to face the real world once more, you have been legally forced back in; and while it may not have been your original plan - you’re actually more than ok with it. No major tantrums from you duckie, as you adapt pretty quickly, and hibernation is your default setting as you retreat back into your Cancerian shell. You are more than ready to do your social-distancing, and you just happen to have a never-ending supply of fashionable lounge suits for all occasions, including yoga, TV watching, cooking. You even have a lounge suit especially for the permitted daily dog walking. Now the only thing you need is a dog!! Who knew dog walking could be the new catwalk?! #DogIsForLifeNotJustQuarantine

You are resigned to the fact that it will be a staycation this year, but that shouldn’t deter you from planning a full-on, stay at home vacation (weather permitting obviously!) With a sprinkling of imagination and determination, you could have your holiday of a lifetime without breaking the bank! Now is the time to start rummaging through your wardrobe, finding the essentials and identify what’s missing or needs replacing. Appropriate attire = swimwear, sarongs, kaftans and other cover-ups. If you’re lucky enough to have a garden or balcony, a sun lounger is highly desirable - we strongly suggest a comfortable one (ideally with drinks holder) due to the amount of time you’ll be reclining on it. SPF 50 - even in the UK - who wants to prematurely age and damage their skin? And last but by no means least - a fully loaded cocktail-making kit to help you soak up the ambience. #LongLiveHappyHour

Working from home #WFH is proving to be quite a challenge in the wardrobe department, well at least from the waist/neck up for those infernal Zoom calls! Deep down you know you need to get dressed properly to feel the part, HOWEVER, you’re still managing to function and do your job pretty well whilst (mainly) slumming it in your trusty PJs and they’re ever so comfy. PLUS you can just roll out of bed, switch the computer on and Bob’s your uncle!!! You’re in business. You haven’t needed your usual 3 double espresso shots to wake you up to get dressed. A further bonus? You don’t have the extra worry of what looks good, will it be appropriate, and do I have VPL? And don’t get us started on the hair and makeup! Well isn’t that what the filters are for?! #EveryCloudHasASilverLining

On a day to day level you’re coping magnificently with the current situation. But every now and again, usually in the run up to the weekend, you start to get a little stir crazy, longing for the chance to switch tempo to get dressed up and party. Times may be different, but there is NOTHING stopping you from getting your gladrags on and having a stay at home party. Heck, you can even have a good old boogie with friends via technology. So stop sulking sweetie! Send out the invites for your virtual night in. Plan a killer outfit, complete with outlandish hair and makeup (think 80s glam, it’s such a nostalgic time for all things excessive and expressive). Be outrageous - after all, only those lucky enough to get an invite will see how OTT you look in the confines of your own home. You’re only limited by your imagination. Time to rummage through your wardrobe and get extra creative! Maybe this could become a ‘thing’?! #TrendSetterAlert

A major transformation is occurring as you struggle to fill your days, nights and weekends at home. Whisper it, but you are actually craving structure and order! Robust methods are required - we strongly advise that you set yourself a timetable for every day - get all retro and think back to when you were at school, but an all grown up version! For example, 9am yoga. 10am breakfast. 11am skincare regime. Midday - some ‘culture’ such as daytime TV! 1pm lunch. 2pm wardrobe declutter. 3pm online shopping. 4pm fashion magazine reading. 5pm Dog walking (if no canine is available, we are reliably informed there are virtual dog apps). 6pm happy hour. 7pm evening meal. 8pm wine o’clock. 9pm Netflix & chill!!! And we think we’ll leave it there… Oh and you might want to schedule in some work too if you’re fortunate enough to be able to work from home! #StructureYourSanity

The pressure could get to you this month, therefore, we highly recommend some baking to help you de-stress. Now we know it runs the risk of you piling on the pounds; HOWEVER, hear us out. Baking is calming - almost meditative even - it’s creative, and when everyone in your household congratulates you on your bakery brilliance, well duckie, it really warms the cockles of your heart. Be generous by sharing with others though and save just a little treat for yourself. That way you won’t be cursing your cooking, and spending the remaining weeks shoehorning yourself into elasticated bottoms and covering up a burgeoning midriff with floaty tops! #ALittleOfWhatYouFancyDoesYouGood

Now you may be tempted to join in with a select group of the nation who have decided to flood social media with some uplifting yet ever so slightly cringeworthy home videos - all in the name of cheering up the nation and putting a smile on people’s faces. ONCE YOU START DOWN THE DARK PATH - FOREVER WILL IT DOMINATE YOUR DESTINY (don’t you just love a Star Wars Quote?) The point we’re trying to make sweetie is - life will return to some semblance of normality and when it does, you don’t want to be remembered as the numpty who live streamed from their living room - that video of you ‘Dad-dancing’ at your cousin’s wedding which is still doing the rounds in the family WhatsApp group will pale into insignificance in comparison. Remember: there’s a fine line between fame and notoriety! Certain people should NOT be allowed anywhere near the Wi-Fi!

You can't get to the gym for the foreseeable future, but don’t fret duckie as you’ve already cottoned on that there’s a solution to every problem. First we must congratulate you on having the desire to still go to the gym, whereas most folk are content to sit on the sofa, binge watching Britbox, and occasionally moving to reach for more supplies to sustain them through another boxset marathon. But not you! Oh no! You still bounce out of bed into a fabulous coordinated lycra two-piece, ready to take on the world from the confines of your own home with large bottles of water, tinned foods or anything else that can realistically be used as weights. Whatever you do, please don’t go bench pressing any small children - listen to the voice of experience!! They tend to be fidgety, prone to leakages, and don’t get us started on the ethics and health & safety!!! #LicensedToLycra

You’re usually one of life’s optimistic people, but lately your lower lip has wobbled on more than one occasion, which for you, is a tad disconcerting. This calls for some drastic measures and NO sweetie, we don’t mean crawling into the nearest gin bottle and staying there until lockdown is lifted. Put on your big girl (disco) pants and get dressed in your partying best, remembering to get footloose with the hair and makeup too. You’ll need to look fabulous for what we have in mind! Once you’re hot to trot you’ll be ready for a party - head to the nearest room with some half decent floorspace, turn up the music - preferably 80s disco - get your groove on and dance your socks (and legwarmers) off. Work up a sweat - may the only fever you have during lockdown is a Saturday Night Fever! #LaughterIsTheBestMedicine
Tags: Fashion scopes