Just as a horoscope is a short prediction of future events based on the relative positions of the stars and planets at the time of a person’s birth - and we make no judgment if you do or don’t believe. Much...!
So with this in mind, we at have decided to consult with the Fashion gods (yes they do really exist) to see what fashion and beauty looks are essential for your star sign every month.
Failure to comply with your ‘fashionscope’ may result in us calling the fashion police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure and inability to take the mick out of yourself and your wardrobe!
Fashion and beauty should be fun - life’s way too short, so let’s get a grip and don’t take it - or ourselves - too seriously!
You get your emotional side under control this month having gone through every emotion possible - we’re talking downright frustration - to absolute fury - then feeling tense and stressed - and then finally, overwhelming jubilation as you you manage to finally purchase that elusive handbag you’ve been on the waiting list for, for the last three months! Mission accomplished sweetie. BUT now it’s time to calm down before your GP has to prescribe blood pressure tablets and you end up in hospital where you won’t be able to enjoy the fruits of your labour. Pour yourself a celebratory glass of fizz and start planning when and where you’re going to parade that divine handbag…
#TheHarderTheBattleTheSweeterTheVictory #StressedDistressedButAlwaysWellDressed
Home changes can happen, but not all at once, so pace yourself sweetie. Unfortunately summer is well and truly over (did it ever begin?), and now you need to put all those lovely summer clothes away, so your autumn/winter wardrobe can breathe. This is an arduous task which requires planning, lots of time put aside (remember Rome wasn’t built in a day!), and lots of refreshments and by that, we mean prosecco and LOTS of it! Once you begin there can be no turning back. You need to adopt the British stiff upper lip and power through. Good luck sweetie - see you on the other side...unless you discover Narnia!
#TheWomanTheFizz&TheWardrobe #DeclutterNutter
Recognising your own true value and fashion skills is a defining moment. When those around you would mock your fashion choices and talk in hushed whispers when you entered the room - well sweetie looks who’s laughing now! Those very same people are now hanging on to your every word, turning up to work with screen shots of potential outfits for your approval like you’re some kind of fashion guru - they follow you around like a little lost puppy, hoping that some of your fashion genius will rub off on them. Take it all in your stride darling. You’ve worked hard and now you fully deserve all the compliments and adulation. Now bask in the glory - and surround yourself with bubbles (obviously of the alcohol variety!) and weave your own unique brand of magic...
#BeALeaderNotAFollower #MagicNotTragic
You may think you are an open book but you have a secret side and even though you present this pristine image of perfection to your work colleagues, when you get home it’s an entirely different matter! Off come the fabulous tailored clothes and on go the scruffiest, yet comfiest ‘slob’ clothes possible. The hair goes up in an unflattering scrunchie and off comes the makeup, leaving you looking tired and drawn with bags under your eyes big enough to hide Lord Lucan! Now you are ready to face the fridge, pour that ice cold glass of fizz and assume the ‘I’m not getting up unless it’s an emergency’ position on the sofa. Ah bliss...
#IfOnlyTheyCouldSeeMeNow #SofaLoafer
Someone you love talking to about fashion on a daily basis has done the most unthinkable and selfish act possible. They’ve decided to go backpacking around the Far East to ‘find themselves’ for the next 12 months. Oh for the love of fashion - get a grip! Surely they can find themselves whilst browsing in a department store, or reading Porter magazine for that matter (it covers a huge variety of topics, including travel) AND most importantly, didn’t they put the same level of importance on your little discussions as you! (How flaky!) Well sweetie, at least you now know where you stand! It’s time to be brave and seek out another like-minded individual to restore balance and harmony to you life.
#BelieveInYourInnerFashionista #MadAboutTheGadabout
There’s wild passion on the horizon - it’s inevitable that you are going to want a full on love affair with velvet! You imagine the soft velvety feel of the fabric brushing against your bare skin. Shivers run through your body and you melt into a pool of warm loveliness - oh blessed bliss - you’ve found your happy place and you never want to leave. You need your iPad - fast! You have to shop NOW! You need velvet in your wardrobe - lots and lots of it. You will not be satisfied until you drown in pile of velvet! Where to start? Rest assured sweetie there is an influx of velvet this season, enough to satisfy even the most needy fashionistas. Just take it nice and easy and remember - no impulsive, silly purchases that could end in tears!
#VelvetIsForLifeNotJustAutumn2017 #VelvetCrush❤💕
In love you can see through those who are sent to charm and those who are sincere - the same can be applied to fashion - yes the trends are always exciting, daring and different and if we’re being honest - sometimes they can be a little bonkers - clear PVC thigh-length boots anyone?! Exactly! So even though these things are sent to seduce, don’t be fooled sweetie! Remember the old faithful classics that NEVER let you down - they may not be all singing and dancing but they ALWAYS look good, they ALWAYS flatter your figure and they ALWAYS do the job!
#MamaDidntRaiseNoFool #ThinkClassicNotPlastic
You will have a genius idea of such epic proportions - you just want to shout it from the rooftops and have everyone hear this most fantastic offering that will shoot you into the stratosphere. Geniuses all over the world will welcome you with open arms into ‘the club’ and Anna Wintour will hail you as ‘the next big thing’ in fashion! You imagine the worldwide launch as celebrities clamour for an invite and EVERYONE wants to be your new best friend; and then - you wake up - disorientated and ultimately disappointed when reality sets in and you realise that it was all a dream. You could be be a genius and come up with something that rocks the world of fashion - honestly! Dream on sweetie, dream on….
#GeniusesOnlyNeedApply #SweetSchemesAreMadeOfThese
Your artistic side really comes into play this month with Hallowe’en fast approaching and one hell of a party to attend. What to wear? Oh the possibilities are endless, HOWEVER, please, please, PLEASE do not go for the ‘sexy witch’ costume. It’s tired, boring and totally overdone - we’re so over it sweetie! Be different, be creative and get practising your special effects makeup! You want to dazzle and impress all those who come into contact with you. You can do gory but make sure it’s classy; that way people aren’t either throwing up, screaming, or running scared for their very lives at the mere sight of you. Beware...heed our warning! If you’re looking for inspiration, Heidi Klum is the absolute Queen who rocks Hallowe’en.
#GobsmackedInAGoodWay #KlumItDontSlumIt
Major partnership decisions will arrive this month in the form of knitwear and it’s such a revelation! You’ve never contemplated wearing knitted trousers and skirts before, or even dresses for that matter! A whole new world of wool has suddenly opened up in front of your very eyes and you are flabbergasted at the prospect of marrying different wools and textures together to create some ground breaking ensembles that could quite possibly rock your world and elevate that winter wardrobe from a six to seven on the fashion Richter scale. Embrace the wool sweetie and get knitted and kitted out!
#KnitsAreHits #LessTwitterMoreKnitter
An extra job will boost your bank balance and could also spell a lot of fun. For as long as you can remember - people have sought you out for your opinion on their outfit choices and are always curious as to where you buy your clothes from; and let’s be honest - you’ve even had people trying to emulate your wardrobe choices; so why don’t you profit from your fashionista expertise?! Start your own styling service sweetie! Instead of giving away your knowledge and advice for free, wave your fashion wand and make some extra cash out of it! We’re thinking ‘Project Wardrobe’, where you can plough all that extra money into the two things you love most in the world - fashion shopping and feeling ever so important!
#MakeItHappen #ShockEveryone #FairyFashionGodmother
Instead of cluttering up your mind with too many ideas - just focus on one - otherwise sweetie, you’re going to give yourself a headache and the only time that’s acceptable, is after having consumed an enormous amount of prosecco! So back to your ‘mental drawing board’ and just make one project the centre of attention. Give it all you’ve got until that eureka moment arrives in spectacular style - then nail it - document it - put it to bed and then before moving on to the next project, indulge in the prosecco (lots of it) - get rid of the headache (which is standard procedure) and then you’re ready to face another task!
#StayFocusedAndExtraSparkly #FocusHocusPocus