2025 Article Count: 0
January 2025 Article Count: 10

Welcome to Issue 116 ~ January 2025: Time After Time.
This month’s issue has been inspired by my favourite home-grown British sitcom, Gavin and Stacey. Whilst waiting in anticipation of the final instalment on Christmas Day (along with the rest of the UK), I decided to rewatch the whole series to refresh and tickle my memory!
During one particular episode, the beleaguered, eternally-bickering couple Dawn and Pete kiss and make up by crooning Cyndi Lauper's Time After Time to each other. It truly is a hilarious cringe-fest of epic proportions and one which needs to be seen to be believed!
After the belly laughs subsided, I was reminded of how much I love that song, and upon further investigation, I discovered the true meaning and story of its creation. Simply put, it's a love song about a devoted relationship between two people ~ its poignant, powerful lyrics really resonated with me:
~ ~
If you're lost you can look and you will find me
Time after time
If you fall I will catch you, I'll be waiting
Time after time
~ ~
Not everyone is fortunate enough to have that special someone, that amazing selfless person who is always there for you in your time of need when you need love, support, help, advice, understanding and a strong pair of arms to catch you when you fall, or to wrap around you when you need to feel safe.
So my message would be if you find that special significant person, treat them right, hold on to them tightly, and never let go of them!
Enter the Dream Factory to watch the magic unfold as #TeamHeaven indulge their creativity and conjure up a magical moment in time…
Featuring this month:
The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies are discussing: “Iconic couples.”
The Zodiac Zingers are here to guide your month ahead ~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.
Pull up a pew to read fabulously decadent & divine ‘Lady P ~ new year, new quest? Or different year, and same old quest? Or even ‘out with the new, and in with the old’? Only Lady P could get so entangled on the horns of a dilemma, and sidetracked…Or is that some seriously Sloaney side-eye and shade she’s throwing?!
Brace yourselves for: The Good, The Bad & The Dragly, in Life's A Drag. Come join the party as we enter the fabulously riotous and the (not so) glamorous world of Drag ~ complete with over-the-top tears, possible diva tantrums, laughter, and downright naughty behaviour! What could possibly go wrong?!
Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
‘Menopausal Hotties’ where we share our insights on the challenges and joys, capturing the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of the many symptoms of the menopause. Or as one of our Hotties likes to call it: something to save us from the cycle of “Eat, sleep, rage/rave, repeat”!
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza ~ we will be back next month with a fabulous new issue on Monday 17th February.
Be part of something special…and be part of the magic…
2024 Article Count: 0
January 2024 Article Count: 11

Welcome to Issue 104 ~ January 2024: Mirror
Let’s begin by inviting you to enter this month’s Dream Factory ~ Mirror ~ which asks the question: “When you look in the mirror, are you happy with the reflection you see, or do you long to see another reflection staring back?”
It’s about time we gave zero f*cks about what society thinks we should look like and proudly celebrate being unique. Growing old is a privilege ~ a gift that not everyone is lucky enough to receive ~ so this photoshoot is an experiment with how I want my reflection to look.
The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies are discussing: “Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of us all?”
The Zodiac Zingers are here to guide your month ahead ~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.
Pull up a pew to read fabulously decadent & divine ‘Lady P’s hot off the press reflections. This month she’s saltily musing about mirrors, makeup, manscaping, mere mortals, and the surreality of social media and superstitions. Spare a thought ~ and a few quid ~ for the grifters whose money-making days seem to be numbered…
Brace yourselves for: The Good, The Bad & The Dragly, in Life's A Drag, Come join the party as we enter the fabulously riotous and the (not so) glamorous world of Drag ~ complete with over the top tears, possible diva tantrums, laughter and downright naughty behaviour! What could possibly go wrong?!
This month’s inspirational features:
Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
‘Menopausal Hotties’ returns with the ‘Hotties Menopause Manual’, where we share our insights on the challenges and joys, capturing the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of the many symptoms of the menopause. Or as one of our Hotties likes to call it: something to save us from the cycle of “Eat, sleep, rage/rave, repeat”!
Making finance fun and a little less daunting…we have our resident financial expert ~ Danni Watts-Jones ~ she is on hand to help you look after the health of your wealth and money matters, to give you the confidence to navigate life’s financial highs and lows. Will this month’s column give you something to reflect upon…?
Visit One Woman…One Vision and watch some video highlights from our spectacular live 100th Issue celebration ~ The Greatest Online Show.
NEW FEATURE ALERT: The Emma Heaven magazine is very proud and excited to open its doors to the EH Art Gallery ~ immerse yourself in our virtual exhibitions, showcasing the creative and imaginative talents expressed by artists, artistes and photographers.
Our inaugural art exhibition is a collection of watercolour and ink landscape paintings by my wonderfully talented Dad ~ Tudor Vaughan.
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza ~ we will be back next month with a fabulous new issue on Thursday 15th February.
Be part of something special…and be part of the magic…
February 2024 Article Count: 11

Welcome to Issue 105 ~ February 2024: Clown World
Let’s begin by inviting you to enter this month’s Dream Factory ~ Clown World.
If you’re of a certain age, you’re probably in a state of shock at how the world is progressing and are longing for the carefree days of your youth.
We now live in a world:
- That demands people dance the ‘wokey cokey’
- Where feelings trump facts, no pun intended...
- Where our minds are manipulated and bombarded with propaganda
We now live in a clown world where:
- MY truth matters MORE than THE truth
- Mob culture rules - coordinating pile ons and take-downs; but who is the current dominant mob and who are they disagreeing with now?
- We are being forced to take sides as the clowns proceed to divide and conquer
It’s not so much the lunatics taking over the asylum. If we let them, it’s the clowns who will take over, turning our world into a circus, hard to escape from. Alas, there are far too many vying for that ring master’s job.
Do you want to join the circus? Or do you wish the circus would pack up and leave town?
The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies are discussing: “Before the world became a circus.”
The Zodiac Zingers are here to guide your month ahead ~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.
Pull up a pew to read fabulously decadent & divine ‘Lady P’s musings on the clowns which abound in the dating world and beyond. They’re not just confined to the circus, so stay on your guard with her handy guide on how to spot them!.
Brace yourselves for: The Good, The Bad & The Dragly, in Life's A Drag, Come join the party as we enter the fabulously riotous and the (not so) glamorous world of Drag ~ complete with over the top tears, possible diva tantrums, laughter and downright naughty behaviour! What could possibly go wrong?!
This month’s inspirational features:
Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
‘Menopausal Hotties’ returns with the ‘Hotties Menopause Manual’, where we share our insights on the challenges and joys, capturing the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of the many symptoms of the menopause. Or as one of our Hotties likes to call it: something to save us from the cycle of “Eat, sleep, rage/rave, repeat”!
Making finance fun and a little less daunting…we have our resident financial expert ~ Danni Watts-Jones ~ she is on hand to help you look after the health of your wealth and money matters, to give you the confidence to navigate life’s financial highs and lows.
Visit One Woman…One Vision and watch some video highlights from our spectacular live 100th Issue celebration ~ The Greatest Online Show.
NEW FEATURE ALERT: The Emma Heaven magazine is very proud and excited to open its doors to the EH Art Gallery ~ immerse yourself in our virtual exhibitions, showcasing the creative and imaginative talents expressed by artists, artistes and photographers.
Our inaugural art exhibition is a collection of watercolour and ink landscape paintings by my wonderfully talented Dad ~ Tudor Vaughan.
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza ~ we will be back next month with a fabulous new issue on Friday 15th March.
Be part of something special…and be part of the magic…
March 2024 Article Count: 11

Welcome to Issue 106 ~ March 2024: War Paint
Let’s begin by inviting you to enter this month’s Dream Factory ~ War Paint.
Your journey through life can be a bit of a rollercoaster ride, littered with tough times, emotional upsets and problems that need solving. In my opinion it’s always best to tackle and face them head-on whilst looking and feeling fabulous!
When preparing for confrontation, a little war paint and/or a killer outfit will most certainly give you an edge. You look the part and feel powerful which most definitely fuels the confidence needed to take on any battle, on any given day that may come your way.
Nobody quite does elaborate or excessive war paint like a Drag Queen, so let’s bring on our Drag Soldiers as they get ready to kick a little ass and take on the world!
The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies are discussing: “War paint is my armour.”
The Zodiac Zingers are here to guide your month ahead ~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.
Pull up a pew to read fabulously decadent & divine ‘Lady P’s musings on womenly wiles, warpaint, warpaths and anchors…Now if only there were a micellar water to erase muppets, not that she’s mentioning any names…
Brace yourselves for: The Good, The Bad & The Dragly, in Life's A Drag, Come join the party as we enter the fabulously riotous and the (not so) glamorous world of Drag ~ complete with over-the-top tears, possible diva tantrums, laughter, and downright naughty behaviour! What could possibly go wrong?!
This month’s inspirational features:
Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
‘Menopausal Hotties’ returns with the ‘Hotties Menopause Manual’, where we share our insights on the challenges and joys, capturing the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of the many symptoms of the menopause. Or as one of our Hotties likes to call it: something to save us from the cycle of “Eat, sleep, rage/rave, repeat”!
Making finance fun and a little less daunting…we have our resident financial expert ~ Danni Watts-Jones ~ she is on hand to help you look after the health of your wealth and money matters, to give you the confidence to navigate life’s financial highs and lows. Financial planning needn’t be a drag!
Visit One Woman…One Vision and watch some video highlights from our spectacular live 100th Issue celebration ~ The Greatest Online Show.
SPECIAL FEATURE ALERT: The Emma Heaven magazine is very proud and excited to open its doors to the EH Art Gallery ~ immerse yourself in our virtual exhibitions, showcasing the creative and imaginative talents expressed by artists, artistes and photographers.
Our inaugural art exhibition is a collection of watercolour and ink landscape paintings by my wonderfully talented Dad ~ Tudor Vaughan.
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza ~ we will be back next month with a fabulous new issue on Monday 15th April.
Be part of something special…and be part of the magic…
April 2024 Article Count: 11

Welcome to Issue 107 ~ April 2024: Batshit Crazy
I decided to do an internet search into the meaning behind the phrase ~ Batshit Crazy ~ and this is just a small selection of the colourful definitions I found:
- Certifiably nuts!
- Extremely irrational
- Insane
- Foolish
- Uncontrollably wild
- Strange
- Extreme madness
Does this sound like anyone you know?
In an ever changing volatile world, life is becoming more bonkers & bizarre by the day.
Are you sick and tired of chaos and all the bullshit that comes with it?
Are we being sucked into the madness of a world that is spinning out of control?
Do we embrace the madness or do we say ‘enough is enough’ and reject it?
We invite you to enter the Dream Factory where you can immerse yourself in our artistic and ingenious photo shoot, complete with a unique ‘behind the scenes’ video.
Enjoy the madness, mischief and mayhem as #TeamHeaven indulge their creativity.
Sit back and watch the magic unfold as we’re about to go Batshit Crazy!
The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies are discussing: “The most batshit crazy things we’ve seen, heard and done!”
The Zodiac Zingers are here to guide your month ahead ~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.
Pull up a pew to read fabulously decadent & divine ‘Lady P’s musings and reminiscences on her moments of madness with fun guys, not that they leave mushroom for imagination…
Brace yourselves for: The Good, The Bad & The Dragly, in Life's A Drag, Come join the party as we enter the fabulously riotous and the (not so) glamorous world of Drag ~ complete with over-the-top tears, possible diva tantrums, laughter, and downright naughty behaviour! What could possibly go wrong?!
This month’s inspirational features:
Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
‘Menopausal Hotties’ returns with the ‘Hotties Menopause Manual’, where we share our insights on the challenges and joys, capturing the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of the many symptoms of the menopause. Or as one of our Hotties likes to call it: something to save us from the cycle of “Eat, sleep, rage/rave, repeat”!
Making finance fun and a little less daunting…we have our resident financial expert ~ Danni Watts-Jones ~ she is on hand to help you look after the health of your wealth and money matters, to give you the confidence to navigate life’s financial highs and lows.
Visit One Woman…One Vision and watch some video highlights from our spectacular live 100th Issue celebration ~ The Greatest Online Show.
SPECIAL FEATURE ALERT: The Emma Heaven magazine is very proud and excited to open its doors to the EH Art Gallery ~ immerse yourself in our virtual exhibitions, showcasing the creative and imaginative talents expressed by artists, artistes and photographers.
Our inaugural art exhibition is a collection of watercolour and ink landscape paintings by my wonderfully talented Dad ~ Tudor Vaughan.
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza ~ we will be back next month with a fabulous new issue on Wednesday 15th May.
Be part of something special…and be part of the magic…
May 2024 Article Count: 11

Welcome to Issue 108 ~ May 2024: Zesty
When life gives you lemons, what sort of person are you?
Are you the optimistic type who always strives to make lemonade?
Are you a pessimist who likes to throw a pity party, leaving you looking as though you are constantly sucking on a sherbet lemon?
Or…are you self-destructive? The type who asks for the salt and tequila before swiftly moving onto the gin. And then the vodka, before slowly and completely losing the plot.
We invite you to enter the Dream Factory where you can immerse yourself in our artistic and ingenious photo shoot, complete with a unique ‘behind the scenes’ video.
Enjoy the madness, mischief and mayhem as #TeamHeaven indulge their creativity.
Sit back and watch the magic unfold ~ it’s time to become more zesty…to be bold, energetic and live your best life.
The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies are discussing: “When life gives us lemons, what do we do?”
The Zodiac Zingers are here to guide your month ahead ~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.
Pull up a pew to read fabulously decadent & divine ‘Lady P ~ she’s uncharacteristically waspish this month, yet also more fragrant than her usual self...
Brace yourselves for: The Good, The Bad & The Dragly, in Life's A Drag. Come join the party as we enter the fabulously riotous and the (not so) glamorous world of Drag ~ complete with over-the-top tears, possible diva tantrums, laughter, and downright naughty behaviour! What could possibly go wrong?!
This month’s inspirational features:
Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
‘Menopausal Hotties’ returns with the ‘Hotties Menopause Manual’, where we share our insights on the challenges and joys, capturing the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of the many symptoms of the menopause. Or as one of our Hotties likes to call it: something to save us from the cycle of “Eat, sleep, rage/rave, repeat”!
Making finance fun and a little less daunting…we have our resident financial expert ~ Danni Watts-Jones ~ she is on hand to help you look after the health of your wealth and money matters, to give you the confidence to navigate life’s financial highs and lows.
Visit One Woman…One Vision and watch some video highlights from our spectacular live 100th Issue celebration ~ The Greatest Online Show.
SPECIAL FEATURE ALERT: The Emma Heaven magazine is very proud and excited to open its doors to the EH Art Gallery ~ immerse yourself in our virtual exhibitions, showcasing the creative and imaginative talents expressed by artists, artistes and photographers.
Our inaugural art exhibition is a collection of watercolour and ink landscape paintings by my wonderfully talented Dad ~ Tudor Vaughan.
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza ~ we will be back next month with a fabulous new issue on Monday 17th June.
Be part of something special…and be part of the magic…
June 2024 Article Count: 11

Welcome to Issue 109 ~ June 2024: Twaddletosh
Twaddletosh ~ the amalgamation of two of my favourite words: TWADDLE ~ trivial, foolish, gibberish, nonsensical speech or writing, and TOSH ~ pretentious silly talk/writing.
We invite you to enter the Dream Factory where you can immerse yourself in our artistic and ingenious photo shoot, complete with a unique ‘behind the scenes’ video.
The photo shoot is inspired by my love of Alice in Wonderland ~ a colourful story of a bonkers world, full of bonkers people, doing and saying the most bizarre and bonkers things! What’s not to love?!
My character creation is a mashup of Tweedledum and Tweedledee, the Mad Hatter and the Cheshire Cat! The silly and playful antics of Dee & Dum, merge with the eccentric, loud and insane Mad Hatter, topped off with the troublemaking, all-knowing Cheshire Cat with the annoying permanent grin.
I imagine my new character to be an interfering busybody, a grinning buffoon who loves the sound of their own voice, full of self-importance having completely mastered the act of talking crap and turning it into an art form. They think they know it all and constantly talk Twaddletosh.
Sounds much better and politer than bull$hit, doesn’t it? And let’s be honest, we all know someone like this!
I guess Alice isn’t the only one with an overactive, wacky imagination, creating over-the-top, peculiar characters.
Enjoy the madness, mischief and mayhem as #TeamHeaven indulge their creativity.
Sit back and watch the magic unfold ~ welcome to Emmaland!
The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies are discussing: “Wonderful words.”
The Zodiac Zingers are here to guide your month ahead ~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.
Pull up a pew to read fabulously decadent & divine ‘Lady P ~ this month she’s putting herself in the firing line but doesn’t take it lying down ~ so to speak, and is unusually potty-mouthed, albeit vicariously…
Brace yourselves for: The Good, The Bad & The Dragly, in Life's A Drag. Come join the party as we enter the fabulously riotous and the (not so) glamorous world of Drag ~ complete with over-the-top tears, possible diva tantrums, laughter, and downright naughty behaviour! What could possibly go wrong?!
This month’s inspirational features:
Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
‘Menopausal Hotties’ continues with the ‘Hotties Menopause Manual’, where we share our insights on the challenges and joys, capturing the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of the many symptoms of the menopause. Or as one of our Hotties likes to call it: something to save us from the cycle of “Eat, sleep, rage/rave, repeat”!
Making finance fun and a little less daunting…we have our resident financial expert ~ Danni Watts-Jones ~ she is on hand to help you look after the health of your wealth and money matters, to give you the confidence to navigate life’s financial highs and lows, and help us cut through some of the jargon which can seem like gibberish to us non-experts!
Visit One Woman…One Vision and watch some video highlights from our spectacular live 100th Issue celebration ~ The Greatest Online Show.
SPECIAL FEATURE ALERT: The Emma Heaven magazine is very proud and excited to open its doors to the EH Art Gallery ~ immerse yourself in our virtual exhibitions, showcasing the creative and imaginative talents expressed by artists, artistes and photographers.
Our inaugural art exhibition is a collection of watercolour and ink landscape paintings by my wonderfully talented Dad ~ Tudor Vaughan.
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza ~ we will be back next month with a fabulous new issue on Monday 15th July.
COMING SOON: The magazine is thrilled to share with you our exciting news that we will be opening the doors to EH Emporium soon, allowing you to shop our magnificently eclectic range of scented beauty and quirky home fragrance products, plus a plethora of bespoke bags, keyrings and mugs. Follow us on social media for the latest updates.
Be part of something special…and be part of the magic…
July 2024 Article Count: 11

Welcome to Issue 110 ~ July 2024: Exotic
What do people mean by exotic? ‘Strange’ or ‘different’, in a striking, unusual or fascinating way.
Sometimes it feels as though we’re living in a boring, bland world, drowning in a sea of beige where people are afraid to be different or to stand out, for fear of being ridiculed or attacked.
What’s so wrong with bright colours, sparkle and a little razzle-dazzle, celebrating our kinks & quirks, our passions, our creativity and our uniqueness?
Are you ready to show off your plumage and ruffle some feathers? Step into the daylight, bask in the glorious colours of nature, strut your stuff and embrace the Exotic as #TeamHeaven indulge their creativity.
The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies are discussing: “What we find exotic.”
The Zodiac Zingers are here to guide your month ahead ~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.
Pull up a pew to read fabulously decadent & divine ‘Lady P ~ did she misread this month’s ‘exotic’ brief for ‘erotic’?! You never know with that beguiling, minxy Mademoiselle!
Brace yourselves for: The Good, The Bad & The Dragly, in Life's A Drag. Come join the party as we enter the fabulously riotous and the (not so) glamorous world of Drag ~ complete with over-the-top tears, possible diva tantrums, laughter, and downright naughty behaviour! What could possibly go wrong?!
This month’s inspirational features:
Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
‘Menopausal Hotties’ continues with the ‘Hotties Menopause Manual’, where we share our insights on the challenges and joys, capturing the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of the many symptoms of the menopause. Or as one of our Hotties likes to call it: something to save us from the cycle of “Eat, sleep, rage/rave, repeat”!
Making finance fun and a little less daunting…we have our resident financial expert ~ Danni Watts-Jones ~ she is on hand to help you look after the health of your wealth and money matters, to give you the confidence to navigate life’s financial highs and lows, and help us cut through some of the jargon which can seem like gibberish to us non-experts!
Visit One Woman…One Vision and watch some video highlights from our spectacular live 100th Issue celebration ~ The Greatest Online Show.
SPECIAL FEATURE ALERT: The Emma Heaven magazine is very proud and excited to open its doors to the EH Art Gallery ~ immerse yourself in our virtual exhibitions, showcasing the creative and imaginative talents expressed by artists, artistes and photographers.
Our inaugural art exhibition is a collection of watercolour and ink landscape paintings by Emma’s wonderfully talented Dad ~ Tudor Vaughan.
COMING SOON: We are thrilled to share some ‘scent-sational’ news with you. We will be opening the doors to our EH Emporium very soon. There you can browse and buy our magnificently eclectic range of scented beauty and quirky home fragrance products, plus a plethora of bespoke bags, keyrings and mugs. Follow us on social media for the latest updates. https://www.facebook.com/emmaheavenu
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza ~ we will be back next month with a fabulous new issue on Thursday 15th August.
Be part of something special…and be part of the magic…
August 2024 Article Count: 11

Welcome to Issue 111 ~ August 2024: Tin Hatter
This issue is called Tin Hatter and it’s ALL about conspiracy theories.
Who doesn’t love a good conspiracy theory ~ they really get the grey matter going ~ igniting our inquisitive minds?!
Conspiracy theories lurk everywhere and cover a dizzying array of utterly bonkers topics.
Realistically, not all are plausible ~ a lot are sinister and some are completely bat shit crazy ~ but that’s what makes them so enticing and fascinating.
Are you loyal to the tin foil? Or do you think it’s all a load of old Twaddletosh?
- Do you believe the earth is flat?
- Is Elvis still alive?
- Did Lee Harvey Oswald really kill JFK with a magic bullet?
- Did man really land on the moon?
- What actually happened to flight MH370?
- Is the pharmaceutical industry suppressing a cure for cancer?
- What does go on at Area 51?
- Was Princess Diana’s death an accident?
- Where is Lord Lucan?
- Is there a Deep State or a New World Order?
The list of conspiracy theories is endless, and grows daily making it all too easy to dismiss them as unhinged beliefs held by paranoid idiots, but that would be to seriously underestimate them.
Assume nothing and as Albert Einstein once said ~ “question everything”.
Enter the Dream Factory and watch the magic unfold as #TeamHeaven indulge their creativity. Meanwhile, can someone tell me where did I put my tin hat?!
The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies are discussing: “Conspiracy Theories.”
The Zodiac Zingers are here to guide your month ahead ~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.
Pull up a pew to read fabulously decadent & divine ‘Lady P ~ she has a few conspiracy theories to share too. Or maybe they’re not. Truth can sometimes be stranger than fiction…
Brace yourselves for: The Good, The Bad & The Dragly, in Life's A Drag. Come join the party as we enter the fabulously riotous and the (not so) glamorous world of Drag ~ complete with over-the-top tears, possible diva tantrums, laughter, and downright naughty behaviour! What could possibly go wrong?!
This month’s inspirational features:
Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
‘Menopausal Hotties’ continues with the ‘Hotties Menopause Manual’, where we share our insights on the challenges and joys, capturing the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of the many symptoms of the menopause. Or as one of our Hotties likes to call it: something to save us from the cycle of “Eat, sleep, rage/rave, repeat”!
Making finance fun and a little less daunting…we have our resident financial expert ~ Danni Watts-Jones ~ she is on hand to help you look after the health of your wealth and money matters, to give you the confidence to navigate life’s financial highs and lows, and help us cut through some of the jargon which can seem like gibberish to us non-experts!
Visit One Woman…One Vision and watch some video highlights from our spectacular live 100th Issue celebration ~ The Greatest Online Show.
SPECIAL FEATURE ALERT: The Emma Heaven magazine is very proud and excited to open its doors to the EH Art Gallery ~ immerse yourself in our virtual exhibitions, showcasing the creative and imaginative talents expressed by artists, artistes and photographers.
Our inaugural art exhibition is a collection of watercolour and ink landscape paintings by Emma’s wonderfully talented Dad ~ Tudor Vaughan.
COMING SOON: We are thrilled to share some ‘scent-sational’ news with you. We will be opening the doors to our EH Emporium very soon. There you can browse and buy our magnificently eclectic range of scented beauty and quirky home fragrance products, plus a plethora of bespoke bags, keyrings and mugs. Follow us on social media for the latest updates. https://www.facebook.com/emmaheavenuk
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza ~ we will be back next month with a fabulous new issue on Monday 16th September.
Be part of something special…and be part of the magic…
September 2024 Article Count: 10

Welcome to Issue 112 ~ September 2024: Emotion Potions
This month’s issue is called: Emotion Potions. But what is an emotion?
An emotion is a strong feeling deriving from one’s circumstances, mood, or relationships with others.
Emotions are subjective and can be short-lived responses or a long-lasting effect caused by an underlying mood ~ and in an era of rising tensions and negativity, the quality of our emotional health is essential to our health and wellbeing.
Enter the Dream Factory to watch the magic unfold as #TeamHeaven indulge their creativity as they conjure up a magical and emotional photo shoot.
We have also created our very own range of Emotion Potions designed to spark positivity and stimulate your senses with scents which have the power to evoke vivid memories and modulate your mood. Look out for a very special announcement as they will be available very soon!
The cauldron is brewing and bubbling with our magical Emotion Potions, full to bursting with Mother Nature’s therapeutic, mood-enhancing scents which will help you navigate the complex journey of life, as you fly by the seat of your pants, rushing headlong into the scary unknown ~ much like a runaway emotional rollercoaster ride filled with ups, downs, twists, turns, and trials and tribulations.
Choose optimism and positivity ~ it feels better!
Featuring this month:
The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies are discussing: “Dealing with our emotions.”
The Zodiac Zingers are here to guide your month ahead ~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.
Pull up a pew to read fabulously decadent & divine ‘Lady P ~ this month she confides the full range of her emotions, which come up with remarkable regularity, along with some salacious shopping suggestions. She’s forever an enigma is that one!
Brace yourselves for: The Good, The Bad & The Dragly, in Life's A Drag. Come join the party as we enter the fabulously riotous and the (not so) glamorous world of Drag ~ complete with over-the-top tears, possible diva tantrums, laughter, and downright naughty behaviour! What could possibly go wrong?!
Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
‘Menopausal Hotties’ continues with the ‘Hotties Menopause Manual’, where we share our insights on the challenges and joys, capturing the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of the many symptoms of the menopause. Or as one of our Hotties likes to call it: something to save us from the cycle of “Eat, sleep, rage/rave, repeat”!
SPECIAL FEATURE ALERT: The Emma Heaven magazine is very proud and excited to open its doors to the EH Art Gallery ~ immerse yourself in our virtual exhibitions, showcasing the creative and imaginative talents expressed by artists, artistes and photographers.
Our inaugural art exhibition is a collection of watercolour and ink landscape paintings by Emma’s wonderfully talented Dad ~ Tudor Vaughan.
COMING SOON: We are thrilled to share some ‘scent-sational’ news with you. We will be opening the doors to our EH Emporium very soon. There you can browse and buy our magnificently eclectic range of scented beauty and quirky home fragrance products, plus a plethora of bespoke bags, keyrings and mugs. Follow us on social media for the latest updates. https://www.facebook.com/emmaheavenuk
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza ~ we will be back next month with a fabulous new issue on Tuesday 15th October.
Be part of something special…and be part of the magic…
October 2024 Article Count: 11

Welcome to Issue 113 ~ October 2024: Treasure
This month’s issue is called: Treasure.
What do you see as treasure? Money, jewels, precious metals and gems?
Or are you more like me?
The greatest treasures in my life are love, family and good health.
These things are far more valuable than any trinkets and totally irreplaceable, but just like hidden treasure, first they need to be discovered before they can be cared for and appreciated.
There is a beautiful Welsh hymn ~ Calon Lȃn ~ which is a treasure all of its own!.
Nid wy'n gofyn bywyd moethus, Aur y byd na'i berlau mân:
Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon lân.
Calon lân yn llawn daioni, tecach yw na'r lili dlos:
Dim ond calon lân all ganu canu'r dydd a chanu'r nos.
Pe dymunwn olud bydol, hedyn buan ganddo sydd;
Golud calon lân, rinweddol, yn dwyn bythol elw fydd.
Hwyr a bore fy nymuniad gwyd i'r nef ar edyn cân
Ar i Dduw, er mwyn fy Ngheidwad, roddi i mi galon lân.
Translated into English:
I don't ask for a luxurious life the world's gold or its fine pearls,
I ask for a happy heart, an honest heart, a pure heart.
A pure heart full of goodness is fairer than the pretty lily,
None but a pure heart can sing, sing in the day and sing in the night.
If I wished for worldly wealth, it would swiftly go to seed;
The riches of a virtuous, pure heart will bear eternal profit.
Evening and morning, my wish rising to heaven on the wing of song for God, for the sake of my saviour to give me a pure heart.
My advice would be to stop obsessing over material wealth, and to embrace ~ the beauty of nature ~ the joy of friends ~ the love of family ~ the thrill of learning.
All the money in the world cannot buy us love, happiness or health.
So let us be grateful for what we do have and treasure it!
Enter the Dream Factory to watch the magic unfold as #TeamHeaven indulge their creativity and search for hidden treasure, the old-fashioned way ~ pirate style!
Featuring this month:
The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies are discussing: “Our greatest treasures in life.”
The Zodiac Zingers are here to guide your month ahead ~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.
Pull up a pew to read fabulously decadent & divine ‘Lady P ~ to find out if it’s Daddy putting the ‘irate’ into ‘pirate’? Or if she’s lining up her ducks to become a National Treasure…
Brace yourselves for: The Good, The Bad & The Dragly, in Life's A Drag. Come join the party as we enter the fabulously riotous and the (not so) glamorous world of Drag ~ complete with over-the-top tears, possible diva tantrums, laughter, and downright naughty behaviour! What could possibly go wrong?!
Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
‘Menopausal Hotties’ continues with the ‘Hotties Menopause Manual’, where we share our insights on the challenges and joys, capturing the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of the many symptoms of the menopause. Or as one of our Hotties likes to call it: something to save us from the cycle of “Eat, sleep, rage/rave, repeat”!
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza ~ we will be back next month with a fabulous new issue on Friday 15th November.
Be part of something special…and be part of the magic…
November 2024 Article Count: 10

Welcome to Issue 114 ~ November 2024: Welsh Rare-Bits
This month’s issue is called: Welsh Rare-Bits.
But what exactly is Welsh Rare-Bit?
Well besides a ’rarebit’ being the tastiest, cheesiest, toastiest, most scrumptious, suppertime snack of all time, Welsh Rare-Bits are all the wonderful things that make our glorious country Wales, so special and unique, and makes us oh so proud to be Welsh!
Let’s start with its spectacularly beautiful scenery: The majestic Yr Wyddfa (Snowdon) mountain, the dramatic Bannau Brycheiniog (Brecon Beacons), the stunning coastlines and our outstanding natural beauty spots.
Wales is the land of:
- creatively-talented legends: Sir Tom Jones, Sir Anthony Hopkins, Dame Shirley Bassey, Michael Sheen, Richard Burton and Dylan Thomas.
- castles and dragons - even our national flag is emblazoned with one!
- song - from the amazing Sir Tom to the Manic Street Preachers, Charlotte Church, aka the voice of an Angel, and the absolutely mesmerising male voice choirs!
- culinary gems and delicacies such as Welsh cakes (fresh off the griddle - accept nothing less!), cockles, laverbread (not a bread but a seaweed), bara brith, cawl and Glamorgan sausage.
And putting Wales on the international stage we can give thanks to the popular and oh so funny TV sitcom, Gavin & Stacey, co-written by Welsh talent Ruth Jones (with James Corden). Hollywood’s A-lister actors Ryan Reynolds (Deadpool) and Rob McElhenny who jointly bought Wrexham Football Club to elevate it from a lowly National league position to EFL’s League 1, and not forgetting Swansea’s very own Catherine Zeta-Jones who nailed the big screen - and Hollywood acting legend - Michael Douglas…
And last but by no means least we have the sheep! Or maybe that’s a conversation for a later day, and a later hour, after the watershed…!
Enter the Dream Factory to watch the magic unfold as #TeamHeaven indulge their creativity and bring to life, the famous Welsh Dragon.
Featuring this month:
The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies are discussing: “The Rare-Bits that make Wales’ Best Bits.”
The Zodiac Zingers are here to guide your month ahead ~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.
Pull up a pew to read fabulously decadent & divine ‘Lady P ~ this month she’s getting her tongue around the Welsh language along some other Welsh delicacies. In the words of Sir Tom Jones: “What’s new pussycat?”
Brace yourselves for: The Good, The Bad & The Dragly, in Life's A Drag. Come join the party as we enter the fabulously riotous and the (not so) glamorous world of Drag ~ complete with over-the-top tears, possible diva tantrums, laughter, and downright naughty behaviour! What could possibly go wrong?!
Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
‘Menopausal Hotties’ continues with the final instalment of the ‘Hotties Menopause Manual’, where we share our insights on the challenges and joys, capturing the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of the many symptoms of the menopause. Or as one of our Hotties likes to call it: something to save us from the cycle of “Eat, sleep, rage/rave, repeat”!
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza ~ we will be back next month with a fabulous new issue on Monday 16th December.
Be part of something special…and be part of the magic…
December 2024 Article Count: 10

Welcome to Issue 115 ~ December 2024: Squdgy Bear.
This month’s issue is called Squdgy Bear, because quite simply, I love nothing more than a squdge ~ a cuddly combination of a squeeze and a hug; and nothing feels quite as good as being enveloped in a great big ginormously huge squdge!
I first came across this word whilst watching the film Hook, starring Robin Williams ~ being more than a little obsessed with all things Peter Pan, I completely fell head over heels in love with the word and the concept.
A squdge can be more powerful and meaningful than a thousand words ~ they are the perfect way to show love and understanding when we just can’t find the words to express ourselves.
Sometimes, a squdge is the only medicine we need to make us feel better.
NEVER underestimate the power of a squdge and the feel good factor it brings, because when you squdge someone, the body releases oxytocin ~ also known as the cuddle hormone ~ this hormone can help you relax, lower anxiety and improve your heart health; so share that great feeling and give a squdge to those in need.
Squdge-giving Rules
- Not all squdges are created equal!
- Some are pi$$ poor, which begs the question, “why f*cking bother at all?!”
- Some are so half-hearted that they may require the recipient to politely inform the substandard squdger to put a bit of bloody effort in!
- A good quality squdge can send the squdge-o-meter soaring in the right direction!
- The squdger should always proceed with caution as being squdged to death is most definitely not the desired outcome.
So whether you are the squdger or the squdgee, remember to ALWAYS ‘squdge responsibly’ ~ most importantly, a squdge is like a boomerang ~ you get it back right away.
Enter the Dream Factory to watch the magic unfold as #TeamHeaven indulge their creativity and bring to life their very own cuddly Squdgy Bear.
Featuring this month:
The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies are discussing: “A whole lot of squdging.”
The Zodiac Zingers are here to guide your month ahead ~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.
Pull up a pew to read fabulously decadent & divine ‘Lady P ~ with no internet access, she’s gone into a squdge freefall, and might never be the same again! Nor her unsuspecting squdgees!! She might even be dusting off some literary aspirations, thanks to her regal connections and observations…
Brace yourselves for: The Good, The Bad & The Dragly, in Life's A Drag. Come join the party as we enter the fabulously riotous and the (not so) glamorous world of Drag ~ complete with over-the-top tears, possible diva tantrums, laughter, and downright naughty behaviour! What could possibly go wrong?!
Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
‘Menopausal Hotties’ where we share our insights on the challenges and joys, capturing the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of the many symptoms of the menopause. Or as one of our Hotties likes to call it: something to save us from the cycle of “Eat, sleep, rage/rave, repeat”!
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza ~ we will be back next month with a fabulous new issue on Wednesday 15th January.
Be part of something special…and be part of the magic…
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
2023 Article Count: 0
January 2023 Article Count: 10

Welcome to Issue 92 ~ January 2023: Mr Bad Guy
Let’s begin by inviting you to enter this month’s Dream Factory spectacular photo shoot ~ ‘Mr Bad Guy’ ~ it’s all about how appearances can be deceptive. Someone can look kind and friendly, but in reality… is a cantankerous old git. And on the other hand, someone can look mean and nasty but is actually a real sweetheart. Never judge a book by its cover. Always take a closer look ~ because the truth might not be so obvious.
The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies, with a great sense of humour, who are discussing ~ “How appearances can be deceptive.”
The Zodiac Zingers are here to guide your month ahead ~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.
This month we hear from the fabulously decadent & divine ‘Lady P’ ~ she has the festive blues, but nothing that this ‘Schrodinger’s socialite’ can’t handle. And she doesn’t ‘spare’ us any of the details ~ did any ‘pigs in blankets’ need defrosting? Her hopes for future (ad)ventures, and maybe a career change beckons…
FUNNY FEATURE ALERT: Looking for an interview with a difference? This will be no ordinary interview. And it’s not for the faint-hearted ~ this is an Interview with the Drag Queen.
This month’s inspirational features:
Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
Resident hypnotherapist ~ the spiritual and holistic Joolz Raven Stewart ~ introduces us to a guided meditation feature, with the goal of equipping you to deal with every emotion and mood, helping you lead a more fulfilled, balanced, healthier life. They form part of the: Emotion & Mood Meditation Archives ~ ‘EMMA’ for short.
‘Menopausal Hotties’ returns with the ‘Hotties Menopause Manual’, where we share our insights on the challenges and joys, capturing the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of the many symptoms of the menopause.
Making finance fun and a little less daunting…we have our resident financial expert ~ Danni Watts-Jones ~ she is on hand to help you look after the health of your wealth and money matters, to give you the confidence to navigate life’s financial highs and lows.
We welcome spiritual and Reiki healer ~ Jamie Worcester ~ with his powerful, healing words ~ you could say they are ‘Worcester’s Words of Wisdom’.
In One Woman…One Vision ~ you can view our big announcement. We are celebrating our 100th issue on Saturday, September 16th at the Taliesin Arts Centre, Swansea and boy do we know how to party and put on a show ~ The Greatest Online Show…LIVE…for one night only!
Are you as excited as us?
More details will be released, and soon!!!
It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to some more fabulous businesses featured in this month’s Business Showcase.
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza ~ we will see you with a fabulous new issue on Wednesday 15th February.
Be part of something special…and be part of the magic…
February 2023 Article Count: 10

Welcome to Issue 93 ~ February 2023: Mardi Gras
Let’s begin by inviting you to enter this month’s Dream Factory spectacular photo shoot ~ it's carnival time at the magazine as we welcome ~ Mardi Gras. The French name Mardi Gras means Fat Tuesday, from the custom of using all the fats in the home before Lent in preparation for fasting and abstinence ~ with that in mind the theme for this month’s issue is, 'what would we be prepared to give up, but more importantly, what we couldn't or wouldn't give up!’
The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies, with a great sense of humour, who are discussing ~ “What we can and can’t live without.”
The Zodiac Zingers are here to guide your month ahead ~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.
This month we hear from the fabulously decadent & divine ‘Lady P’ ~ our Dita is in a reflective mood, after an epiphany or two ~ not a euphemism! As befits her aristo pedigree, she might have a pearl or two of wisdom to impart too. You know what they say about girls in pearls?!
FUNNY FEATURE ALERT: Looking for an interview with a difference? This will be no ordinary interview. And it’s not for the faint-hearted ~ this is an Interview with the Drag Queen.
This month’s inspirational features:
Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
Resident hypnotherapist ~ the spiritual and holistic Joolz Raven Stewart ~ introduces us to a guided meditation feature, with the goal of equipping you to deal with every emotion and mood, helping you lead a more fulfilled, balanced, healthier life. They form part of the: Emotion & Mood Meditation Archives ~ ‘EMMA’ for short.
‘Menopausal Hotties’ returns with the ‘Hotties Menopause Manual’, where we share our insights on the challenges and joys, capturing the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of the many symptoms of the menopause.
Making finance fun and a little less daunting…we have our resident financial expert ~ Danni Watts-Jones ~ she is on hand to help you look after the health of your wealth and money matters, to give you the confidence to navigate life’s financial highs and lows.
We welcome spiritual and Reiki healer ~ Jamie Worcester ~ with his powerful, healing words ~ you could say they are ‘Worcester’s Words of Wisdom’.
In One Woman…One Vision ~ you can view our big announcement. We are celebrating our 100th issue on Saturday, September 16th at the Taliesin Arts Centre, Swansea and boy do we know how to party and put on a show ~ The Greatest Online Show…LIVE…for one night only!
Are you as excited as us? More details will be released, and soon!!!
It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to some more fabulous businesses featured in this month’s Business Showcase.
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza ~ we will see you with a fabulous new issue on Wednesday 15th March.
Be part of something special…and be part of the magic…
March 2023 Article Count: 10

Welcome to Issue 94 ~ March 2023: Inferno
Let’s begin by inviting you to enter this month’s Dream Factory spectacular photo shoot ~ Inferno ~ inspired by Dante’s Inferno, a painting depicting the Nine Circles of Hell, with Satan at its centre. Step forward the Dream Team who were tasked to create the magazine’s very own devil!
The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies, with a great sense of humour, who are discussing ~ “The admission requirements to enter hell.”
The Zodiac Zingers are here to guide your month ahead ~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.
This month we hear from the fabulously decadent & divine ‘Lady P’ ~ she ponders the elements which make up the Nine Circles of Hell, sharing her unique brand of ‘wisdom’, and imparting her own knotty life experiences, sinful or otherwise…
FUNNY FEATURE ALERT: Looking for an interview with a difference? This will be no ordinary interview. And it’s not for the faint-hearted ~ this is an Interview with the Drag Queen.
This month’s inspirational features:
Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
Resident hypnotherapist ~ the spiritual and holistic Joolz Raven Stewart ~ introduces us to a guided meditation feature, with the goal of equipping you to deal with every emotion and mood, helping you lead a more fulfilled, balanced, healthier life. They form part of the: Emotion & Mood Meditation Archives ~ ‘EMMA’ for short.
‘Menopausal Hotties’ returns with the ‘Hotties Menopause Manual’, where we share our insights on the challenges and joys, capturing the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of the many symptoms of the menopause.
Making finance fun and a little less daunting…we have our resident financial expert ~ Danni Watts-Jones ~ she is on hand to help you look after the health of your wealth and money matters, to give you the confidence to navigate life’s financial highs and lows.
We welcome spiritual and Reiki healer ~ Jamie Worcester ~ with his powerful, healing words ~ you could say they are ‘Worcester’s Words of Wisdom’.
In One Woman…One Vision ~ you can view our big announcement. We are celebrating our 100th issue on Saturday, September 16th at the Taliesin Arts Centre, Swansea and boy do we know how to party and put on a show ~ The Greatest Online Show…LIVE…for one night only!
Are you as excited as us? More details will be released, and soon!!!
It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to some more fabulous businesses featured in this month’s Business Showcase.
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza ~ we will see you with a fabulous new issue on Monday 17th April.
Be part of something special…and be part of the magic…
April 2023 Article Count: 10

Welcome to Issue 95 ~ April 2023: Titanium
Let’s begin by inviting you to enter this month’s Dream Factory spectacular photo shoot ~ Titanium ~ inspired by the lyrics of the song Titanium by David Guetta and Sia. This issue is all about finding your inner strength and becoming bulletproof. The task of the Dream Team was to create a strong vision of an indestructible woman, ready to take on the world.
The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies, with a great sense of humour, who are discussing ~ “Our song list that inspires us to find inner strength and become bulletproof.”
The Zodiac Zingers are here to guide your month ahead ~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.
This month we hear from the fabulously decadent & divine ‘Lady P’ ~ to date, her only experience of ‘bulletproof’ is the coffee she drinks to kick start her day to end her intermittent fasting!! Will her latest adventure open her eyes and ours? What will our favourite pussycat let out of the bag this month? Tho’ whatever you do, don’t you dare call her a cougar, or a ‘spare’ part…!!
FUNNY FEATURE ALERT: Looking for an interview with a difference? This will be no ordinary interview. And it’s not for the faint-hearted ~ this is an Interview with the Drag Queen.
This month’s inspirational features:
Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
Resident hypnotherapist ~ the spiritual and holistic Joolz Raven Stewart ~ introduces us to a guided meditation feature, with the goal of equipping you to deal with every emotion and mood, helping you lead a more fulfilled, balanced, healthier life. They form part of the: Emotion & Mood Meditation Archives ~ ‘EMMA’ for short.
‘Menopausal Hotties’ returns with the ‘Hotties Menopause Manual’, where we share our insights on the challenges and joys, capturing the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of the many symptoms of the menopause.
Making finance fun and a little less daunting…we have our resident financial expert ~ Danni Watts-Jones ~ she is on hand to help you look after the health of your wealth and money matters, to give you the confidence to navigate life’s financial highs and lows.
We welcome spiritual and Reiki healer ~ Jamie Worcester ~ with his powerful, healing words ~ you could say they are ‘Worcester’s Words of Wisdom’.
In One Woman…One Vision ~ you can view our big announcement. We are celebrating our 100th issue on Saturday, September 16th at the Taliesin Arts Centre, Swansea and boy do we know how to party and put on a show ~ The Greatest Online Show…LIVE…for one night only!
Are you as excited as us? Tickets are on sale soon!!! - Follow us on social media for the release date and links.
It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to some more fabulous businesses featured in this month’s Business Showcase.
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza ~ we will see you with a fabulous new issue on Monday 15th May.
Be part of something special…and be part of the magic…
May 2023 Article Count: 10

Welcome to Issue 96 ~ May 2023: Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire…
Let’s begin by inviting you to enter this month’s Dream Factory spectacular photo shoot ~ Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire ~ inspired by Tom Cruise in the film A Few Good Men. When he said this line it made me chuckle and I’ve used it ever since!
This issue will be about telling lies ~ be they little white ones, or great big whoppers. The consequences of telling lies, that should come with a warning ~ to be a good liar you need to have a very good memory, and boy oh boy have we seen some famous folk being caught out in some big ones! So who better to take inspiration for our photo shoot from, than Pinocchio, the wooden boy whose nose grew when he told lies. One wooden liar being carved up Dream Team style!
The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies, with a great sense of humour, who are discussing ~ “Lies…Big lies, little lies and everything in between.”
The Zodiac Zingers are here to guide your month ahead ~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.
This month we hear from the fabulously decadent & divine ‘Lady P’ ~ will her tales of the Coronation festivities be a right royal train wreck, or will they hit the right note as Dita gets nostalgic about tooting a French horn?! Join us for some majestic musings from this merry (wannabe) wife of Windsor!
FUNNY FEATURE ALERT: Looking for an interview with a difference? This will be no ordinary interview. And it’s not for the faint-hearted ~ this is an Interview with the Drag Queen.
This month’s inspirational features:
Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
Resident hypnotherapist ~ the spiritual and holistic Joolz Raven Stewart ~ introduces us to a guided meditation feature, with the goal of equipping you to deal with every emotion and mood, helping you lead a more fulfilled, balanced, healthier life. They form part of the: Emotion & Mood Meditation Archives ~ ‘EMMA’ for short.
‘Menopausal Hotties’ returns with the ‘Hotties Menopause Manual’, where we share our insights on the challenges and joys, capturing the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of the many symptoms of the menopause.
Making finance fun and a little less daunting…we have our resident financial expert ~ Danni Watts-Jones ~ she is on hand to help you look after the health of your wealth and money matters, to give you the confidence to navigate life’s financial highs and lows.
We welcome spiritual and Reiki healer ~ Jamie Worcester ~ with his powerful, healing words ~ you could say they are ‘Worcester’s Words of Wisdom’.
In One Woman…One Vision ~ you can view our big announcement. We are celebrating our 100th issue on Saturday, September 16th at the Taliesin Arts Centre, Swansea and boy do we know how to party and put on a show ~ The Greatest Online Show…LIVE…for one night only!
Are you as excited as us? Tickets are on sale NOW. Click on this link to purchase your ticket. It will be a night to remember. https://taliesinartscentre.ticketsolve.com/shows/873647069/events
It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to some more fabulous businesses featured in this month’s Business Showcase.
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza ~ we will see you with a fabulous new issue on Thursday 15th June.
Be part of something special…and be part of the magic…
June 2023 Article Count: 10

Welcome to Issue 97 ~ June 2023: Secret Love Story
Let’s begin by inviting you to enter this month’s Dream Factory spectacular photo shoot ~ Secret Love Story. This issue is all about secret love, unrequited love, one-sided love and is inspired by the song ‘Secret Love Song’ by Little Mix ~ it’s also the black comedy-drama film ‘American Beauty’, where a man having a midlife crisis becomes infatuated with his daughter's friend! It features an iconic rose petal scene which I tasked the Dream Team to put their own unique spin on.
The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies, with a great sense of humour, who are discussing ~ “Secret Love, unrequited love, one-sided love and just love, actually!”
The Zodiac Zingers are here to guide your month ahead ~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.
This month we hear from the fabulously decadent & divine ‘Lady P’ ~ whilst the boss lady Emma wrestles with beautiful rose petals, our roving reporter deals with the thorny issues of the day, juggling job offers, sofas, and scandals. Never a dull moment with Dita!
FUNNY FEATURE ALERT: Looking for an interview with a difference? This will be no ordinary interview. And it’s not for the faint-hearted ~ this is an Interview with the Drag Queen.
This month’s inspirational features:
Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
Resident hypnotherapist ~ the spiritual and holistic Joolz Raven Stewart ~ introduces us to a guided meditation feature, with the goal of equipping you to deal with every emotion and mood, helping you lead a more fulfilled, balanced, healthier life. They form part of the: Emotion & Mood Meditation Archives ~ ‘EMMA’ for short.
‘Menopausal Hotties’ returns with the ‘Hotties Menopause Manual’, where we share our insights on the challenges and joys, capturing the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of the many symptoms of the menopause.
Making finance fun and a little less daunting…we have our resident financial expert ~ Danni Watts-Jones ~ she is on hand to help you look after the health of your wealth and money matters, to give you the confidence to navigate life’s financial highs and lows.
We welcome spiritual and Reiki healer ~ Jamie Worcester ~ with his powerful, healing words ~ you could say they are ‘Worcester’s Words of Wisdom’.
In One Woman…One Vision ~ you can view our big announcement. We are celebrating our 100th issue on Saturday, September 16th at the Taliesin Arts Centre, Swansea and boy do we know how to party and put on a show ~ The Greatest Online Show…LIVE…for one night only!
Are you as excited as us? Tickets are on sale NOW. Click on this link to purchase your ticket. It will be a night to remember. https://taliesinartscentre.ticketsolve.com/shows/873647069/events
It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to some more fabulous businesses featured in this month’s Business Showcase.
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza ~ we will see you with a fabulous new issue on Monday 17th July.
Be part of something special…and be part of the magic…
July 2023 Article Count: 10

Welcome to Issue 98 ~ July 2023: Mischief & Mayhem
Let’s begin by inviting you to enter this month’s Dream Factory spectacular photo shoot ~ Mischief & Mayhem. This issue is all about causing chaos, being naughty, and a bit of a troublemaker. Think how naughty and mischievous the Gremlins were, not to mention the mayhem they caused! Take a ringside seat at our riotous photo shoot to see what happened when the Dream Team fed me after midnight. Bright lights! Camera! Action!
The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies, with a great sense of humour, who are discussing ~ “Causing mischief & mayhem”.
The Zodiac Zingers are here to guide your month ahead ~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.
This month we hear from the fabulously decadent & divine ‘Lady P’ ~ thought you couldn’t be any more surprised by the Lady who’s no stranger to mischief and mayhem? Think again ~ faced with a naughty proposition, we hear this gal’s pearls & words of wisdom. With decadence darlings, cometh decorum. Oh do keep up!
FUNNY FEATURE ALERT: Looking for an interview with a difference? This will be no ordinary interview. And it’s not for the faint-hearted ~ this is an Interview with the Drag Queen.
This month’s inspirational features:
Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
‘Menopausal Hotties’ returns with the ‘Hotties Menopause Manual’, where we share our insights on the challenges and joys, capturing the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of the many symptoms of the menopause.
Making finance fun and a little less daunting…we have our resident financial expert ~ Danni Watts-Jones ~ she is on hand to help you look after the health of your wealth and money matters, to give you the confidence to navigate life’s financial highs and lows, and hopefully keep you and your finances out of mischief!
In One Woman…One Vision ~ you can view our big announcement. We are celebrating our 100th issue on Saturday, September 16th at the Taliesin Arts Centre, Swansea and boy do we know how to party and put on a show ~ The Greatest Online Show…LIVE…for one night only!
Are you as excited as us? Tickets are on sale NOW. Click on this link to purchase your ticket. It will be a night to remember.
It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to some more fabulous businesses featured in this month’s Business Showcase.
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza ~ we will see you with a fabulous new issue on Tuesday 15th August.
Be part of something special…and be part of the magic…
August 2023 Article Count: 10

Welcome to Issue 99 ~ August 2023: Defying Gravity
Let’s begin by inviting you to enter this month’s Dream Factory spectacular photo shoot ~ Defying Gravity ~ inspired by the song from Wicked. The message is everyone sticking two fingers up to people who tell you that you're not good enough or never amount to much. It's time to start believing in yourself ~ be proud of your uniqueness ~ not conforming to the norm! We want to encourage people to not be afraid of who they are or what they believe in. With this in mind I was transformed into a butterfly ~ to fly high and spread my wings, but also to celebrate the uniqueness in us all, as no two butterflies are ever the same!
The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies, with a great sense of humour, who are discussing ~ “Being proud of who we are and what makes us stand out from the crowd”.
The Zodiac Zingers are here to guide your month ahead ~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.
This month we hear from the fabulously decadent & divine ‘Lady P’ ~ didn’t think you could be any more surprised by this Lady who’s a vamp? Well pull up a seat whilst she waxes not-so-lyrical about the ‘joys’ of the world of media in all its gory glory! You might want to cower as this gal’s pearls & words of wisdom are unleashed on the purveyors of piffle, and are resoundingly lashed by her infamous tongue!
FUNNY FEATURE ALERT: Looking for an interview with a difference? This will be no ordinary interview. And it’s not for the faint-hearted ~ this is an Interview with the Drag Queen.
This month’s inspirational features:
Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
‘Menopausal Hotties’ returns with the ‘Hotties Menopause Manual’, where we share our insights on the challenges and joys, capturing the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of the many symptoms of the menopause.
Making finance fun and a little less daunting…we have our resident financial expert ~ Danni Watts-Jones ~ she is on hand to help you look after the health of your wealth and money matters, to give you the confidence to navigate life’s financial highs and lows, whilst interest rates and inflation seem intent on trying to defy the laws of gravity!
In One Woman…One Vision ~ you can view our information video with all the details of our fabulous show. We are celebrating our 100th issue on Saturday, September 16th at the Taliesin Arts Centre, Swansea and boy do we know how to party and put on a show ~ The Greatest Online Show…LIVE…for one night only!
Are you as excited as us? Tickets are on sale NOW. Click on this link to purchase your ticket. It will be a night to remember.
It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to some more fabulous businesses featured in this month’s Business Showcase.
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza ~ we will see you with a fabulous new issue which also happens to be our 100th issue on Friday 15th September.
Be part of something special…and be part of the magic…
September 2023 Article Count: 10

Welcome to Issue 100 ~ September 2023: People Power
Let’s begin by inviting you to enter this month’s Dream Factory ~ People Power ~ a celebration to mark our 100th issue ~ that’s one hell of a milestone and an achievement! You get to hear about the driving force behind the magazine, the people who help create this spectacular smorgasbord of features every month. A wonderful group of creative, talented, gifted, totally fabulous people ~ both entertaining and inspirational. Together we can achieve anything, and together we create magic!
Plus, we take a trip down memory lane as we pay tribute to 100 incredible issues.
The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies, with a great sense of humour, have filmed their own special video to mark this momentous occasion, showcasing the outrageous fun and fabulousness that has become a staple of The LWA.
The Zodiac Zingers are here to guide your month ahead ~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.
This month we hear from the fabulously decadent & divine ‘Lady P’ ~ she’s embracing and running with the nostalgia, retrospective vibe, by taking several trips down memory lane ~ reflecting on her personal favourites over the years, along with some wistful navel-gazing of ‘what-ifs’. Tho you can’t keep this good woman down for long. So to speak…
FUNNY FEATURE ALERT: Our Drag Queens get all emotional as they look back at their time here at the magazine ~ The Good, The Bad and The Dragly!!! Cue lots of over the top tears, possible diva tantrums, laughter and downright naughty behaviour!
This month’s inspirational features:
Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
‘Menopausal Hotties’ returns with the ‘Hotties Menopause Manual’, where we share our insights on the challenges and joys, capturing the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of the many symptoms of the menopause. This month we’re talking about caring for the G-Spot and good vibrations ~ but not the way you might think ~ go wash your mouth (and mind) out…! Intrigued?! You should be… ;)
Making finance fun and a little less daunting…we have our resident financial expert ~ Danni Watts-Jones ~ she is on hand to help you look after the health of your wealth and money matters, to give you the confidence to navigate life’s financial highs and lows.
It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to some more fabulous businesses featured in this month’s Business Showcase.
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza ~ we will see you with a fabulous new issue on Monday 16th October, AND we WILL be sharing the highlights of The Greatest Online Show LIVE - our Centenary Celebration show!
Be part of something special…and be part of the magic…
October 2023 Article Count: 10

Welcome to Issue 101 ~ October 2023: Baba Yaga
Let’s begin by inviting you to enter this month’s Dream Factory ~ Baba Yaga, the iconic Russian evil witch, first brought to my attention by the John Wick film franchise and also known as the Boogeyman.
There are many myths and legends surrounding this character ~ a supernatural being who is ferocious looking and appears deformed: an ogress who steals, cooks, and eats her victims ~ usually children! A total transformation into a baddie, a villain ~ this could mean only one thing ~ cue SFX makeup and prosthetic shoot!!! Time to create our very own mythical legend!
The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies, with a great sense of humour, who are discussing: Do we believe in myths and legends?
The Zodiac Zingers are here to guide your month ahead ~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.
This month we hear from the fabulously decadent & divine ‘Lady P’ ~ we find her in a reflective, romantic mode, as she tries to refine and define what makes for a Prince Charming ~ and it’s not who or what you might think! Is it a case of myth-taken identity?!
Brace yourselves for: The Good, The Bad & The Dragly, in Life's A Drag, Come join the party as we enter the fabulously riotous and the (not so) glamorous world of Drag ~ complete with over the top tears, possible diva tantrums, laughter and downright naughty behaviour! What could possibly go wrong?!
This month’s inspirational features:
Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
‘Menopausal Hotties’ returns with the ‘Hotties Menopause Manual’, where we share our insights on the challenges and joys, capturing the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of the many symptoms of the menopause.
Making finance fun and a little less daunting…we have our resident financial expert ~ Danni Watts-Jones ~ she is on hand to help you look after the health of your wealth and money matters, to give you the confidence to navigate life’s financial highs and lows.
Visit One Woman…One Vision and watch some video highlights from our spectacular live 100th Issue celebration ~ The Greatest Online Show.
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza ~ we will see you with a fabulous new issue on Wednesday 15th November.!
Be part of something special…and be part of the magic…
November 2023 Article Count: 10

Welcome to Issue 102 ~ November 2023: Sempre Viva
Let’s begin by inviting you to enter this month’s Dream Factory ~ Sempre Viva (Live Forever) ~ inspired by the film ‘Death Becomes Her’ where two rivals fight for the affection of the same man, with the assistance of a magic potion that promises eternal youth and life. Unfortunately, as far as I know, no such potion exists ~ so for this shoot I created my own!
The EH magic potion contains 3 key ingredients:
- Olly Heaven and his magical makeup skills
- The return of Hilary Jones and her impressive hairdressing skills
- Adrian Heaven with a clever combination of incredible camera skills, an impressive studio and the power of photoshop!
The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies, with a great sense of humour, who are discussing: “Who wants to live forever?”
The Zodiac Zingers are here to guide your month ahead ~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.
This month we hear from the fabulously decadent & divine ‘Lady P’ ~ this inveterate socialite ponders the pros and cons of immortality and eternal youth, and even dips her dainty toes into the world of finance, not that our resident financial expert need worry about her crown! Lady P is also fretting about her recent search history and algorithms, but might have found herself a new lust interes…Oh dear, is she ever going to be able to stay on the straight and narrow?!
Brace yourselves for: The Good, The Bad & The Dragly, in Life's A Drag, Come join the party as we enter the fabulously riotous and the (not so) glamorous world of Drag ~ complete with over the top tears, possible diva tantrums, laughter and downright naughty behaviour! What could possibly go wrong?!
This month’s inspirational features:
Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
‘Menopausal Hotties’ returns with the ‘Hotties Menopause Manual’, where we share our insights on the challenges and joys, capturing the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of the many symptoms of the menopause.
Making finance fun and a little less daunting…we have our resident financial expert ~ Danni Watts-Jones ~ she is on hand to help you look after the health of your wealth and money matters, to give you the confidence to navigate life’s financial highs and lows.
Visit One Woman…One Vision and watch some video highlights from our spectacular live 100th Issue celebration ~ The Greatest Online Show.
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza ~ we will be back next month with a fabulous new issue on Friday 15th December, where we will be launching a brand new feature which is both very special and personal to me!
Be part of something special…and be part of the magic…
December 2023 Article Count: 11

Welcome to Issue 103 ~ December 2023: Mr Lonely
Let’s begin by inviting you to enter this month’s Dream Factory ~ Mr Lonely ~ inspired by my Mum and how she struggled with loneliness after my father passed away.
Now how could I tie this in with Christmas in my own ‘unique’ way?
Obviously I needed to start by concocting an OTT, sentimental story designed to tug on the old heart strings. Enter one Nutcracker soldier ~ abandoned, lonely, forgotten... Eat your heart out John Lewis & Co ~ there’s a new Christmas advert queen in town and she’s equipped with a talented team, an emotive song along with a wicked sense of humour!
The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies, with a great sense of humour, who are discussing: “How do we overcome loneliness?”
The Zodiac Zingers are here to guide your month ahead ~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.
This month we hear from the fabulously decadent & divine ‘Lady P’ ~ even when she’s in self-imposed, solitary confinement, it seems our amorous aristo can’t keep her hands to herself. Oh hang on…Oh yes she can! And continuing with that panto-style vein, are you ready to shout out “he’s behind you?”
Brace yourselves for: The Good, The Bad & The Dragly, in Life's A Drag, Come join the party as we enter the fabulously riotous and the (not so) glamorous world of Drag ~ complete with over the top tears, possible diva tantrums, laughter and downright naughty behaviour! What could possibly go wrong?!
This month’s inspirational features:
Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
‘Menopausal Hotties’ returns with the ‘Hotties Menopause Manual’, where we share our insights on the challenges and joys, capturing the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of the many symptoms of the menopause. Or as one of our Hotties likes to call it: something to save us from the cycle of “Eat, sleep, rage/rave, repeat”!
Making finance fun and a little less daunting…we have our resident financial expert ~ Danni Watts-Jones ~ she is on hand to help you look after the health of your wealth and money matters, to give you the confidence to navigate life’s financial highs and lows.
Visit One Woman…One Vision and watch some video highlights from our spectacular live 100th Issue celebration ~ The Greatest Online Show.
NEW FEATURE ALERT: The Emma Heaven magazine is very proud and excited to open the doors to the EH Art Gallery, allowing you to immerse yourself in our virtual exhibitions which showcase the creative and imaginative talents expressed by artists, artistes and photographers.
Our inaugural art exhibition is a collection of watercolour and ink landscape paintings by my wonderfully talented Dad ~ Tudor Vaughan.
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza ~ we will be back next month with a fabulous new issue on Monday 15th January. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Be part of something special…and be part of the magic…
2022 Article Count: 1
January 2022 Article Count: 11

Welcome to Issue 80 ~ January 2022: ~ Dragon Dance
Let’s begin by inviting you to enter this month’s Dream Factory spectacular photo shoot: ‘Dragon Dance’ ~ in celebration of Chinese/Lunar new year. Legend says the celebrations start with a dragon dance to attract attention but also to ask for a prosperous new business year from the dragon gods. Well here at the magazine, we LOVE attention and we really hope for a prosperous new business year, so let’s get our dragon dancing!
For your entertainment we have:
The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies, with a great sense of humour, who are discussing “Chinese New Year, their animals & traits.”
The all NEW Zodiac Zingers are back~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.
The fabulously decadent & divine ‘Lady P’ is more outrageous than ever ~ with the Chinese new year of the tiger on the horizon, we have to ask “what’s new pussycat?”
This month’s inspirational features:
Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
Resident hypnotherapist ~ the spiritual and holistic Joolz Raven Stewart, introduces us to her very own brand of chaos holistics.
Julie returns with ‘Menopausal Hotties’ ~ where she shares her insights on the challenges and joys, capturing the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of the menopause.
‘In The Spotlight’ welcomes the multi-talented Olly Heaven as he launches his new business ~ Painted By Olly.
Olivia Hell is back with a brand new feature and now has to use her brains instead of her stunning good looks for once! Check out her hilarious introductory video to see what she has in store for you lucky readers.
The inspirational Emily Nicole Roberts is back as usual, waxing lyrical and sharing her random thoughts, unique sense of humour and ‘turn of phrase’ on all magazine-related topics. Reading is believing!
Making finance fun and a little less scary, we welcome Danni Watts-Jones, financial expert who will be on hand to help look after the health of your wealth, allowing you to live a stress-free life of happiness.
In One Woman…One Vision…we have a new showreel. It’s called ‘This was 2021’ and reflects how much the magazine has achieved during another tough year. The video is set to D:Ream’s ‘Things Can Only Get Better’ and do you know what? They can and they will.
It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to some more fabulous businesses featured in this month’s Business Showcase.
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza ~ we will see you with a fabulous new issue on Tuesday 15th February.
Be part of something special…and be part of the magic...
February 2022 Article Count: 11

Welcome to Issue 81 ~ February 2022: ~ Pharaoh
Let’s begin by inviting you to enter this month’s Dream Factory spectacular photo shoot: ‘Pharaoh’ ~ inspired by the legend of the Egyptian boy king ~ Tutankhamun ~ buried with all his treasure in a tomb to accompany him on his journey to the afterlife. The talented Dream Team re-created the Mask Of Tutankhamun in all its golden glory.
For your entertainment we have:
The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies, with a great sense of humour, who are discussing “Obsessions.”
The all NEW Zodiac Zingers are back~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.
The fabulously decadent & divine ‘Lady P’ is more outrageous than ever ~ take a deep breath as this month she waxes lyrical about her spa break and increasing her lung capacity…
This month’s inspirational features:
Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
Resident hypnotherapist ~ the spiritual and holistic Joolz Raven Stewart ~ introduces us to her NEW guided meditation feature, with the goal of equipping you to deal with every emotion and mood, so that you are able to lead a more fulfilled and balance life, make healthier choices and have the ability to draw upon these lessons whenever they are needed. The videos will form part of the: Emotion & Mood Meditation Archives or ‘EMMA’ for short. This month we start the series with: Obsession.
Julie returns with ‘Menopausal Hotties’ and the all NEW ‘Hotties Menopause Manual’, where she shares her insights on the challenges and joys, capturing the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of all 34 symptoms of the menopause.
‘In The Spotlight’ welcomes the multi-talented SFX makeup artist Beth Jones who has now taken her artistic skills up another level and started painting the body with permanent ink as a skilled and talented tattoo artist.
Agony Aunt Olivia Hell is sent from heaven to give you hell, and she’s back to help you solve your problems with her very own special and honest brand of advice. You might not like the answers you get, however as she says…you did ask…this is her feature…and she is a queen! Disclaimer: Any advice is not to be taken TOO literally!
The inspirational Emily Nicole Roberts is back as usual, waxing lyrical and sharing her random thoughts, unique sense of humour and ‘turn of phrase’ on all magazine-related topics. Reading is believing!
Making finance fun and a little less scary, we welcome Danni Watts-Jones, financial expert who will be on hand to help look after the health of your wealth, allowing you to live a stress-free life of happiness.
In One Woman…One Vision…you can view our latest showreel. It’s called ‘This was 2021’ and reflects how much the magazine has achieved during another tough year. The video is set to D:Ream’s ‘Things Can Only Get Better’ and do you know what? They can and they will.
It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to some more fabulous businesses featured in this month’s Business Showcase.
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza ~ we will see you with a fabulous new issue on Tuesday 15th March.
Be part of something special…and be part of the magic...
March 2022 Article Count: 11

Welcome to Issue 82 ~ March 2022: Mummy
Let’s begin by inviting you to enter this month’s Dream Factory spectacular photo shoot ~ ‘Mummy’ ~ after the talented Dream Team re-created the Mask Of Tutankhamun last month, it was time to take off the mask to reveal the dead and decaying mummy underneath.
For your entertainment we have:
The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies, with a great sense of humour, who are discussing “The Afterlife.”
The all NEW Zodiac Zingers are back~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.
The fabulously decadent & divine ‘Lady P’ is just as decadent and flirtatious as ever ~ you can’t keep a good (or bad) woman or mermaid down ~ especially when she’s packing a snorkel!
This month’s inspirational features:
Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
Resident hypnotherapist ~ the spiritual and holistic Joolz Raven Stewart ~ introduces us to a unique guided meditation feature, with the goal of equipping you to deal with every emotion and mood, to help you lead a more fulfilled and balance life, make healthier choices, and have the ability to draw on these lessons whenever they are needed. The videos will form part of the: Emotion & Mood Meditation Archives or ‘EMMA’ for short. This month we continue the series with: Grief.
Julie returns with ‘Menopausal Hotties’ and the all NEW ‘Hotties Menopause Manual’, where she shares her insights on the challenges and joys, capturing the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of all 34 symptoms of the menopause.
‘In The Spotlight’ welcomes Jamie Worcester ~ the protégé of our very own Joolz Raven Stewart ~ Jamie has just begun his own special journey as a spiritual & Reiki healer.
Agony Aunt Olivia Hell is sent from heaven to give you hell, and she’s back to help you solve your problems with her very own special, unique, honest brand of advice. You might not like the answers you get, however as she says…you did ask…this is her feature…and she is a queen! Disclaimer: Any advice is not to be taken TOO literally!
The inspirational Emily Nicole Roberts is back as usual, waxing lyrical and sharing her random thoughts, unique sense of humour and ‘turn of phrase’ on all magazine-related topics. Reading is believing!
Making finance fun and a little less scary, we welcome Danni Watts-Jones, financial expert who will be on hand to help look after the health of your wealth, allowing you to live a stress-free life of happiness.
In One Woman…One Vision…you can view our latest showreel. It’s called ‘This was 2021’ and reflects how much the magazine has achieved during another tough year. The video is set to D:Ream’s ‘Things Can Only Get Better’ and do you know what? They can and they will.
It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to some more fabulous businesses featured in this month’s Business Showcase.
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza ~ we will see you with a fabulous new issue on Tuesday 19th April.
Be part of something special…and be part of the magic…
April 2022 Article Count: 10

Welcome to Issue 83 ~ April 2022: Life’s A Drag
Let’s begin by inviting you to enter this month’s Dream Factory spectacular photo shoot ~ ‘Life’s A Drag’ - move over Olivia Hell… there’s a new Drag Queen in town, lovingly created by Olly Heaven & Olivia Hell who also invited her fabulous Drag Queen friends to liven up the party.
This month’s issue is all about self expression, dressing up, being who you want to be and having outrageous fun.
For your entertainment we have:
The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies, with a great sense of humour, who are discussing “All Things Drag,” with a superstar All-Drag panel.
The all NEW Zodiac Zingers are back~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.
The fabulously decadent & divine ‘Lady P’ is off on her travels, so where else would one of life’s last incurable romantics visit, than the world famous monument to eternal love itself, the Taj Mahal! As usual, there’s some fallout, but not what you’ve come to expect from this particular Lady!
Agony Aunt, Olivia Hell, is sent from heaven to give you hell ~ and she’s back to help you solve your problems with her very own special, unique, honest brand of advice. You might not like the answers you get, however, as she says…you did ask…this is her feature…and she is a queen! Disclaimer: Any advice is not to be taken TOO literally!
This month’s inspirational features:
Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
Resident hypnotherapist ~ the spiritual and holistic Joolz Raven Stewart ~ introduces us to a unique guided meditation feature, with the goal of equipping you to deal with every emotion and mood, to help you lead a more fulfilled and balance life, make healthier choices, and have the ability to draw on these lessons whenever they are needed. The videos will form part of the: Emotion & Mood Meditation Archives or ‘EMMA’ for short. This month we continue the series with: Joy.
Julie returns with ‘Menopausal Hotties’ and the all NEW ‘Hotties Menopause Manual’, where she shares her insights on the challenges and joys, capturing the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of all 34 symptoms of the menopause.
Making finance fun and a little less scary, we have our resident financial expert ~ Danni Watts-Jones ~ who will be on hand to help look after the health of your wealth and money matters, allowing you to live a stress-free life of happiness.
NEW FEATURE ALERT! We welcome spiritual and Reiki healer ~ Jamie Worcester ~ with his powerful, healing words ~ you could say they are ‘Worcester’s Words of Wisdom’.
‘In The Spotlight’ welcomes two of Swansea’s finest Drag Queens ~ Anita Fag and Bitchell Flowers.
In One Woman…One Vision…you can view our latest showreel. It’s called ‘This was 2021’ and reflects how much the magazine has achieved during another tough year. The video is set to D:Ream’s ‘Things Can Only Get Better’ and do you know what? They can and they will.
It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to some more fabulous businesses featured in this month’s Business Showcase.
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza ~ we will see you with a fabulous new issue on Monday 16th May.
Be part of something special…and be part of the magic…
May 2022 Article Count: 10

Welcome to Issue 84 ~ May 2022: Emma’s Web
Let’s begin by inviting you to enter this month’s Dream Factory spectacular photo shoot ~ ‘Emma’s Web’ ~ inspired by the quote “Feel the fear and do it anyway”. Watch the Dream Team help me try to overcome my fear of spiders by transforming me into one. Did it work? Absolutely NOT!
For your entertainment we have:
The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies, with a great sense of humour, who are discussing “Fear: What fears have we overcome; what fears would we like to overcome; and what fears will we NEVER overcome….”.
The all NEW Zodiac Zingers are back~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.
The fabulously decadent & divine ‘Lady P’ is away on her travels, yet finds herself all of a tizz thanks to the fizz, and coming dangerously unstuck with technology. Can she restore and reset her reputation, or does social Siberia claim its latest victim?
Agony Aunt, Olivia Hell, is sent from heaven to give you hell ~ and she’s back to help you solve your problems with her very own special, unique, honest brand of advice. You might not like the answers you get, however, as she says…you did ask…this is her feature…and she is a queen! Disclaimer: Any advice is not to be taken TOO literally!
This month’s inspirational features:
Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
Resident hypnotherapist ~ the spiritual and holistic Joolz Raven Stewart ~ introduces us to a unique guided meditation feature, with the goal of equipping you to deal with every emotion and mood, to help you lead a more fulfilled and balance life, make healthier choices, and have the ability to draw on these lessons whenever they are needed. The videos will form part of the: Emotion & Mood Meditation Archives or ‘EMMA’ for short. This month we continue the series with: Arachnophobia ~ fear of spiders.
Julie returns with ‘Menopausal Hotties’ and the all NEW ‘Hotties Menopause Manual’, where she shares her insights on the challenges and joys, capturing the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of all 34 symptoms of the menopause.
Making finance fun and a little less scary, we have our resident financial expert ~ Danni Watts-Jones ~ who will be on hand to help look after the health of your wealth and money matters, allowing you to live a stress-free life of happiness.
We welcome spiritual and Reiki healer ~ Jamie Worcester ~ with his powerful, healing words ~ you could say they are ‘Worcester’s Words of Wisdom’.
‘In The Spotlight’ welcomes Cheryl Bolton, the talented jewellery creator and owner of Dark Moon Crystals ~ she’s looking for businesses to stock her products, so drop her a line if that strikes a chord with you!
In One Woman…One Vision…you can view our latest campaign video, launching the magazine as the antidote to the news, which quite frankly is depressing at best and terrifying at worst. We will help our readers and viewers deal with news with features designed to banish stress and anxiety and help you escape reality with our crazy creativity, where fun, laughter and humour rule the day.
It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to some more fabulous businesses featured in this month’s Business Showcase.
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza ~ we will see you with a fabulous new issue on Wednesday 15th June.
Be part of something special…and be part of the magic…
June 2022 Article Count: 10

Welcome to Issue 85 ~ June 2022: Warrior
Let’s begin by inviting you to enter this month’s Dream Factory spectacular photo shoot ~ ‘Warrior’ ~ a warrior is a brave fighter who shows great courage, someone who overcomes obstacles put in their way, and goes above and beyond. This shoot is in homage to my incredible team who are all warriors ~ so it’s time to slap on the warpaint ‘Dream Team’ style and go all tribal.
For your entertainment we have:
The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies, with a great sense of humour, who are discussing “Warriors…what battles they’ve overcome and how do they get into warrior mode”...
The all NEW Zodiac Zingers are back~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.
The fabulously decadent & divine ‘Lady P’ is away on her travels, scaling new heights, in another, quite literally, breathtaking overseas assignment.
Agony Aunt, Olivia Hell, is sent from heaven to give you hell ~ and she’s back to help you solve your problems with her very own special, unique, honest brand of advice. You might not like the answers you get, however, as she says…you did ask…this is her feature…and she is a queen! Disclaimer: Any advice is not to be taken TOO literally!
This month’s inspirational features:
Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
Resident hypnotherapist ~ the spiritual and holistic Joolz Raven Stewart ~ introduces us to a unique guided meditation feature, with the goal of equipping you to deal with every emotion and mood, to help you lead a more fulfilled and balance life, make healthier choices, and have the ability to draw on these lessons whenever they are needed. The videos form part of the: Emotion & Mood Meditation Archives or ‘EMMA’ for short. This month we continue the series with: Warrior Mode.
Julie returns with ‘Menopausal Hotties’ and the all NEW ‘Hotties Menopause Manual’, where she shares her insights on the challenges and joys, capturing the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of the many symptoms of the menopause.
Making finance fun and a little less scary, we have our resident financial expert ~ Danni Watts-Jones ~ who will be on hand to help look after the health of your wealth and money matters, allowing you to live a stress-free life of happiness.
We welcome spiritual and Reiki healer ~ Jamie Worcester ~ with his powerful, healing words ~ you could say they are ‘Worcester’s Words of Wisdom’.
‘In The Spotlight’ welcomes Stacey Keay, the creator of We Are Woven, a botanical studio for earth-centred workshops, located in a magical corner of Britain’s first Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty ~ Gower.
In One Woman…One Vision…you can view our latest campaign video, launching the magazine as the antidote to the news ~ which quite frankly is depressing at best and terrifying at worst. We will amuse and entertain our readers and viewers with features designed to banish stress and anxiety, to help you escape reality with our creativity, where fun, laughter, a pinch of irreverence and humour rule the day!
It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to some more fabulous businesses featured in this month’s Business Showcase.
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza ~ we will see you with a fabulous new issue on Friday 15th July.
Be part of something special…and be part of the magic…
July 2022 Article Count: 10

Welcome to Issue 86 ~ July 2022: Aloha
Let’s begin by inviting you to enter this month’s Dream Factory spectacular photo shoot ~ ‘Aloha’ ~ where the Dream Team create their very own Tiki mask. Tiki masks represent many different things like strength, knowledge, power and love ~ this issue is a celebration of the many different features within this magazine that we want to show the world and say “hello, here we are!” So…Aloha!
For your entertainment we have:
The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies, with a great sense of humour, who are discussing “What makes us different, what makes us unique and what would people be surprised to learn about us?”
The all NEW Zodiac Zingers are back~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.
The fabulously decadent & divine ‘Lady P’ is away on her travels, and getting more than a little shook up thanks to some Hollywood heart-throbs and trips down memory lane.
Agony Aunt, Olivia Hell, is sent from heaven to give you hell ~ and she’s back to help you solve your problems with her very own special, unique, honest brand of advice. You might not like the answers you get, however, as she says…you did ask…this is her feature…and she is a queen! Disclaimer: Any advice is not to be taken TOO literally!
This month’s inspirational features:
Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
Resident hypnotherapist ~ the spiritual and holistic Joolz Raven Stewart ~ introduces us to a unique guided meditation feature, with the goal of equipping you to deal with every emotion and mood, to help you lead a more fulfilled and balance life, make healthier choices, and have the ability to draw on these lessons whenever they are needed. The videos form part of the: Emotion & Mood Meditation Archives or ‘EMMA’ for short. This month we continue the series with: Self belief.
Julie returns with ‘Menopausal Hotties’ and the all NEW ‘Hotties Menopause Manual’, where she shares her insights on the challenges and joys, capturing the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of the many symptoms of the menopause.
Making finance fun and a little less scary, we have our resident financial expert ~ Danni Watts-Jones ~ who will be on hand to help look after the health of your wealth and money matters, allowing you to live a stress-free life of happiness.
We welcome spiritual and Reiki healer ~ Jamie Worcester ~ with his powerful, healing words ~ you could say they are ‘Worcester’s Words of Wisdom’.
‘In The Spotlight’ welcomes Baileys Coffee Bar ~ Wales’ first coffee bar dedicated to our four-legged friends ~ created by mother and daughter duo Sarah and Megan.
In One Woman…One Vision…you can view our latest campaign video, We are emmaheaven.com ~ which tells you exactly what this magazine is all about in our own unique and special way!
It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to some more fabulous businesses featured in this month’s Business Showcase.
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza ~ we will see you with a fabulous new issue on Monday 15th August.
Be part of something special…and be part of the magic…
August 2022 Article Count: 10

Welcome to Issue 87 ~ August 2022: Alien
Let’s begin by inviting you to enter this month’s Dream Factory spectacular photo shoot ~ where the Dream Team create our very own Alien from outer space ~ with giant eyes, funky-coloured skin with lashings of glitter ~ and YES, before you ask, aliens do wear glitter, especially those from the planet Sparkle!
For your entertainment we have:
The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies, with a great sense of humour, who are discussing “Aliens ~ “Do we believe they exist?”
The all NEW Zodiac Zingers are back ~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.
The fabulously decadent & divine ‘Lady P’ is away on her ‘other-worldly’ travels and finds herself caught ~ no surprises here ~ between a rock and a hard place, so to speak…,
Agony Aunt, Olivia Hell, is sent from heaven to give you hell ~ and she’s back to help you solve your problems with her very own special, unique, honest brand of advice. You might not like the answers you get, however, as she says…you did ask…this is her feature…and she is a queen! Disclaimer: Any advice is not to be taken TOO literally!
This month’s inspirational features:
Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
Resident hypnotherapist ~ the spiritual and holistic Joolz Raven Stewart ~ introduces us to a unique guided meditation feature, with the goal of equipping you to deal with every emotion and mood, to help you lead a more fulfilled and balance life, make healthier choices, and have the ability to draw on these lessons whenever they are needed. The videos form part of the: Emotion & Mood Meditation Archives or ‘EMMA’ for short. This month we continue the series with: Alcohol Moderation.
‘Menopausal Hotties’ returns with the ‘Hotties Menopause Manual’, where we share our insights on the challenges and joys, capturing the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of the many symptoms of the menopause.
Making finance fun and a little less alienating…we have our resident financial expert ~ Danni Watts-Jones ~ who will be on hand to help look after the health of your wealth and money matters, allowing you to live a stress-free life of happiness.
We welcome spiritual and Reiki healer ~ Jamie Worcester ~ with his powerful, healing words ~ you could say they are ‘Worcester’s Words of Wisdom’.
‘In The Spotlight’ welcomes The Shared Plate ~ a Community Interest Company, in Mumbles, South Wales ~ with people and food at its heart.
In One Woman…One Vision…you can view our latest campaign video, We are emmaheaven.com ~ which tells you exactly what this magazine is all about in our own unique and special way!
It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to some more fabulous businesses featured in this month’s Business Showcase.
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza ~ we will see you with a fabulous new issue on Thursday 15th September.
Be part of something special…and be part of the magic…
September 2022 Article Count: 10

Welcome to Issue 88 ~ September 2022: The Monster Within
Let’s begin by inviting you to enter this month’s Dream Factory spectacular photo shoot ~ where the Dream Team bring to life: The Monster Within. Inspired by the famous Jekyll & Hyde story, we all have a monster within, but do we let our monster out…can we control our monster, or do we let it control us?
For your entertainment we have:
The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies, with a great sense of humour, who are discussing “Temper Tantrums”.
The all NEW Zodiac Zingers are back ~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.
The fabulously decadent & divine ‘Lady P’ is in turmoil, but does what she does best, by seeking solace in the shopping oasis of Dubai. However, our bon vivant-extraordinaire seems to have had an epiphany, which could rock her world. And ours!
Agony Aunt, Olivia Hell, is sent from heaven to give you hell ~ and she’s back to help you solve your problems with her very own special, unique, honest brand of advice. You might not like the answers you get, however, as she says…you did ask…this is her feature…and she is a queen! Disclaimer: Any advice is not to be taken TOO literally!
This month’s inspirational features:
Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
Resident hypnotherapist ~ the spiritual and holistic Joolz Raven Stewart ~ introduces us to a unique guided meditation feature, with the goal of equipping you to deal with every emotion and mood, to help you lead a more fulfilled and balance life, make healthier choices, and have the ability to draw on these lessons whenever they are needed. The videos form part of the: Emotion & Mood Meditation Archives or ‘EMMA’ for short. This month we continue the series with: Anger Management.
‘Menopausal Hotties’ returns with the ‘Hotties Menopause Manual’, where we share our insights on the challenges and joys, capturing the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of the many symptoms of the menopause.
Making finance fun and a little less scary…we have our resident financial expert ~ Danni Watts-Jones ~ who will be on hand to help look after the health of your wealth and money matters, allowing you to live a stress-free life of happiness.
We welcome spiritual and Reiki healer ~ Jamie Worcester ~ with his powerful, healing words ~ you could say they are ‘Worcester’s Words of Wisdom’.
‘In The Spotlight’ welcomes Lisa White and her warm, welcoming, eclectic Yoga studio ~ Yoga Place Abertawe ~ in the serene setting of a deconsecrated church ~ host to multiple wellbeing therapies, Yoga classes for all ages and abilities, weekend workshops and so much more.
In One Woman…One Vision…you can view our latest campaign video, We are emmaheaven.com ~ which tells you exactly what this magazine is all about in our own unique and special way!
It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to some more fabulous businesses featured in this month’s Business Showcase.
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza ~ we will see you with a fabulous new issue on Monday 17th October.
Be part of something special…and be part of the magic…
October 2022 Article Count: 10

Welcome to Issue 89 ~ October 2022: Hanky Panky
Let’s begin by inviting you to enter this month’s Dream Factory spectacular photo shoot. Its theme? Hanky Panky! Think Madonna as Breathless Mahoney in Dick Tracey~meets~50 Shades Of Grey, with the Dream Team helping me play the part of a dominatrix, as if to the manor born…Well, just for the photo shoot …But then again, who really knows what goes on behind closed doors?!
For your entertainment we have:
The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies, with a great sense of humour, who are discussing “All things Hanky Panky” ~ PLUS, they take part in a quiz to test their ‘sex knowledge’. Any ‘sexperts’ in our midst? There’s only one way you’ll find out!
The Zodiac Zingers are here to guide your month ahead ~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.
The fabulously decadent & divine ‘Lady P’ ventures on a ‘journey within’ this month, exploring a hedonistic world of lusty landscapes and japes. Intrigued and tantalised? So was she…
NEW FEATURE ALERT: Looking for an interview with a difference? This will be no ordinary interview. And it’s not for the faint-hearted ~ this is an Interview with the Drag Queen.
This month’s inspirational features:
Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
Resident hypnotherapist ~ the spiritual and holistic Joolz Raven Stewart ~ introduces us to a unique guided meditation feature, with the goal of equipping you to deal with every emotion and mood, to help you lead a more fulfilled and balance life, make healthier choices, and have the ability to draw on these lessons whenever they are needed. The videos form part of the: Emotion & Mood Meditation Archives or ‘EMMA’ for short. This month we continue the series with: Reignite your libido.
‘Menopausal Hotties’ returns with the ‘Hotties Menopause Manual’, where we share our insights on the challenges and joys, capturing the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of the many symptoms of the menopause.
Making finance fun and a little less scary…we have our resident financial expert ~ Danni Watts-Jones ~ who will be on hand to help look after the health of your wealth and money matters, allowing you to live a stress-free life of happiness.
We welcome spiritual and Reiki healer ~ Jamie Worcester ~ with his powerful, healing words ~ you could say they are ‘Worcester’s Words of Wisdom’.
In One Woman…One Vision…you can view our latest campaign video ~ We are emmaheaven.com ~ which tells you exactly what this magazine is all about in our own unique and special way!
It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to some more fabulous businesses featured in this month’s Business Showcase.
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza ~ we will see you with a fabulous new issue on Tuesday 15th November.
Be part of something special…and be part of the magic…
November 2022 Article Count: 10

Welcome to Issue 90 ~ November 2022: Captain Heaven
Let’s begin by inviting you to enter this month’s Dream Factory spectacular photo shoot. The theme is teamwork~ people coming together as a team to achieve a common goal. My role is Captain of the incredibly creative and talented Team Heaven. Anyone who knows me knows that I have more than a passing obsession with all things sparkly, so my Captain was going to be adorned with crystals, rhinestones, glitter and sparkle ~ ALL over!
For your entertainment we have:
The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies, with a great sense of humour, who are discussing “Being part of a team, being part of something special and does teamwork make the dream work?”
The Zodiac Zingers are here to guide your month ahead ~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.
The fabulously decadent & divine ‘Lady P’ goes on military manouevres this month ~ find out if blanks are firing from that Glock in his pocket, or if he’s just pleased to see her…
NEW FEATURE ALERT: Looking for an interview with a difference? This will be no ordinary interview. And it’s not for the faint-hearted ~ this is an Interview with the Drag Queen.
This month’s inspirational features:
Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
Resident hypnotherapist ~ the spiritual and holistic Joolz Raven Stewart ~ introduces us to a guided meditation feature, with the goal of equipping you to deal with every emotion and mood, helping you lead a more fulfilled, balanced, healthier life. They form part of the: Emotion & Mood Meditation Archives ~ ‘EMMA’ for short. This month we continue the series with: Overcoming loneliness.
‘Menopausal Hotties’ returns with the ‘Hotties Menopause Manual’, where we share our insights on the challenges and joys, capturing the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of the many symptoms of the menopause.
Making finance fun and a little less daunting…we have our resident financial expert ~ Danni Watts-Jones ~ she is on hand to help you look after the health of your wealth and money matters, and give you the confidence to navigate life’s financial highs and lows .
We welcome spiritual and Reiki healer ~ Jamie Worcester ~ with his powerful, healing words ~ you could say they are ‘Worcester’s Words of Wisdom’.
In One Woman…One Vision…you can view our latest campaign video ~ We are emmaheaven.com ~ which tells you exactly what this magazine is all about in our own unique and special way!
It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to some more fabulous businesses featured in this month’s Business Showcase.
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza ~ we will see you with a fabulous new issue on Thursday 15th December.
Be part of something special…and be part of the magic…
December 2022 Article Count: 10

Welcome to Issue 91 ~ December 2022: Frozen
Let’s begin by inviting you to enter this month’s Dream Factory spectacular photo shoot ~ ‘Frozen’, inspired by the lyrics of that very same-named song by Madonna, with the message “you’re frozen, when your heart’s not open”. To open your heart and mind to all the wonderful possibilities that life has to offer.
The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies, with a great sense of humour, who are discussing ~ “You are cryogenically frozen, then defrosted in the year 2123 ~ what does the world look like?”
The Zodiac Zingers are here to guide your month ahead ~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.
The fabulously decadent & divine ‘Lady P’ ~ this month she’s considering whether or not to freeze her assets, and for once, it’s not a plaintive cry for financial restraint from her long suffering Daddy! However, hot-blooded males (and females) may wish to not look away…
FUNNY FEATURE ALERT: Looking for an interview with a difference? This will be no ordinary interview. And it’s not for the faint-hearted ~ this is an Interview with the Drag Queen.
This month’s inspirational features:
Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
Resident hypnotherapist ~ the spiritual and holistic Joolz Raven Stewart ~ introduces us to a guided meditation feature, with the goal of equipping you to deal with every emotion and mood, helping you lead a more fulfilled, balanced, healthier life. They form part of the: Emotion & Mood Meditation Archives ~ ‘EMMA’ for short.
‘Menopausal Hotties’ returns with the ‘Hotties Menopause Manual’, where we share our insights on the challenges and joys, capturing the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of the many symptoms of the menopause.
Making finance fun and a little less daunting…we have our resident financial expert ~ Danni Watts-Jones ~ she is on hand to help you look after the health of your wealth and money matters, and give you the confidence to navigate life’s financial highs and lows.
We welcome spiritual and Reiki healer ~ Jamie Worcester ~ with his powerful, healing words ~ you could say they are ‘Worcester’s Words of Wisdom’.
In One Woman…One Vision ~ you can view our latest campaign video ~ We are emmaheaven.com ~ which tells you exactly what this magazine is all about, in our own unique, special way!
It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to some more fabulous businesses featured in this month’s Business Showcase.
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza ~ we will see you with a fabulous new issue on Monday 16th January.
Be part of something special…and be part of the magic…
2021 Article Count: 1
January 2021 Article Count: 9

Welcome to Issue 68 ~ January 2021: Mrs Heaven.
For your entertainment we have:
The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies with a great sense of humour, discussing “Our best 2020 moments” ~ oh boy did we struggle with that one!
Fashionscope predictions ~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the fashion and celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.
The fabulously decadent and divine ‘Lady P’ has news on her romance with a certain Mr Cruise. Will ‘cruise control’ drive her into his arms, or over the edge?
This month’s inspirational features:
Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
Resident hypnotherapist ~ the spiritual and holistic Joolz Raven Stewart, with a therapeutic guided visualization.
Yoga guru ~ Jo Pope ~ is ready with a wonderful yoga/meditation practice designed to help us with the human emotion: Boredom.
Julie Evans returns with the letter ‘T’ ~ and her alphabetical take on the challenges and joys, and the accompanying highs and the lows of the menopause, in ‘Menopausal Hotties’.
‘In The Spotlight’ welcomes Hats2Go: Bespoke Millinery By Marie-Anne. This creative talented lady created the outrageously huge and fabulously feathered hat used in my Tainted Love shoot way back in 2018.
Olly Heaven and his gorgeous alter ego Olivia Hell are back to enthrall you with the start of the ‘Calendar Girl’ makeup series.
Taking the helm of our no-nonsense business section is the talented and unstoppable Julie Sullivan ~ she brings a wealth of knowledge and proper advice to help your business thrive and grow.
And it gives me great pleasure to introduce you to some more fabulous businesses featured in this month’s Business Showcase.
The magazine’s advertising campaign: ‘Say My Name’ is about to go to DEFCON 4 and that’s thanks to all our wonderful readers for taking part and sharing the message. You can find out all about it and how you can help in our new feature ~ One Woman, One Vision.
And drumroll please…
We invite you to enter this month’s Dream Factory spectacular photo shoot: ‘Mrs Heaven’.
An altogether different shoot, with just me and my husband Adrian, who wanted to do a ‘normal’ shoot for once...just once!
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza...and we will see you with a fabulous new issue on Monday 15th February.
Be part of the magic...
February 2021 Article Count: 9

Welcome to Issue 69 ~ February 2021: Welsh Woman.
For your entertainment we have:
The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies with a great sense of humour, discussing “Our weird and very questionable phobias”.
Fashionscope predictions ~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the fashion and celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.
The fabulously decadent and divine ‘Lady P’ ~ with her wings clipped by lockdown, she prepares for her next adventure, as she enters the murky world of internet dating.
This month’s inspirational features:
Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
Resident hypnotherapist ~ the spiritual and holistic Joolz Raven Stewart, with a therapeutic guided visualization.
Yoga guru ~ Jo Pope ~ is ready with a wonderful yoga/meditation practice designed to help us with the human emotion: Craving.
Julie Evans returns with the letter ‘U’ ~ and her alphabetical take on the challenges and joys, and the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of the menopause, in ‘Menopausal Hotties’.
‘In The Spotlight’ welcomes top business woman and multi award-winning role model, Danni Watts-Jones, owner of DWJ Wealth Management Ltd. Danni and her team help take the mystery and fears out of managing your money.
Olly Heaven and his gorgeous alter ego Olivia Hell are back to enthrall you with the ‘Calendar Girl’ makeup series featuring this month’s birthstone amethyst.
Taking the helm of our no-nonsense business section is the talented and unstoppable Julie Sullivan ~ she brings a wealth of knowledge and proper advice to help your business thrive and grow.
And it gives me great pleasure to introduce you to some more fabulous businesses featured in this month’s Business Showcase.
We are proud to launch our NEW showreel entitled ‘This Was 2020’ in One Woman, One Vision. In a year which has devastated businesses all around the world we celebrate the magazine continuing, thriving and growing through extremely tough times. #Proud
And drumroll please…
We invite you to enter this month’s Dream Factory spectacular photo shoot: ‘Welsh Woman’.
Wales’ very own superhero with a controversial super power.
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza...and we will see you with a fabulous new issue on Monday 15th March.
Be part of the magic...
March 2021 Article Count: 9

Welcome to Issue 70 ~ March 2021: Get Back In Your Box.
For your entertainment we have:
The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies with a great sense of humour, discussing “Our school days”.
Fashionscope predictions ~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the fashion and celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.
The fabulously decadent and divine ‘Lady P’ ~ has begun her experience of online dating, and boy is she having a ball. Or should that be a bawl...?!
This month’s inspirational features:
Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
Resident hypnotherapist ~ the spiritual and holistic Joolz Raven Stewart, with a therapeutic guided visualization, tackling the murky nasty world of online bullying.
Yoga guru ~ Jo Pope ~ is ready with a wonderful yoga/meditation practice designed to help us with the human mood: Grateful.
Julie Evans returns with the letter ‘V’ ~ and her alphabetical take on the challenges and joys, and the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of the menopause, in ‘Menopausal Hotties’. Let’s all sing “Viva Vagina”.
‘In The Spotlight’ welcomes Charlotte Cole, creator of: The Crystal Moon Collection ~ bath, body and home products for the soul.
Olly Heaven and his gorgeous alter ego Olivia Hell are back to enthrall you with the ‘Calendar Girl’ makeup series featuring this month’s birthstone ~ aquamarine.
Taking the helm of our no-nonsense business section is the talented and unstoppable Julie Sullivan ~ she brings a wealth of knowledge and proper advice to help your business thrive and grow.
And it gives me great pleasure to introduce you to some more fabulous businesses featured in this month’s Business Showcase.
And drumroll please…
We invite you to enter this month’s Dream Factory spectacular photo shoot: ‘Get Back In Your Box’. This is our way of telling the internet trolls and bullies exactly what we think of them and how we won’t tolerate their behaviour.
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza...and we will see you with a fabulous new issue on Thursday 15th April.
Be part of the magic...
April 2021 Article Count: 9

Welcome to Issue 71 ~ April 2021: Holographic.
For your entertainment we have:
The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies, with a great sense of humour, discuss “If you were arrested with no explanation, what would your friends and family assume you had done?”
Fashionscope predictions ~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the fashion and celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.
The fabulously decadent and divine ‘Lady P’ ~ has she bitten off more than she can chew with her latest business adventure? And will she be able to look anyone in the eye ever again?!
This month’s inspirational features:
Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
Resident hypnotherapist ~ the spiritual and holistic Joolz Raven Stewart, with a therapeutic guided visualization.
Yoga guru ~ Jo Pope ~ is ready with a fabulous catalogue of yoga practices designed to suit whatever mood/emotion you are feeling.
Julie Evans returns with the letter ‘W’ ~ and her alphabetical take on the challenges and joys, and the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of the menopause, in ‘Menopausal Hotties’.
‘In The Spotlight’ welcomes Emily Nicole Roberts ~ one of the most inspirational young women I have ever met.
Olly Heaven and his gorgeous alter ego Olivia Hell are back to enthrall you with the ‘Calendar Girl’ makeup series, featuring this month’s birthstone ~ so shine bright like a diamond.
Taking the helm of our no-nonsense business section is the talented and unstoppable Julie Sullivan ~ she brings a wealth of knowledge and proper advice to help your business thrive and grow.
And it gives me great pleasure to introduce you to some more fabulous businesses featured in this month’s Business Showcase.
And drumroll please…
We invite you to enter this month’s Dream Factory spectacular photo shoot: ‘Holographic’ ~ the Dream Team were tasked with turning my face holographic, creating a dazzling, high-gloss, multidimensional effect.
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza ~ we will see you with a fabulous new issue on Monday 17th May.
Be part of the magic...
May 2021 Article Count: 9

Welcome to Issue 72 ~ May 2021: Roar
For your entertainment we have:
The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies, with a great sense of humour, discuss “The soundtrack of our life.”
Fashionscope predictions ~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the fashion & celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.
The fabulously decadent & divine ‘Lady P’ is ever so busy arranging her awards ceremony with her bulging little black book…
This month’s inspirational features:
Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
Resident hypnotherapist ~ the spiritual and holistic Joolz Raven Stewart, with a therapeutic guided visualization.
Yoga guru ~ Jo Pope ~ is ready with a fabulous catalogue of yoga practices designed to suit whatever mood/emotion you are feeling. This month is all about empowerment.
Julie Evans returns with the letter ‘X’ ~ and her alphabetical take on the challenges and joys, and the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of the menopause, in ‘Menopausal Hotties’.
‘In The Spotlight’ welcomes ‘Best Bridal Retailer South Wales’: Samantha K’s Bridal & Occasionwear.
Olly Heaven and his gorgeous alter ego Olivia Hell are back to enthrall you with the ‘Calendar Girl’ makeup series, featuring this month’s birthstone ~ emerald.
Taking the helm of our no-nonsense business section is the talented and unstoppable Julie Sullivan ~ she brings a wealth of knowledge and proper advice to help your business thrive and grow.
It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to some more fabulous businesses featured in this month’s Business Showcase.
And drumroll please…
We invite you to enter this month’s Dream Factory spectacular photo shoot: ‘Roar’ where the Dream Team brought to life my empowering vision inspired by the phrase “I am woman ~ hear me roar”. It was time to bring out my inner tiger.
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza ~ we will see you with a fabulous new issue on Tuesday 15th June.
Be part of the magic...
June 2021 Article Count: 9

Welcome to Issue 73 ~ June 2021: Professor Love
For your entertainment we have:
The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies, with a great sense of humour, discuss “The greatest love song of all time.”
Fashionscope predictions ~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the fashion & celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.
The fabulously decadent & divine ‘Lady P’ is in the final stages of preparations for the much anticipated ‘Dickies’. And will our hot-blooded aristo turn into an ice maiden?
This month’s inspirational features:
Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
Resident hypnotherapist ~ the spiritual and holistic Joolz Raven Stewart, with a therapeutic guided visualization.
Yoga guru ~ Jo Pope ~ is ready with a fabulous catalogue of yoga practices designed to suit whatever mood/emotion you are feeling.
Julie Evans returns with the letters ‘Y & Z’ ~ and her alphabetical take on the challenges and joys, and the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of the menopause, in ‘Menopausal Hotties’.
‘In The Spotlight’ welcomes Rhiannon Roberts, and her first children’s book ~ Unicow And The Owl.
Olly Heaven and his gorgeous alter ego Olivia Hell are back to enthrall you with the ‘Calendar Girl’ makeup series, featuring this month’s birthstone ~ smoky quartz.
Taking the helm of our no-nonsense business section is the talented and unstoppable Julie Sullivan ~ she brings a wealth of knowledge and proper advice to help your business thrive and grow.
It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to some more fabulous businesses featured in this month’s Business Showcase.
And drumroll please…
We invite you to enter this month’s Dream Factory spectacular photo shoot: ‘Professor Love’ where the Dream Team brought to life my nutty professor who has discovered how to make the world's most powerful love potion!
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza ~ we will see you with a fabulous new issue on Thursday 15th July.
Be part of the magic...
July 2021 Article Count: 10

Welcome to Issue 74 ~ July 2021: Knock To Enter.
For your entertainment we have:
The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies, with a great sense of humour, discuss “Childhood film favourites.”
Fashionscope predictions ~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the fashion & celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.
The fabulously decadent & divine ‘Lady P’ has been carted off to The Priory. Is this rock bottom for our ballsy high-society heroine? Or will she emerge smarter and stronger? Buckle up, buttercup!
This month’s inspirational features:
Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
Resident hypnotherapist ~ the spiritual and holistic Joolz Raven Stewart, with a therapeutic guided visualization.
Yoga guru ~ Jo Pope ~ is ready with a fabulous catalogue of yoga practices designed to suit whatever mood/emotion you are feeling.
Julie Evans returns with the all NEW, singing and dancing Hotties Playlist! ~ a musical take on the challenges and joys, and the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of the menopause, in ‘Menopausal Hotties’.
‘In The Spotlight’ welcomes the talented Helen Bowden ~ Voice Over Artist and Presenter.
Olly Heaven and his gorgeous alter ego Olivia Hell are back to enthrall you with the ‘Calendar Girl’ makeup series, featuring this month’s birthstone ~ Ruby.
Taking the helm of our no-nonsense business section is the talented and unstoppable Julie Sullivan ~ she brings a wealth of knowledge and proper advice to help your business thrive and grow.
It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to some more fabulous businesses featured in this month’s Business Showcase.
Back by popular demand, with her very own NEW feature is the inspirational Emily Nicole Roberts. She will be waxing lyrical, sharing her random thoughts, unique sense of humour and ‘turn of phrase’ on all magazine-related topics, every month. Reading is believing!
And drumroll please…
We invite you to enter this month’s Dream Factory spectacular photo shoot: ‘Knock To Enter’. Inspired by the musical fantasy film Labyrinth, I challenged The Dream Team to turn me into a door knocker! Slightly bonkers? Obviously.
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza ~ we will see you with a fabulous new issue on Monday 16th August.
Be part of the magic...
August 2021 Article Count: 11

Welcome to Issue 75 ~ August 2021: Feather.
For your entertainment we have:
The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies, with a great sense of humour, are discussing “Superstitions” this month.
Fashionscope predictions ~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the fashion & celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.
The fabulously decadent & divine ‘Lady P’ and soul of absolute discretion, gives us a few titbits and teasers from the long-awaited Dickies awards!
This month’s inspirational features:
Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
Resident hypnotherapist ~ the spiritual and holistic Joolz Raven Stewart, with a therapeutic guided visualization.
Yoga guru ~ Jo Pope ~ is ready with a fabulous catalogue of yoga practices designed to suit whatever mood/emotion you are feeling.
Julie Evans returns with the all NEW, singing and dancing Hotties Playlist! ~ a musical take on the challenges and joys, capturing the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of the menopause, in ‘Menopausal Hotties’.
‘In The Spotlight’ welcomes Animal Protection Services, the charity that investigates and prosecutes animal cruelty.
Olly Heaven and his gorgeous alter ego Olivia Hell are back to enthrall you with the ‘Calendar Girl’ makeup series, featuring this month’s birthstone ~ Peridot.
Taking the helm of our no-nonsense business section is the talented and unstoppable Julie Sullivan ~ she brings a wealth of knowledge and proper advice to help your business thrive and grow.
It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to some more fabulous businesses featured in this month’s Business Showcase.
The inspirational Emily Nicole Roberts is back as usual, waxing lyrical and sharing her random thoughts, unique sense of humour and ‘turn of phrase’ on all magazine-related topics, every month. Reading is believing!
NEW FEATURE ALERT: Making finance fun, we welcome Danni Watts-Jones, financial expert who will be on hand to help look after the health of your wealth, allowing you to live a stress-free life of happiness.
And drumroll please…
We invite you to enter this month’s Dream Factory spectacular photo shoot: ‘Feather’. Inspired by the powerful message of finding a white feather. This shoot is truly ‘divine’.
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza ~ we will see you with a fabulous new issue on Wednesday 15th September.
Be part of the magic...
September 2021 Article Count: 11

Welcome to Issue 76 ~ September 2021: Envy
Let’s begin by inviting you to enter this month’s Dream Factory spectacular photo shoot: ‘Envy’. Inspired by the seven deadly sins, I chose Envy. See how the Dream Team transformed me into a green-eyed monster.
For your entertainment we have:
The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies, with a great sense of humour, are discussing “What makes them envious?” this month.
Fashionscope predictions ~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the fashion & celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.
The fabulously decadent & divine ‘Lady P’ is living it up in Champagne, with yes, you’ve guessed it, beaucoup de champagne! Has there been a clash at the chateau? Should Dita stay or should she go?!
This month’s inspirational features:
Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
Resident hypnotherapist ~ the spiritual and holistic Joolz Raven Stewart, introduces us to her very own brand of chaos holistics.
Julie Evans returns with the all NEW, singing and dancing Hotties Playlist! ~ a musical take on the challenges and joys, capturing the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of the menopause, in ‘Menopausal Hotties’.
‘In The Spotlight’ welcomes Olivia Hell, our resident Drag Queen and latest member of The LWA.
Olly Heaven and his gorgeous alter ego Olivia Hell are back to enthrall you with the ‘Calendar Girl’ makeup series, featuring this month’s birthstone ~ Sapphire.
It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to some more fabulous businesses featured in this month’s Business Showcase.
The inspirational Emily Nicole Roberts is back as usual, waxing lyrical and sharing her random thoughts, unique sense of humour and ‘turn of phrase’ on all magazine-related topics, every month. Reading is believing!
Making finance fun, we welcome Danni Watts-Jones, financial expert who will be on hand to help look after the health of your wealth, allowing you to live a stress-free life of happiness.
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza ~ we will see you with a fabulous new issue on Friday 15th October.
Be part of the magic...
October 2021 Article Count: 11

Welcome to Issue 77 ~ October 2021: ~ Haunted Doll
Let’s begin by inviting you to enter this month’s Dream Factory spectacular photo shoot: ‘Haunted Doll’. It’s time to grab your torch as the Dream Team explores a dark attic full of cobwebs, stumbling upon one of those terrifying dolls that make you wonder if they come alive at night! Spooky stuff!
For your entertainment we have:
The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies, with a great sense of humour, are discussing “What scared us as a child?” this month.
The all NEW Zodiac Zingers have arrived ~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.
The fabulously decadent & divine ‘Lady P’ is learning to appreciate the green green grass of home when her mystery island location is revealed as Barry Island. Not quite the far-flung tropical paradise she was expecting...
This month’s inspirational features:
Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
Resident hypnotherapist ~ the spiritual and holistic Joolz Raven Stewart, introduces us to her very own brand of chaos holistics.
Julie Evans returns with the all NEW, singing and dancing Hotties Playlist! ~ a musical take on the challenges and joys, capturing the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of the menopause, in ‘Menopausal Hotties’.
‘In The Spotlight’ welcomes Aura…The Witches Store Cupboard, a treasure trove full of everything the modern day witch or wizard could possibly need.
Olly Heaven and his gorgeous alter ego Olivia Hell are back to enthrall you with the ‘Calendar Girl’ makeup series, featuring this month’s birthstone ~Opal.
It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to some more fabulous businesses featured in this month’s Business Showcase.
The inspirational Emily Nicole Roberts is back as usual, waxing lyrical and sharing her random thoughts, unique sense of humour and ‘turn of phrase’ on all magazine-related topics, every month. Reading is believing!
Making finance fun and a little less scary, we welcome Danni Watts-Jones, financial expert who will be on hand to help look after the health of your wealth, allowing you to live a stress-free life of happiness.
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza ~ we will see you with a fabulous new issue on Monday 15th November.
Be part of the magic...
November 2021 Article Count: 11

Welcome to Issue 78 ~ November 2021: ~ Rainbow
Let’s begin by inviting you to enter this month’s Dream Factory spectacular photo shoot: ‘Rainbow’, inspired by the song, The Rainbow Connection from The Muppet Movie. This shoot is all about wishing on stars, magical dreaming and wondrous imagination in an over the top explosion of colour.
For your entertainment we have:
The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies, with a great sense of humour, who are discussing “What fantasy land is at the end of our rainbow?”
The all NEW Zodiac Zingers are back~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.
The fabulously decadent & divine ‘Lady P’ is skating on thin ice ~ in more ways than one ~ when she ventures to Brighton, and locks eyes with a ginger gent. Will they be together forever?
This month’s inspirational features:
Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
Resident hypnotherapist ~ the spiritual and holistic Joolz Raven Stewart, introduces us to her very own brand of chaos holistics.
Julie Evans returns with ‘Menopausal Hotties’ ~ where she shares her insights on the challenges and joys, capturing the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of the menopause.
‘In The Spotlight’ welcomes back children's author, Sara Di Sorrenti and her latest book: The Skonk of Tawk Valley and the Firefly Meadow. Do we have any publishing supremos or marketing wizards in our midst who love the Skonk as much as we do? Sara would love to hear from you!
Olly Heaven and his gorgeous alter ego Olivia Hell are back to enthrall you with the ‘Calendar Girl’ makeup series, featuring this month’s birthstone ~ Topaz.
The inspirational Emily Nicole Roberts is back as usual, waxing lyrical and sharing her random thoughts, unique sense of humour and ‘turn of phrase’ on all magazine-related topics. Reading is believing!
Making finance fun and a little less scary, we welcome Danni Watts-Jones, financial expert who will be on hand to help look after the health of your wealth, allowing you to live a stress-free life of happiness.
It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to some more fabulous businesses featured in this month’s Business Showcase.
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza ~ we will see you with a fabulous new issue on Wednesday 15th December.
Be part of something special…and be part of the magic...
December 2021 Article Count: 11

Welcome to Issue 79 ~ December 2021: ~ Botched
Let’s begin by inviting you to enter this month’s Dream Factory spectacular photo shoot: ‘Botched’ ~ when cosmetic surgery goes horribly wrong! If you want cosmetic procedures, go ahead...just be sure to do your research and use a reputable, registered practitioner ~ above all, do it because it is what YOU want and NOT because of peer and social media pressure. Why fit in when we are born to stand out?! Remember ~ cosmetic surgery is for life, not just for Christmas.
For your entertainment we have:
The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies, with a great sense of humour, who are discussing “How would we feel if we were gifted cosmetic surgery vouchers for Christmas?”
The all NEW Zodiac Zingers are back~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.
The fabulously decadent & divine ‘Lady P’ is enjoying the famous Blackpool illuminations ~ but is there room in her luggage for some big knickers? And will she thaw out in time for Christmas if given enough mulled wine?
This month’s inspirational features:
Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
Resident hypnotherapist ~ the spiritual and holistic Joolz Raven Stewart, introduces us to her very own brand of chaos holistics.
Julie Evans returns with ‘Menopausal Hotties’ ~ where she shares her insights on the challenges and joys, capturing the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of the menopause.
‘In The Spotlight’ welcomes Clearly CBD who believe that the benefits of CBD products may help people to live a better life.
Olly Heaven and his gorgeous alter ego Olivia Hell are back to enthrall you with the last episode in the ‘Calendar Girl’ makeup series, featuring this month’s birthstone ~ Blue Zircon.
The inspirational Emily Nicole Roberts is back as usual, waxing lyrical and sharing her random thoughts, unique sense of humour and ‘turn of phrase’ on all magazine-related topics. Reading is believing!
Making finance fun and a little less scary, we welcome Danni Watts-Jones, financial expert who will be on hand to help look after the health of your wealth, allowing you to live a stress-free life of happiness.
It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to some more fabulous businesses featured in this month’s Business Showcase.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New year from Team Heaven.
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza ~ we will see you with a fabulous new issue on Monday 17th January.
Be part of something special…and be part of the magic...
2020 Article Count: 0
January 2020 Article Count: 7

Welcome to Issue 56 ~ January 2020: All About You
We invite you to enter the Dream Factory to witness this month’s spectacular photo shoot ~ ‘All About You’ ~ This shoot encourages everyone to seize the day, live life to the full, and have no regrets. Because one day, you’re going to get old and might be left wondering, ‘Did life just pass you by?’
We have a fairly typically bonkers ‘Ladies With Attitude’ discussion, where we discuss “Our most weird, scary, funny and best moments of 2019”.
In this edition’s ‘Beauty Warrior’ feature I am going to reveal my top treatments of 2019 - let’s see what and/or who made the grade!
And be sure to check out your ‘Fashionscope’ predictions for this month.
Visit ‘In The Spotlight’ to read all about our fabulous new yoga/spiritual ‘guru’, Jo Pope, who heads up our fantastic new feature - ‘EMMA’ - which we are launching this month. Such a great, catchy name, don’t you think? Jo will take you through the 3 Ms every month, helping you work with your moods and emotions. This month she tackles anxiety.
Plus we have the must-read column from the extra-celestial Angie Barnett with her extraordinary psychic powers...are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
Julie Evans returns with her frank, entertaining and honest views about the challenges and joys of the menopause, in ‘Menopausal Hotties’. This month is brought to you by the letter ‘G’. Don’t worry, neither you nor your mind will be in the gutter...
Join us in drooling over our baking programme, Cake-A-Holic, with the talented Amy Carrieri from Tilly’s Treats as she creates some delicious Chocolate Hazelnut Baked Doughnuts, including a vegan-friendly version.
Our ‘Business Showcase’ is now OPEN, for all the businesses out there who would like to see their business advertised in the most entertaining and fastest growing online magazine out there. **We regularly exceed the 100k readership mark #JustSaying...**
And the fabulously decadent and divine Lady P has trekked to Machu Picchu in Peru. Did she have a Lady Marmalade sandwich with Paddington Bear, or get to wet her whistle on some pan pipes?!?
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza...and we will see you with a fabulous new issue on Monday 17th February.
February 2020 Article Count: 7

Welcome to Issue 57 ~ February 2020: Goddess Of Love
We invite you to enter the Dream Factory to witness this month’s spectacular photo shoot ~ ‘Goddess Of Love’. This shoot is a celebration of love, in all its forms and I wanted to create my very own goddess to represent that. Move over Aphrodite and Venus...
We have a typically bonkers ‘Ladies With Attitude’ discussion, where we discuss “The Greatest Love Stories Of All Time”.
In this edition’s ‘Beauty Warrior’ feature I am going to demonstrate the Sarah Chapman Pro Pore Refiner.
And be sure to check out your ‘Fashionscope’ predictions for this month.
Visit ‘In The Spotlight’ to read all about Lucy Heavens’ ‘Juicy Lucy Designs’ and her other (ad)ventures! Tutu and fairy wand optional...
Plus we have the must-read column from the extra-celestial Angie Barnett with her extraordinary psychic powers...are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
Julie Evans returns with her take on the challenges and joys, the high and the lows of the menopause, in ‘Menopausal Hotties’.
Join us in drooling over our baking programme, Cake-A-Holic, with the talented Amy Carrieri from Tilly’s Treats as she creates some delicious White Chocolate & Raspberry Cheesecake Truffles. We cannot be held responsible for any of their aphrodisiac qualities!
Jo Pope is back with a wonderful yoga/meditation practice designed to help us be more Universally Loving.
Our ‘Business Showcase’ is now OPEN, for all the businesses out there who would like to see their business advertised in the most entertaining and fastest growing online magazine out there. **We regularly exceed the 100k readership mark #JustSaying...**
And the fabulously decadent and divine Lady P has gone all Indiana Jones on us again as she ventures to Petra in Jordan. She may also have unearthed a new career. But did she get on the sharp end of Cupid’s arrow?!
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza...and we will see you with a fabulous new issue on Monday 16th March.
March 2020 Article Count: 7

Welcome to Issue 58 ~ March 2020: My Bonkers Brain
We invite you to enter the ‘Dream Factory’ to witness this month’s spectacular photo shoot ~ ‘My Bonkers Brain’. YES dear readers, you get to take a peek inside my head and witness my brain, in all its technicolour bonkers glory!
We have a typical bonkers ‘Ladies With Attitude’ discussion, where we reveal “ Five bonkers facts about ourselves”.
In this edition’s ‘Beauty Warrior’ feature I am going to demonstrate the Nurse Jamie Eyeonix System.
And be sure to check out your ‘Fashionscope’ predictions for this month.
Visit ‘In The Spotlight’ to read the heartbreaking reality of Joolz Raven Stewart’s The Wish Cottage Project/Ravens Retreat, and how it has been devastated for a second time - this time by Storm Dennis.
Plus we have the must-read column from the extra-celestial Angie Barnett with her extraordinary psychic powers...are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
The irrepressible Julie Evans returns with her alphabetical take on the challenges and joys, and the high and the lows of the menopause, in ‘Menopausal Hotties’. This month the ‘ayes’ have it! [‘I’ see what you did there…]
Join us in drooling over our baking programme, ‘Cake-A-Holic’, with the talented Amy Carrieri from Tilly’s Treats as she creates some delicious and very apt Bonkers Brownies.
Jo Pope is back with a wonderful yoga/meditation practice designed to help us with our confusion.
Our ‘Business Showcase’ is now OPEN, for all the businesses out there who would like to see their business advertised in the most entertaining and fastest growing online magazine out there. **We regularly exceed the 100k readership mark #JustSaying...**
And the fabulously decadent and divine ‘Lady P’ has had her wings clipped and been (semi) grounded ~ this month she’s been kept closer to home as she travels to Scotland in search of the Loch Ness Monster. Did a Highland fling tickle her fancy?
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza...and we will see you with a fabulous new issue on Wednesday 15th April.
April 2020 Article Count: 7

Welcome to Issue 59 ~ April 2020: Queen Of The Ocean
This month we have a slightly different issue of the magazine due to the current pandemic. While the country is in lockdown, we are unable to bring you our usual all-singing, all-dancing issue, as the team is unable to come to the studio for filming. However we have put together a great issue with a mix of the familiar, a new columnist, plus a trip down memory lane.
We invite you to enter the ‘Dream Factory’ to witness this month’s spectacular photo shoot. Journey with us to a kingdom under the sea, for a royal appointment with our ‘Queen Of The Ocean’.
We revisit a typically bonkers ‘Ladies With Attitude’ discussion, with the EH 2017 award winning: ‘Do we believe in psychic powers?’
In this edition’s ‘Beauty Warrior’ feature, I demonstrate Magicstripes Hand Repairing Gloves.
And be sure to check out your ‘Fashionscope’ predictions for this month.
We put this amazing magazine ‘In The Spotlight’, where members of #TeamHeaven reveal what their magazine ‘wow’ moments are from over the years.
Plus, we have the must-read column from the extra-celestial Angie Barnett with her extraordinary psychic powers...are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
The irrepressible Julie Evans returns with her alphabetical take on the challenges and joys, and the high and the lows of the menopause, in ‘Menopausal Hotties’.
Join us in drooling over our baking programme, ‘Cake-A-Holic’, with the talented Amy Carrieri from Tilly’s Treats. We take a look back at her delicious Jammie Dodger Blondies.
Jo Pope is ready with a few wonderful yoga/meditation practices designed to help us with our confusion, anxiety and universal love; so very apt at this unsettling time.
Our ‘Business Showcase’ is now OPEN, for all the businesses out there who would like to see their business advertised in the most entertaining and fastest growing online magazine out there. **We regularly exceed the 100k readership mark #JustSaying...**
And the fabulously decadent and divine ‘Lady P’ has had her wildest adventures yet, without leaving the house! Can you work out how she ended up in Narnia? You do not want to miss her Corona Chronicles...
NEW FEATURE ALERT ~ the spiritual and holistic Joolz Raven Stewart joins us as our resident hypnotherapist.
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza...and we will see you with a fabulous new issue on Friday 15th May.
May 2020 Article Count: 7

Welcome to Issue 60 ~ May 2020: She’s No Oil Painting
This month we have a slightly different issue of the magazine due to the ongoing pandemic.
While the country remains in lockdown, we are unable to bring you our usual all-singing, all-dancing issue, as the team is unable to come to the studio for filming. However, we have put together a great issue with a mix of the familiar and something new.
We invite you to enter the ‘Dream Factory’, inspired by the famous phrase “She’s No Oil Painting” - read on to see how The Dream Team interpreted this. Forget the Lockdown Louvre and the Corona Lisa. Could this be a Tate Great in the making?!
This month’s ‘Ladies With Attitude’ discussion is brought to you via the technical wonder that is Zoom where the ladies divulge their lockdown tales.
And be sure to check out your ‘Fashionscope’ predictions for this month.
This month’s In The Spotlight features Molly Fenton with her Love Your Period Campaign.
Plus, we have the must-see video features from the extra-celestial Angie Barnett with her extraordinary psychic powers...are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper and our resident hypnotherapist ~ the spiritual and holistic Joolz Raven Stewart.
Julie Evans returns with her alphabetical take on the challenges and joys, and the high and the lows of the menopause, in ‘Menopausal Hotties’. The letter is ‘L’. And it’s not for Lockdown!
Join us in drooling over our baking programme, ‘Cake-A-Holic’, with the talented Amy Carrieri from Tilly’s Treats. We take a look back at her moreish Old School Sponge Cake.
Jo Pope is ready with a few wonderful yoga/meditation practices designed to help us with our confusion, anxiety and universal love; so very apt at this unsettling time.
Our ‘Business Showcase’ is now OPEN, for all the businesses out there who would like to see their business advertised in the most entertaining and fastest growing online magazine out there. **We regularly exceed the 100k readership mark #JustSaying...**
And the fabulously decadent and divine ‘Lady P’ continues her Corona Chronicles with a rather peculiar trip to Oz. She can make mischief in an empty room. Will this month be any different?!
NEW FEATURE ALERT ~ I take you to Emmaland - my sanctuary - a place I visit when I need to feel good and look good - a world of beauty gadgets, products, treatments and experiences waiting to be discovered. This month features the Clarisonic Mia Smart.
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza...and we will see you with a fabulous new issue on Monday 15th June.
June 2020 Article Count: 7

Welcome to Issue 61 ~ June 2020: Cobweb
With the country starting to ease its lockdown restrictions, we are still unable to bring you our usual all-singing, all-dancing issue, as social distancing measures prevent us from filming certain features. However, we have put together another great issue with a mix of the familiar and new.
We invite you to enter the ‘Dream Factory’ ~ this issue is inspired by ‘Cobweb’ from the William Shakespeare play: A Midsummer Night's Dream ~ read on to see how The Dream Team interpreted this fabled fairy.
This month’s ‘Ladies With Attitude’ discussion is brought to you via the technical wonder that is Zoom where the ladies share: “The most bizarre and totally bonkers adverts we’ve seen on social media”.
And be sure to check out your ‘Fashionscope’ predictions for this month.
This month’s ‘In The Spotlight’ features Michelle Axe and the RiverWitch Apothecary.
Plus, we have the must-see video features from the extra-celestial Angie Barnett with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper, plus our resident hypnotherapist ~ the spiritual and holistic Joolz Raven Stewart.
Julie Evans returns with her alphabetical take on the challenges and joys, and the high and the lows of the menopause, in ‘Menopausal Hotties’. This month it’s all about M&M’s!
Join us in drooling over our baking programme, ‘Cake-A-Holic’, and don’t be too shocked when you see me wearing a pinny and getting my ‘bake off, bake on’ as I share my tasty Flapjacks.
Jo Pope is ready with a NEW wonderful yoga/meditation practice designed to help us get out of a self-pitying mood.
Our ‘Business Showcase’ is now OPEN, for all the businesses out there who would like to see their business advertised in the most entertaining and fastest growing online magazine out there. **We regularly exceed the 100k readership mark #JustSaying...**
And the fabulously decadent and divine ‘Lady P’ continues her Corona Chronicles with a rather heartwarming and slightly bonkers visit to one of her childhood favourite books. It’s quite the fairytale. Grimm in parts...
I take you back to Emmaland - my sanctuary ~ a place I visit when I need to feel good and look good ~ a world of beauty gadgets, products, treatments and experiences waiting to be discovered. This month features the 001 Skincare London: CRYOpress Ice Facial Massager.
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza...and we will see you with a fabulous new issue on Wednesday 15th July.
July 2020 Article Count: 7

Welcome to Issue 62 ~ July 2020: Mummy’s Boy
With the recent pandemic upheaval, we’ve had to postpone our 5th birthday celebrations along with this year’s EH Awards. Although this was disappointing, we’ve rallied pretty quickly and we’ve already started the planning for early next year. As you can imagine it is going to be one heck of a party; but in the meantime let’s wish ourselves a very big 5th Happy Birthday and start the hunt for that perfect party outfit.
We invite you to enter the ‘Dream Factory’ ~ this issue is a tribute to my fabulously talented and gorgeous son Olly, who is, without a doubt, a Mummy’s Boy. It was a very special shoot, but left me pondering that he wears makeup sooo much better than me! Not fair!
This month’s ‘Ladies With Attitude’ discussion is brought to you via the tech wizardry of Zoom, where the ladies share: “If we had to do it again - which three famous people would we take into lockdown with us, and why”.
And be sure to check out your ‘Fashionscope’ predictions for this month.
This month’s ‘In The Spotlight’ features business entrepreneur Shell Williams.
Plus, we have the must-see video features from the extra-celestial Angie Barnett with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper, plus our resident hypnotherapist ~ the spiritual and holistic Joolz Raven Stewart.
Julie Evans returns with her alphabetical take on the challenges and joys, and the high and the lows of the menopause, in ‘Menopausal Hotties’.
Join us in drooling over our baking programme, ‘Cake-A-Holic’, where Amy is back in the kitchen and conjuring delicious treats for us once more. This month she delights the taste buds with Raspberry Crumble Blondie Cups.
Jo Pope is ready with a NEW wonderful yoga/meditation practice designed to help us achieve calmness in our lives.
I take you back to Emmaland - my sanctuary ~ a place I visit when I need to feel good and look good ~ a world of beauty gadgets, products, treatments and experiences waiting to be discovered. This month features a homemade Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay Mask.
And the fabulously decadent and divine ‘Lady P’ has been placed in jail! What crimes of insanity has she committed now? Or is it a crime against fashion she’s appealing?
Our NEW ‘Business Showcase’ will be opening soon, for all the businesses out there who would like to see their business advertised in the most entertaining and fastest growing online magazine out there. **We regularly exceed the 100k readership mark #JustSaying...** so keep your eyes peeled for the big launch...
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza...and we will see you with a fabulous new issue on Monday 17th August.
August 2020 Article Count: 7

Welcome to Issue 63 ~ August 2020: She Hides Beneath The Rose.
For your entertainment we have:
The Ladies With Attitude, our panel of straight-talking ladies with a great sense of humour, discussing their perfect movie date night.
Fashionscope predictions ~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the fashion and celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.
The fabulously decadent and divine ‘Lady P’ is still languishing in jail...will Daddy ever let this jailbird out of her gilded cage? Will Lady P get out in time to ‘Eat Out to Help Out’?!? #Free the LP.
This month’s inspirational features:
Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
Resident hypnotherapist ~ the spiritual and holistic Joolz Raven Stewart, with a therapeutic guided visualization.
Yoga guru ~ Jo Pope ~ is ready with a wonderful yoga/meditation practice designed to help us deal with Obsession.
Julie Evans returns with her alphabetical take on the challenges and joys, and the accompanying highs and the lows of the menopause, in ‘Menopausal Hotties’.
Tickling your tastebuds with our baking programme ~ ‘Cake-A-Holic’ ~ featuring the talented cake genius, Amy Carrieri. This month she conjures up some delicious Key Lime Pie Cupcakes.
A trip to ‘Emmaland’ ~ my sanctuary ~ a place I visit when I need to feel good and look good ~ a world of beauty gadgets, products, treatments and experiences, waiting to be discovered. This month features the Dermaflash Luxe.
We welcome Sian Scoulding, owner of the Absolute Cleaning Wales & Habitat Joy businesses, to shine ‘In The Spotlight’.
And drumroll please…
We invite you to enter this month’s Dream Factory spectacular photo shoot: She Hides Beneath The Rose, inspired by Dan Brown’s novel: The Da Vinci Code.
Make sure you devour this artistic and ingenious shoot created by the talented TeamHeaven.
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza...and we will see you with a fabulous new issue on Tuesday 15th September.
Be part of the magic...
September 2020 Article Count: 9

Welcome to Issue 64 ~ September 2020: Bird Of Prey.
For your entertainment we have:
The Ladies With Attitude, our panel of straight-talking ladies with a great sense of humour, discussing how they cheer themselves up when they’re down in the dumps..
Fashionscope predictions ~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the fashion and celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.
The fabulously decadent and divine ‘Lady P’ is finally out of jail, and on a quest to rescue her father from total inebriation in France.
This month’s inspirational features:
Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
Resident hypnotherapist ~ the spiritual and holistic Joolz Raven Stewart, with a therapeutic guided visualization.
Yoga guru ~ Jo Pope ~ is ready with a wonderful yoga/meditation practice designed to help us with our rebirth.
Julie Evans returns with her alphabetical take on the challenges and joys, and the accompanying highs and the lows of the menopause, in ‘Menopausal Hotties’.
We welcome back Joolz Raven Stewart to ‘In The Spotlight’, to tell us all about her plight to save and relocate Ravens Retreat, after enduring storms, floods and a global pandemic.
NEW FEATURE ALERT: Taking over the beauty feature, we welcome the gorgeous and talented Olly Heaven together with his alter ego Olivia Hell. Between the two of them, they’ll have all your beauty/makeup needs covered.
The magazine launches its first ever advertising campaign: Say My Name. You can find out all about it and how you can help in our new feature ~ One Woman, One Vision.
And drumroll please…
We invite you to enter this month’s Dream Factory spectacular photo shoot: Bird Of Prey.
Make sure you cast your beady eye over it, to devour this artistic and ingenious shoot created by the talented TeamHeaven.
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza...and we will see you with a fabulous new issue on Thursday 15th October.
Be part of the magic...
October 2020 Article Count: 9

Welcome to Issue 65 ~ October 2020: Enigma.
For your entertainment we have:
The Ladies With Attitude, our panel of straight-talking ladies with a great sense of humour, discussing a night at the musicals.
Fashionscope predictions ~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the fashion and celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.
The fabulously decadent and divine ‘Lady P’ is still living it up in France, visiting the famous Mont-Saint Michel, hoping to avoid (some) things which go bump in the night. Well after a fashion...
This month’s inspirational features:
Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
Resident hypnotherapist ~ the spiritual and holistic Joolz Raven Stewart, with a therapeutic guided visualization.
Yoga guru ~ Jo Pope ~ is ready with a wonderful yoga/meditation practice designed to help us with the human emotion: horror.
Julie Evans returns with her alphabetical take on the challenges and joys, and the accompanying highs and the lows of the menopause, in ‘Menopausal Hotties’. Please form an orderly Q!
We welcome Salina Loum from RGM Accountants to ‘In The Spotlight’, to tell us about her accountancy work. We were so impressed we decided to make her a full time member of Team Heaven working her magic on all our important and serious matters behind the scenes.
Olly Heaven and his gorgeous alter ego Olivia Hell are back to enthrall you with a Hallowe’en party makeup tutorial.
***NEW FEATURE ALERT*** Taking the helm of our no-nonsense business section is the talented and unstoppable Julie Sullivan, who brings a wealth of knowledge and proper advice to help your business thrive and grow. This coincides with the magazine’s launch of our NEW Business Showcase. To celebrate the launch, we invited businesses to advertise with us for free and it gives me great pleasure to introduce you to them.
The magazine launched its first ever advertising campaign: Say My Name. You can find out all about it and how you can help in our new feature ~ One Woman, One Vision.
And drumroll please…
We invite you to enter this month’s Dream Factory spectacular photo shoot: Enigma.
Make sure you devour this dark, mysterious, artistic and enigmatic shoot created by the talented TeamHeaven.
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza...and we will see you with a fabulous new issue on Monday 16th November.
Be part of the magic...
November 2020 Article Count: 9

Welcome to Issue 66 ~ November 2020: Gargoyle.
For your entertainment we have:
The Ladies With Attitude, our panel of straight-talking ladies with a great sense of humour, discussing “I’m a Welshwoman, get me out of here!”
Fashionscope predictions ~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the fashion and celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.
The fabulously decadent and divine ‘Lady P’ was given her long-awaited and persistent request to travel on the Orient Express. Will passion blossom on the wagon-lit? Or will she go off the rails?!
This month’s inspirational features:
Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
Resident hypnotherapist ~ the spiritual and holistic Joolz Raven Stewart, with a therapeutic guided visualization.
Yoga guru ~ Jo Pope ~ is ready with a wonderful yoga/meditation practice designed to help us with the human mood: Lonely.
Julie Evans returns with a ribald roar ~ the letter ‘R’ ~ and her alphabetical take on the challenges and joys, and the accompanying highs and the lows of the menopause, in ‘Menopausal Hotties’.
We welcome reporter Anna Riley to tell us her story, which is a bit of a role reversal ~ usually she’s the one used to telling other people’s stories.
Olly Heaven and his gorgeous alter ego Olivia Hell are back to enthrall you with a beautiful autumnal makeup tutorial.
Taking the helm of our no-nonsense business section is the talented and unstoppable Julie Sullivan ~ she brings a wealth of knowledge and proper advice to help your business thrive and grow.
And it gives me great pleasure to introduce you to some fabulous business featured in this month’s Business Showcase.
The magazine’s advertising campaign: ‘Say My Name’ is going strong, thanks to all our wonderful readers taking part and sharing the message. You can find out all about it and how you can help in our new feature ~ One Woman, One Vision.
And drumroll please…
We invite you to enter this month’s Dream Factory spectacular photo shoot: Gargoyle.
Make sure you devour this dark, artistic and totally frightening transformational SFX-shoot created by the talented Dream Team.
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza...and we will see you with a fabulous new issue on Tuesday 15th December.
Be part of the magic...
December 2020 Article Count: 9

Welcome to Issue 67 ~ December 2020: Never Enough.
For your entertainment we have:
The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies with a great sense of humour, discussing “What gifts they would like to receive on the twelve days of Christmas”.
Fashionscope predictions ~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the fashion and celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.
The fabulously decadent and divine ‘Lady P’ is on her very own ‘Mission Impossible’, trying to get her perfectly polished paws on Tom Cruise, as he films on location in Venice, and where glass-blowing was the least of her priorities...
This month’s inspirational features:
Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
Resident hypnotherapist ~ the spiritual and holistic Joolz Raven Stewart, with a therapeutic guided visualization.
Yoga guru ~ Jo Pope ~ is ready with a wonderful yoga/meditation practice designed to help us with the human emotion: Joy.
Julie Evans returns with the letter ‘S’ ~ and her alphabetical take on the challenges and joys, and the accompanying highs and the lows of the menopause, in ‘Menopausal Hotties’.
We welcome children's author, Sara Di Sorrenti as she launches her debut book: The Skonk Of Tawk Valley And His Wondrous Adventures.
Olly Heaven and his gorgeous alter ego Olivia Hell are back to enthrall you with a sparkly, festive makeup tutorial.
Taking the helm of our no-nonsense business section is the talented and unstoppable Julie Sullivan ~ she brings a wealth of knowledge and proper advice to help your business thrive and grow.
And it gives me great pleasure to introduce you to some fabulous business featured in this month’s Business Showcase.
The magazine’s advertising campaign: ‘Say My Name’ is going strong, thanks to all our wonderful readers taking part and sharing the message. You can find out all about it and how you can help in our new feature ~ One Woman, One Vision.
And drumroll please…
We invite you to enter this month’s Dream Factory spectacular photo shoot: ‘Never Enough’.
A glitter bomb explosion and over the top sparkle sensation, created by the talented TeamHeaven.
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza...and we will see you with a fabulous new issue on Friday 15th January.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Be part of the magic...
2019 Article Count: 0
January 2019 Article Count: 9

Welcome to Issue 44 ~ January 2019: Little Me
You are cordially invited to this month’s ‘Fashion Feast: Little Me’, this simplistic shoot is a glimpse at the real me, stripped back with a barely there makeup - daunting stuff for little ol’ me!
Visit ‘In The Spotlight’ to read all about Dorado Studios, owned by the fabulous and talented Jenna Kelly.
We have a lively ‘Ladies With Attitude’ discussion as they discuss ‘If you could go back in time and visit your younger self - what advice would you give her?’ Filmed in front of a live audience at The Hyst, this is not one to be missed!
And be sure to check out your ‘Fashionscope’ predictions for this month.
In this month’s ‘Beauty Warrior’ feature I trial the Microderm GLO Diamond Microdermabrasion System.
Plus we have must-read columns from Tara Hammett (Fitness & Wellbeing) with a timely, encouraging boost to kickstart the year and help us to reach our goals; the extra-celestial Angie Barnett with her extraordinary psychic powers...are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper; and Debbie Buss, Intuitive Healer & Spiritual Coach.
Our newest addition to the team, Julie Evans, returns with more frank, entertaining and honest views about the challenges, joys of the menopause, in ‘Menopausal Hotties’.
‘Studio Heaven’ is open for business, so head on over and take a look at our latest spectacular offer! AND our ‘Business Directory’ is now up and running, for all the businesses out there who would like to see their business advertised in the most entertaining online magazine out there.
The fabulously decadent and divine Lady P is back from her latest travels and ongoing quest for true love in Jamaica.
Enjoy this month’s bonanza...Happy New Year...
February 2019 Article Count: 7

Welcome to Issue 45 ~ February 2019: A Kind Of Magic
You are cordially invited to ‘Fashion Feast: A Kind Of Magic’, this month’s artistic shoot showcases the magical skills of Beth Jones and Hilary Jones.
We have a lively ‘Ladies With Attitude’ discussion as they discuss ‘What we love about being Welsh/living in Wales.’ Filmed in front of a live audience at The Hyst, this is not one to be missed!
In this month’s ‘Beauty Warrior’ feature I divulge my ‘holy grail’ secret skin potions and lotions.
And be sure to check out your ‘Fashionscope’ predictions for this month.
Visit ‘In The Spotlight’ to read all about The Hyst, the ultimate venue to party in Swansea and the adopted home of the infamous LWA.
Plus we have must-read columns from Tara Hammett (Fitness & Wellbeing) with some great tips to create positive changes and habits to help us reach our goals; the extra-celestial Angie Barnett with her extraordinary psychic powers...are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper; and Debbie Buss, Intuitive Healer & Spiritual Coach.
Julie Evans, returns with her frank, entertaining and honest views about the challenges, joys of the menopause, in ‘Menopausal Hotties’. And what puts the ‘pause’ into menopause!
We launch our NEW baking programme Cake-A-Holic, with the talented Amy Carrieri from Tilly’s Treats, indulging us with a giant cupcake - oh yes - get excited! And no. You can’t lick the spoon! That’s our ‘job’!!
‘Studio Heaven’ is open for business, so head on over and take a look at our latest spectacular offer! AND our ‘Business Directory’ is now up and running, for all the businesses out there who would like to see their business advertised in the most entertaining online magazine out there.
The fabulously decadent and divine Lady P is back from her latest travels and ongoing quest for true love at the Six Nations rugby tournament in Paris. Toujours l’amour!
Enjoy this month’s bonanza...
March 2019 Article Count: 7

Welcome to Issue 46 ~ March 2019: Star
You are cordially invited to ‘Fashion Feast: Star’, this month’s artistic shoot showcases the stellar skills of Beth Jones and Hilary Jones.
We have a lively ‘Ladies With Attitude’ discussion as we discuss ‘What famous guests (alive or dead) they would invite to their dinner party.’ Filmed in front of a live audience at The Hyst, this is not one to be missed!
In this month’s ‘Beauty Warrior’ feature, I trial the Dr Dennis Gross ‘Alpha Beta Extra Strength Daily Peel’.
And be sure to check out your ‘Fashionscope’ predictions for this month.
Visit ‘In The Spotlight’ to read all about Lisa Young, founder of Start Loving Yourself.
Plus we have must-read columns from Tara Hammett (Fitness & Wellbeing) with some great tips to create positive changes and habits to help us reach our goals and a tasty Teriyaki Chicken recipe; the extra-celestial Angie Barnett with her extraordinary psychic powers...are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper; and Debbie Buss, Intuitive Healer & Spiritual Coach.
Julie Evans returns with her frank, entertaining and honest views about the challenges and joys of the menopause, in ‘Menopausal Hotties’. This month: Perimenopause.
Join us in drooling over our NEW baking programme, Cake-A-Holic, with the talented Amy Carrieri from Tilly’s Treats. This month she indulges us with Welsh cake cupcakes - oh yes - get excited! And remember to turn that mixer off BEFORE licking those whisks...
‘Studio Heaven’ is open for business, so head on over and take a look at our latest spectacular offer for all those little princes and princesses.
Our ‘Business Directory’ is up and running, for all the businesses out there who would like to see their business advertised in the most entertaining online magazine out there. **STOP PRESS - we’ve just hit the 100k readership mark this month**
And the fabulously decadent and divine Lady P is back from her latest travels and ongoing quest for true love as she samba’d and shimmied her way through the Rio carnival in Brazil. She left the feather pluckers quaking once her outfit was finished!
Enjoy this month’s bonanza...
April 2019 Article Count: 7

Welcome to Issue 46 ~ April 2019: Bunny
You are cordially invited to ‘Fashion Feast: Bunny’. This month’s artistic shoot showcases the stellar skills of Beth Jones and a LOT of SFX makeup.
We have a lively ‘Ladies With Attitude’ discussion as we discuss ‘All things menopause.’ Filmed in front of a live audience at The Hyst, this is not one to be missed!
In this month’s ‘Beauty Warrior’ feature, I trial the Dr. Dennis Gross Drx SpectraLite FaceWare Pro.
And be sure to check out your ‘Fashionscope’ predictions for this month.
Visit ‘In The Spotlight’ to read all about the Poets On The Hill.
Plus we have must-read columns from Tara Hammett (Fitness & Wellbeing) with some great tips to create positive changes and habits to help us reach our goals; the extra-celestial Angie Barnett with her extraordinary psychic powers...are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper; and Debbie Buss, Intuitive Healer & Spiritual Coach.
Julie Evans returns with her frank, entertaining and honest views about the challenges and joys of the menopause, in ‘Menopausal Hotties’. This month we get down to the nitty gritty...
Join us in drooling over our NEW baking programme, Cake-A-Holic, with the talented Amy Carrieri from Tilly’s Treats. This month she amazes us with her ingenious cake decorating skills.
‘Studio Heaven’ is open for business, so head on over and take a look at our latest spectacular offer for all those little princes and princesses.
Our ‘Business Directory’ is up and running, for all the businesses out there who would like to see their business advertised in the most entertaining online magazine out there. **Last month we hit the 100k readership mark #JustSaying...**
And the fabulously decadent and divine Lady P is back from her latest travels and ongoing quest for love on the piste in North America.
Enjoy this month’s bonanza...
May 2019 Article Count: 8

Welcome to Issue 48 ~ May 2019: Blood Red Roses
You are cordially invited to ‘Fashion Feast: Blood Red Roses’. This month’s artistic shoot showcases the stellar painting skills of Beth Jones and a huge floral headdress.
We have a thoughtful ‘Ladies With Attitude’ discussion as we discuss ‘What death of a famous person, upset, shocked or devastated you the most.’ Filmed in front of a live audience at The Hyst, this is not one to be missed!
In this month’s ‘Beauty Warrior’ feature, I trial the GloPRO Microneedling Regeneration Tool by Beautybio.
And be sure to check out your ‘Fashionscope’ predictions for this month.
Visit ‘In The Spotlight’ to read all about the Clean Queens.
Plus we have must-read columns from Tara Hammett (Fitness & Wellbeing); the extra-celestial Angie Barnett with her extraordinary psychic powers...are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper; and Debbie Buss, Intuitive Healer & Spiritual Coach.
Julie Evans returns with her frank, entertaining and honest views about the challenges and joys of the menopause, in ‘Menopausal Hotties’.
Join us in drooling over our NEW baking programme, Cake-A-Holic, with the talented Amy Carrieri from Tilly’s Treats. This month she takes us back to our school days.
‘Studio Heaven’ is open for business, so head on over and take a look at our latest spectacular offer for all those little princes and princesses.
Our ‘Business Directory’ is up and running, for all the businesses out there who would like to see their business advertised in the most entertaining online magazine out there. **Recent months have seen us hit the 100k readership mark #JustSaying...**
And the fabulously decadent and divine Lady P is back from her latest travels and ongoing quest for love in Thailand. Where she gets more Thai’d up, than loved up...
Drumroll please...The voting for the annual ƎH Awards is now open so get voting for your favourites...
Enjoy this month’s bonanza...
June 2019 Article Count: 7

Welcome to Issue 49 ~ June 2019: Liberty
You are cordially invited to ‘Fashion Feast: Liberty’. This month’s artistic shoot showcases the stellar painting skills of Beth Jones who creates our very own version of the Statue Of Liberty.
We have a totally bonkers ‘Ladies With Attitude’ discussion as we discuss ‘What came first - the chicken or the egg?’ Wendy Thomas chose the subject - so need we say more?
In this month’s ‘Beauty Warrior’ feature, I trial the Sarah Chapman - Pro Hydro-Mist Steamer.
And be sure to check out your ‘Fashionscope’ predictions for this month.
Visit ‘In The Spotlight’ to read all about Lisa Jenkins, Sinful Press and erotic literature.
Plus we have must-read columns from Tara Hammett (Fitness & Wellbeing); the extra-celestial Angie Barnett with her extraordinary psychic powers...are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper; and Debbie Buss, Intuitive Healer & Spiritual Coach.
Julie Evans returns with her frank, entertaining and honest views about the challenges and joys of the menopause, in ‘Menopausal Hotties’.
Join us in drooling over our baking programme, Cake-A-Holic, with the talented Amy Carrieri from Tilly’s Treats. This month she conjures up a sinfully delicious Jammie Dodger Blondie.
‘Studio Heaven’ is open for business, so head on over and take a look at our latest spectacular offer for all those little princes and princesses.
Our ‘Business Directory’ is up and running, for all the businesses out there who would like to see their business advertised in the most entertaining online magazine out there. **Recent months have seen us hit the 100k readership mark #JustSaying...**
And the fabulously decadent and divine Lady P has been in an empire state of mind ever since returning from her latest travels and ongoing quest for love in New York, the city which never sleeps. But did she?! #wink
The voting for the annual ƎH Awards is still open so get voting for your favourites...
Enjoy this month’s bonanza...
July 2019 Article Count: 7

Welcome to Issue 50 ~ July 2019: E Robot
You are cordially invited to our ‘Fashion Feast: E-Robot’. This month’s artistic shoot showcases Hilary Jones’ plaiting skills and the stellar painting skills of Beth Jones, who created our very own E-Robot.
We have a totally bonkers and very revealing ‘Ladies With Attitude’ discussion, as we swap ‘Tales from our naughty nights out’.
In this month’s ‘Beauty Warrior’ feature, I trial the Sarah Chapman - The Facialift.
And be sure to check out your ‘Fashionscope’ predictions for this month.
Visit ‘In The Spotlight’ to read all about Jodie Jones & Grooming Gorgeous, her Dog Grooming Salon. Pooches need pampering too!
Plus we have must-read columns from Tara Hammett (Fitness & Wellbeing); the extra-celestial Angie Barnett with her extraordinary psychic powers...are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper; and Debbie Buss, Intuitive Healer & Spiritual Coach.
Julie Evans returns with her frank, entertaining and honest views about the challenges and joys of the menopause, in ‘Menopausal Hotties’. This month she helps us survive the added heat of the summer months!
Join us in drooling over our baking programme, Cake-A-Holic, with the talented Amy Carrieri from Tilly’s Treats. This month she conjures up a sinfully delicious and tasty technological treat: Robotic Rocky Road.
‘Studio Heaven’ is open for business, so head on over and take a look at our latest spectacular offer for all those little princes and princesses.
Our ‘Business Directory’ is up and running, for all the businesses out there who would like to see their business advertised in the most entertaining online magazine out there. **Recent months have seen us hit the 100k readership mark #JustSaying...**
And the fabulously decadent and divine Lady P has been indulging in Pimms on the lawn this month. Wimbledon. More to the (match) point. Did she net the love of her life? Or is she calling out for ‘new balls please’?
The voting for the annual ƎH Awards is now CLOSED. #TeamHeaven will be rewarded and awarded later this month at their annual shindig. All winners will be announced in the August issue, which will be live on 15th August 2019.
Enjoy this month’s bonanza...
August 2019 Article Count: 8

Welcome to Issue 51 ~ August 2019: Proud
You are cordially invited to our ‘Fashion Feast: Proud’. This month’s artistic shoot showcases the spectacular painting and glittering skills of Beth Jones, who created a beautiful proud peacock.
We have a totally bonkers - and very revealing - ‘Ladies With Attitude’ discussion, where we discuss ‘Weddings’.
In this month’s ‘Beauty Warrior’ feature I trial the Swiss Clinic - Hyaluronic Microneedle patches.
And be sure to check out your ‘Fashionscope’ predictions for this month.
Visit ‘In The Spotlight’ to read all about a special and inspiring young lady, and Olympian no less: Samantha Hall.
Plus we have must-read columns from Tara Hammett (Fitness & Wellbeing); the extra-celestial Angie Barnett with her extraordinary psychic powers...are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper; and Debbie Buss, Intuitive Healer & Spiritual Coach.
Julie Evans returns with her frank, entertaining and honest views about the challenges and joys of the menopause, in ‘Menopausal Hotties’. This month she deconstructs the ‘B’ word!
Join us in drooling over our baking programme, Cake-A-Holic, with the talented Amy Carrieri from Tilly’s Treats. This month she conjures up the most magnificent peacock-themed, three-tiered cake for The EH Awards.
‘Studio Heaven’ is open for business, so head on over and take a look at our latest spectacular offer for all those little princes and princesses.
Our ‘Business Directory’ is up and running, for all the businesses out there who would like to see their business advertised in the most entertaining and fastest growing online magazine out there. **Recent months have seen us exceed the 100k readership mark #JustSaying...**
And the fabulously decadent and divine Lady P has been to Swansea in South Wales - as you can imagine that is one destination NEVER to have featured on her bucket (and spade) list! Surf’s up dude!
Last but by no means least, I am proud to present the EH Award winners for 2019...
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza...
September 2019 Article Count: 7

Welcome to Issue 52 ~ September 2019: United Colours Of Pride
We invite you to enter the Dream Factory to witness this month’s spectacular photo shoot ~‘United Colours Of Pride’ ~ in all its technicolour glory. Follow our magical journey over the rainbow of Pride colours where Beth’s masterpiece is brought to light and life.
We have a fairly typically bonkers ‘Ladies With Attitude’ discussion, where we discuss ‘Who we’d want to be stranded on an island with’.
In this edition’s ‘Beauty Warrior’ feature I trial the Glamglow - Bubblesheet Oxygenating Deep Cleanse Mask.
And be sure to check out your ‘Fashionscope’ predictions for this month.
Visit ‘In The Spotlight’ to read all about the queen of balloon art Maureen, owner of ‘Designs By Mo’.
Plus we have must-read columns from Tara Hammett (Fitness & Wellbeing); the extra-celestial Angie Barnett with her extraordinary psychic powers...are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper; and Debbie Buss, Intuitive Healer & Spiritual Coach.
Julie Evans returns with her frank, entertaining and honest views about the challenges and joys of the menopause, in ‘Menopausal Hotties’. ‘C’ is for ‘Confidence’
Join us in drooling over our baking programme, Cake-A-Holic, with the talented Amy Carrieri from Tilly’s Treats and her rainbow confections.
‘Studio Heaven’ is open for business, so head on over and take a look at our latest spectacular offer for all those little princes and princesses.
Our ‘Business Showcase’ is up and running, for all the businesses out there who would like to see their business advertised in the most entertaining and fastest growing online magazine out there. **Recent months have seen us exceed the 100k readership mark #JustSaying...**
And the fabulously decadent and divine Lady P has been to Venice for the film festival and lapping up la dolce vita in her own unique way.
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza...
October 2019 Article Count: 7

Welcome to Issue 53 ~ October 2019: The Master
We invite you to enter the Dream Factory to witness this month’s spectacularly phantasmal photo shoot ~ ‘The Master’. Be afraid...be very afraid. Follow our creative journey as Beth and Adrian transform Emma into her childhood nightmare: Barlow ~ The Master, vampire from Stephen King’s Salem’s Lot.
We have a fairly typically bonkers ‘Ladies With Attitude’ discussion, where we discuss ‘What songs bring back emotional memories from our past?’.
In this edition’s ‘Beauty Warrior’ feature I trial the Magic Champagne, Anti-Ageing Treatment at Bella Beauty Salon, Swansea.
And be sure to check out your ‘Fashionscope’ predictions for this month.
Visit ‘In The Spotlight’ to read all about the latest appointments to the fabulous #TeamHeaven. Angie Barnett and Wendy Thomas are to be unleashed upon the world with just one aim for the magazine - world domination!
Plus we have must-read columns from Tara Hammett (Fitness & Wellbeing); the extra-celestial Angie Barnett with her extraordinary psychic powers...are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper; and Debbie Buss, Intuitive Healer & Spiritual Coach.
Julie Evans returns with her frank, entertaining and honest views about the challenges and joys of the menopause, in ‘Menopausal Hotties’. This month’s issue is brought to you by the letter ‘D’.
Join us in drooling over our baking programme, Cake-A-Holic, with the talented Amy Carrieri from Tilly’s Treats and her spooky Hallowe’en confections.
Our ‘Business Showcase’ is now OPEN, for all the businesses out there who would like to see their business advertised in the most entertaining and fastest growing online magazine out there. **Recent months have seen us exceed the 100k readership mark #JustSaying...**
And the fabulously decadent and divine Lady P has temporarily paused her prince, and is in search of a king, when she heads to Ferndale, California on a Salem’s Lot pilgrimage.
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza...and we will see you with a fabulous new issue on Friday 15th November.
November 2019 Article Count: 7

Welcome to Issue 54 ~ November 2019: Forever Autumn
We invite you to enter the Dream Factory to witness this month’s glorious autumnal photo shoot ~ ‘Forever Autumn’ ~ inspired by a famous handbag and a wall carving...Curious? You’d have to be made of wood not to be! Follow our creative journey as The Dream Team carve me out of wood.
We have a fairly typically bonkers ‘Ladies With Attitude’ discussion, where we discuss “What animal we would be and why?” Real groundbreaking stuff!
In this edition’s ‘Beauty Warrior’ feature I trial Mesotherapy at Bella Beauty Salon, Swansea. Apart from being a wonderfully nourishing treatment, best of all, its results are immediate with no downtime!
And be sure to check out your ‘Fashionscope’ predictions for this month.
Visit ‘In The Spotlight’ to read all about the inspirational model and actress, Lauren Foster.
Plus we have must-read columns from the extra-celestial Angie Barnett with her extraordinary psychic powers...are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper; and Debbie Buss, Intuitive Healer & Spiritual Coach.
Julie Evans returns with her frank, entertaining and honest views about the challenges and joys of the menopause, in ‘Menopausal Hotties’. This month she embraces the letter ‘E’. Enjoy!
Join us in drooling over our baking programme, Cake-A-Holic, with the talented Amy Carrieri from Tilly’s Treats with an autumn warmer ~ Autumnal Apple & Custard Welsh Cakes.
Our ‘Business Showcase’ is now OPEN, for all the businesses out there who would like to see their business advertised in the most entertaining and fastest growing online magazine out there. **Recent months have seen us exceed the 100k readership mark #JustSaying...**
And the fabulously decadent and divine Lady P has taken Hollywood by storm. Her quest out west - pursuing her passions - continues!
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza...and we will see you with a fabulous new issue on Monday 16th December.
December 2019 Article Count: 7

Welcome to Issue 55 ~ December 2019: Darth Heaven
We invite you to enter the Dream Factory to witness this month’s spectacular Sci-Fi photo shoot ~ ‘Darth Heaven’ ~ inspired by the Star Wars film franchise and in homage to the new film about to be released...follow our creative journey with The Dream Team, as I am seduced by the Dark Side and turned into an evil Sith Lord.
We have a fairly typically bonkers ‘Ladies With Attitude’ discussion, where we discuss “Our Favourite Christmas Movies”. Did ‘Die Hard’ (is it a Christmas film or isn’t it?) divide the panel? What makes the Ladies teary or tickled? Grab your popcorn ~ there’s only one way to find out!!
In this edition’s ‘Beauty Warrior’ feature I trial the Dermapen at Bella Beauty Salon, Swansea. Slightly worrying as there was the mention of the word ‘needles’...but thankfully, numbing cream came to the rescue!
And be sure to check out your ‘Fashionscope’ predictions for this month. Best foot and party frock forward ~ you’ll be putting the #Slay into sleigh!
Visit ‘In The Spotlight’ to read all about the launch of revolutionary The ‘V’ Hub, which is the brainchild of Rachel Jamison and is sure to be a hit amongst vegans everywhere.
Plus we have must-read columns from the extra-celestial Angie Barnett with her extraordinary psychic powers...are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper; and Debbie Buss, Intuitive Healer & Spiritual Coach.
Julie Evans returns with her frank, entertaining and honest views about the challenges and joys of the menopause, in ‘Menopausal Hotties’. This month is brought to you by the letter ‘F’ ~ and it’s not necessarily what you’d think...Or is it?!
Join us in drooling over our baking programme, Cake-A-Holic, with the talented Amy Carrieri from Tilly’s Treats with festive Boozy Mince Pie Viennese Whirls.
Our ‘Business Showcase’ is now OPEN, for all the businesses out there who would like to see their business advertised in the most entertaining and fastest growing online magazine out there. **We regularly exceed the 100k readership mark #JustSaying...**
And the fabulously decadent and divine Lady P descended on Tokyo to witness this year’s twinkling winter illuminations. Did she manage to stay off Santa’s naughty list? And has she ended the year single or spliced?
Enjoy this month’s extravaganza...and we will see you with a fabulous new issue on Wednesday 15th January.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
2018 Article Count: 0
January 2018 Article Count: 7

Welcome to Issue 32, January 2018: Make A Wish
You are cordially invited to savour our latest sumptuous ‘Fashion Feast’: Make A Wish, where the dream team of Beth Jones, Kris Brown and Sarah Heaven created this month’s magic.
Visit ‘In The Spotlight’ to read all about Sharon Lewis the talented owner of Bella Beauty, making beauty wishes come true.
Opening several bottles in their search for a genie - well that’s how they explained the empties… we have a livelier than normal (whatever’s normal?!) ‘Ladies With Attitude’ discussion. “If a genie granted you three wishes, what would those wishes be?” Filmed at The Hyst in front of a live audience, this is not one to be missed!
And be sure to check out your new year “Fashionscope” predictions for this month.
In this month’s quest to slow down the ageing process, I undergo a non surgical facelift in our regular ‘Beauty Warrior’ feature.
Also we have must-read columns from Tara Hammett (Fitness & Wellbeing), Christie Heaven (Foodie), the extra-celestial Angie Barnett with her extraordinary psychic powers...are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper; and Debbie Buss, Intuitive Healer & Spiritual Coach, who is ready to equip you with your very own superpowers, to help you deal with the daily grind of day to day life - especially as the new year unfolds…
With a new year and new beginnings, so it follows there will be some endings.
Farewell and bon voyage to Cross Stitch Bitch and her angelic alter ego Cross Stitch Not A Bitch. #TeamHeaven wishes them the very best in their respective caustic and calming endeavours, as they head off kicking and bickering (sisterly love eh?) towards new horizons...Thank you for keeping us in stitches in more ways than one! Stay sassy Stitches and play nice!!
And finally, it gives me great pleasure to introduce our new and latest Ministry Of Glamour winner - Julie Reason - one of the most beautiful and bravest ladies I have had the pleasure of meeting and getting to know.
I hope you enjoy this month’s bumper issue…
***Coming up next month***
A new columnist joins #TeamHeaven. For now our lips are sealed about her identity.
We guarantee there’s never a dull moment when she’s around.
Deliciously bittersweet, yet the right side of indiscreet..
February 2018 Article Count: 8

Welcome to Issue 33, February 2018: Day of the Dead
You are cordially invited to savour our latest sumptuous ‘Fashion Feast’: Day of the Dead, where the dream team of Beth Jones and Hilary Jones created this magic of Mexico.
Visit ‘In The Spotlight’ to read all about Charlotte Cole, Holistic Therapist and talented owner of Tranquil Oasis.
We have a lively and very honest ‘Ladies With Attitude’ discussion. “What sucks about growing old!” Filmed at The Hyst in front of a live audience, this is not one to be missed!
And be sure to check out your “Fashionscope” predictions for this month.
In this month’s ‘Beauty Warrior’ feature, I undergo a Hot & Cold Stone Facial in my quest to slow down the ageing process.
Also we have must-read columns from Tara Hammett (Fitness & Wellbeing), Christie Heaven (Foodie), the extra-celestial Angie Barnett with her extraordinary psychic powers...are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper; and Debbie Buss, Intuitive Healer & Spiritual Coach, who is ready to equip you with your very own superpowers, to help guide you through the year, as you deal with the daily grind of day to day life…
Introducing a NEW feature this month: Studio Heaven is now open for business, so head on over to our new Business Directory and take a look at our latest offer!
AND - drum roll please… Fresh from the piste, we are delighted to welcome the latest addition to #TeamHeaven, the fabulously decadent and divine Lady P! She will be representing emmaheaven.com as our new roving (or should that be raving?!) correspondent. Let the shenanigans begin...
I hope you enjoy this month’s bumper issue…
March 2018 Article Count: 8

Welcome to Issue 34, March 2018: Dragon’s Lair
You are cordially invited to enter the lair in this month’s ‘Fashion Feast’: Dragon’s Lair, where the dream duo - Beth Jones and Hilary Jones - created a magical, mythical dragon.
Visit ‘In The Spotlight’ to read all about the owner of liveglamorous.co.uk - Younique with Gemma Price.
We have a lively and breathtakingly frank ‘Ladies With Attitude’ discussion. “If you were a man for the day, what would you do and why? ” Filmed at The Hyst in front of a live audience, this is not one to be missed!
And be sure to check out your “Fashionscope” predictions for this month.
In this month’s ‘Beauty Warrior’ feature, I undergo an Indian Head Massage in my quest to slow down the ageing process and grow old as gracefully as possible!
Also we have must-read columns from Tara Hammett (Fitness & Wellbeing), Christie Heaven (Foodie), the extra-celestial Angie Barnett with her extraordinary psychic powers...are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper; and Debbie Buss, Intuitive Healer & Spiritual Coach, who is ready to equip you with your very own superpowers, to help guide you through the year, as you deal with the daily grind of day to day life…
Studio Heaven is now open for business, so head on over to our new Business Directory and take a look at our latest offer!
AND - drum roll please…the fabulously decadent and divine Lady P is back from her latest travels and is ready to divulge all the goss from her recent visit to the Munich Strong Beer Festival Starkbierzeit! Heaven help us…
I hope you enjoy this month’s bumper issue…
P.S. REMEMBER: Time marches on in the UK. Clocks go forward one hour to British Summer Time (BST) on Sunday 25 March. Bye bye beauty sleep; hello SS18 wardrobe! And don’t go too mad on the Easter eggs!!
April 2018 Article Count: 9

Welcome to Issue 35, April 2018: Tainted Love
You are cordially invited to this month’s ‘Fashion Feast’: Tainted Love, where the dream duo - Jenna Kelly and Hilary Jones - created a wonderful narrative to the infamous saying, “Give a woman the right lipstick and she can conquer the world.”
Visit ‘In The Spotlight’ to read all about our very own Jenna Kelly, the opening of her new makeup studio and her plans for the future.
We have a lively and breathtakingly frank ‘Ladies With Attitude’ discussion. “If you could be a famous person for a day, who would it be and why?” Filmed at The Hyst in front of a live audience, this is not one to be missed!
And be sure to check out your “Fashionscope” predictions for this month.
In this month’s ‘Beauty Warrior’ feature, I undergo my second non-surgical plasma facelift with Sharon from Bella Beauty. Thankfully there’s only two more (who’s counting?) to go before the treatment plan is complete.
Also we have must-read columns from Tara Hammett (Fitness & Wellbeing), Christie Heaven (Foodie), the extra-celestial Angie Barnett with her extraordinary psychic powers...are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper; and Debbie Buss, Intuitive Healer & Spiritual Coach, who is ready to help guide you through the year, as you deal with the daily grind of day to day life…
Studio Heaven is open for business, so head on over to our new Business Directory and take a look at our latest offer!
AND drum roll please…the fabulously decadent and divine Lady P is back from her latest travels - we sent her on an Easter pilgrimage with a difference. Quite frankly how she’s ever allowed to leave the country - or let back in - is one of life’s greatest mysteries!
STOP THE PRESS!!! Voting opens for the annual EH Awards. We hand over control to you our readers to let us know what are your favourite magazine features. Let battle commence!!!
I hope you enjoy this month’s bumper issue…
May 2018 Article Count: 9

Welcome to Issue 36, May 2018: Fallen Angel
You are cordially invited to this month’s ‘Fashion Feast’: Fallen Angel, where the dream duo - Beth Jones and Hilary Jones - created an ethereal, fallen, dark and damaged angel.
Visit ‘In The Spotlight’ to read all about Yanni Hrysicos, his Greek heritage and influences, and the Hyst Coffee & Kitchen latest offering.
We have a lively and breathtakingly frank ‘Ladies With Attitude’ discussion. “You have one night left on earth - what do you do?” Filmed at The Hyst in front of a live audience, this is not one to be missed!
And be sure to check out your “Fashionscope” predictions for this month.
In this month’s ‘Beauty Warrior’ feature: Amour Noir: Magnetic Face Mask.
Plus must-read columns from Tara Hammett (Fitness & Wellbeing), Christie Heaven (Foodie), the extra-celestial Angie Barnett with her extraordinary psychic powers...are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper; and Debbie Buss, Intuitive Healer & Spiritual Coach, who is ready to help guide you through the year, as you deal with the daily grind of day to day life…
Studio Heaven is open for business, so head on over to our new Business Directory and take a look at our latest offer!
AND drum roll please…the fabulously decadent and divine Lady P is back from her latest travels, where she (ad)ventured to Mexico, coincidentally travelling on the same flight as Emma, however they quickly parted at the airport - smart thinking on Emma’s part!!!
STOP THE PRESS!!! Voting is still open for the annual EH Awards. We hand over control to you our readers to let us know what are your favourite magazine features. Let battle commence!!!
I hope you enjoy this month’s bumper issue…
June 2018 Article Count: 9

Welcome to Issue 37, June 2018: African Queen
You are cordially invited to this month’s ‘Fashion Feast’: African Queen, where Jenna Kelly created a beautiful and glossy African Queen.
Visit ‘In The Spotlight’ to read all about the fabulous Joolz Raven Stewart and her Ravens Retreat.
We have a lively ‘Ladies With Attitude’ discussion as they introduce the world to the LWA ‘S&M* Chest’. Filmed at The Hyst in front of a live audience, this is not one to be missed! *bet you can’t work out what the S&M stands for here!
And be sure to check out your “Fashionscope” predictions for this month.
In this month’s ‘Beauty Warrior’ feature: The Tropic Skincare Facial with Llywela Jones.
Plus we have must-read columns from Tara Hammett (Fitness & Wellbeing) with some great tips while you’re on holiday, even an all-inclusive one! Christie Heaven (Foodie) and her tastebuds go off-piste; the extra-celestial Angie Barnett with her extraordinary psychic powers...are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper; and Debbie Buss, Intuitive Healer & Spiritual Coach, who is ready to help guide you through the year, as you deal with the daily grind of day to day life…
Studio Heaven is open for business, so head on over to our Business Directory and take a look at our latest offer!
The fabulously decadent and divine Lady P is back from her latest travels, where she got all revved up after a pitstop at the Formula 1 Grand Prix in Monaco, and a little hot under the colour in her quest for requited love...
AND drum roll please…Delighted to welcome the latest member to join our exclusive Ministry Of Glamour: Louise Ellar.
STOP THE PRESS!!! Voting is NOW CLOSED for the 2018 EH Awards. The winners and all the backstage antics will be revealed in the August 2018 issue.
Oh...and we almost forgot!...Happy 3rd Birthday emmaheaven.com. Three wonderful years of entertaining the world - may there be many, many more.
I hope you enjoy this month’s bumper issue…
July 2018 Article Count: 9

Welcome to Issue 38, July 2018: This Is Me
You are cordially invited to this month’s ‘Fashion Feast’: This Is Me, where Jenna Kelly and Hilary Jones turned me into The Greatest Showman’s ringmaster.
Visit ‘In The Spotlight’ to read all about The Dragon Hotel Swansea and how they can help you to plan and organise the perfect party.
We have a lively ‘Ladies With Attitude’ discussion as they introduce the world again to the LWA ‘S&M Chest’. Filmed at The Hyst in front of a live audience, this is not one to be missed!
And be sure to check out your ‘Fashionscope’ predictions for this month.
In this month’s ‘Beauty Warrior’ feature I undergo the third (of four) non-surgical facelift treatment - it’s getting serious now.
Plus we have must-read columns from Tara Hammett (Fitness & Wellbeing) with some great tips on enjoying BBQs without sabotaging your best efforts! Christie Heaven (Foodie) samples a new take on a classic dish; the extra-celestial Angie Barnett with her extraordinary psychic powers...are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper; and Debbie Buss, Intuitive Healer & Spiritual Coach, who is ready to help guide you through the year, as you deal with the daily grind of day to day life…
Studio Heaven is open for business, so head on over to our Business Directory and take a look at our latest offer!
The fabulously decadent and divine Lady P is back from her latest travels, where she gatecrashed England’s World Cup football squad in Russia, showing just what a good sport she is by taking one for the team...
AND drum roll please…there is still time for you to win your place in our Ministry Of Glamour - check out our most recent winner Louise Ellar - what an incredible transformation.
Got to dash. Those awards aren’t going to get presented by themselves! I hope you enjoy this month’s bumper issue…
August 2018 Article Count: 9

Welcome to Issue 39, August 2018: The Land Of Make Believe
You are cordially invited to this month’s ‘Fashion Feast’: The Land Of Make Believe, where Beth Jones and Hilary Jones transformed me into a magical unicorn. Even the Lush List gets in on the act, with more than a passing nod and salute to unicorns!
Visit ‘In The Spotlight’ to read all about a hidden Swansea treasure, with a destination dessert to die for! The 449 Sandwich & Coffee Shop.
We have a lively ‘Ladies With Attitude’ discussion as they discuss ‘what fictional character from the world of film, TV and book they would want to be’. Filmed in front of a live audience at The Hyst, this is not one to be missed!
And be sure to check out your ‘Fashionscope’ predictions for this month.
In this month’s ‘Beauty Warrior’ feature I experience Thermal Auricular Therapy (Hopi Ear Candling).
Plus we have must-read columns from Tara Hammett (Fitness & Wellbeing) with a delicious and healthy chicken recipe, plus excellent tips of how to get on plan, stay on plan and keep motivated, Christie Heaven (Foodie) samples cheesecake ice cream; the extra-celestial Angie Barnett with her extraordinary psychic powers...are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper; and Debbie Buss, Intuitive Healer & Spiritual Coach, who is ready to help guide you through the year, as you deal with the daily grind of day to day life…
Studio Heaven is open for business, so head on over to our Business Directory and take a look at our latest offer!
The fabulously decadent and divine Lady P is back from her latest travels, this time closer to home, tying in with ‘The Land of Make Believe’ theme, we sent her on a magical journey to the world of Harry Potter in London. And has our lovelorn lady stumbled upon love in an unexpected place?
The search for our next Ministry Of Glamour winner is over as we close the competition until next time, so keep your eyes peeled for our latest member coming soon.
AND drum roll please… we are delighted to reveal the winners of this year’s 2018 ƎH Awards. There’s even a cheeky backstage video featuring all the best bits...No scary rambling acceptance speeches. Promise! Head on over to the awards section NOW!
Enjoy this magical issue...
September 2018 Article Count: 9

Welcome to Issue 40 ~ September 2018: Blingtastic
You are cordially invited to this month’s ‘Fashion Feast’: Blingtastic, where Kris Brown helped me get my bling on and boy was there a lot of bling! Don’t put your sunglasses away just yet - it’s a dazzling and shiny extravaganza!
Visit ‘In The Spotlight’ to read about the super talented, gifted cake artist Sian and her fabulous, deliciously yummy business, Kianna’s Cupcakes.
We have a lively ‘Ladies With Attitude’ discussion as they discuss their ‘biggest fashion/beauty disasters’. Filmed in front of a live audience at The Hyst, this is not one to be missed!
And be sure to check out your ‘Fashionscope’ predictions for this month.
In this month’s ‘Beauty Warrior’ feature I get a makeup tutorial from Jenna Kelly who teaches me how to create the perfect ‘JK Glamoureyes’.
Plus we have must-read columns from Tara Hammett (Fitness & Wellbeing) with some great tips to get you and your mojo back on track; the extra-celestial Angie Barnett with her extraordinary psychic powers...are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper; and Debbie Buss, Intuitive Healer & Spiritual Coach, who is ready to help you understand your dreams and guide you through the year, as you deal with the daily grind of day to day life…
And we introduce a new columnist Julie Evans - with what promises to be a frank, entertaining and honest look at the challenges and joys of the menopause - with a regular feature to stop us from getting quite so hot under the collar: Menopausal Hotties.
Studio Heaven is open for business, so head on over to our Business Directory and take a look at our latest offer!
The fabulously decadent and divine Lady P is back from her latest travels, and in keeping with this issue’s Blingtastic theme, we sent her to the capital of bling - Las Vegas - where we heard she won big at the casino tables. What happens in Vegas, doesn’t stay in Vegas with that one!
Enjoy this Blingtastic issue...
October 2018 Article Count: 9

Welcome to Issue 41 ~ October 2018: Creature Of The Deep
You are cordially invited to this month’s ‘Fashion Feast’: Creature Of The Deep, where Beth Jones and Kris Brown went totally over the top with the special effects. And an octopus!
Visit ‘In The Spotlight’ to read the moving, emotional, powerful story behind the Donna Drewson: Grant A Wish Wales foundation, set up by her best friend Joolz Raven Stewart.
We have a lively ‘Ladies With Attitude’ discussion as they discuss ‘Relationships: what NOT to do’. Filmed in front of a live audience at The Hyst, this is not one to be missed!
And be sure to check out your ‘Fashionscope’ predictions for this month.
In this month’s ‘Beauty Warrior’ feature my eyebrows and I undergo Microblading with the talented Sharon from Bella Beauty.
Plus we have must-read columns from Tara Hammett (Fitness & Wellbeing) with some great tips to get you and your motivation back on track; the extra-celestial Angie Barnett with her extraordinary psychic powers...are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper; and Debbie Buss, Intuitive Healer & Spiritual Coach, who is ready to help you understand your dreams and guide you through the year, as you deal with the daily grind of day to day life…
Our newest addition to the team, Julie Evans, is back with what promises to be a frank, entertaining and honest look at the challenges, joys and superpowers even, of the menopause, in Menopausal Hotties.
Studio Heaven is NOW open for business, so head on over and take a look at our latest spectacular offer! This one’s for the kids!
The fabulously decadent and divine Lady P is back from her latest travels, and in keeping with Hallowe’en - where better to send her than Dracula-land - Transylvania! This Lady is a Vamp!
Enjoy this month’s tales from the twilight...
November 2018 Article Count: 9

Welcome to Issue 42 ~ November 2018: Take The Throne
You are cordially invited to this month’s ‘Fashion Feast: Take The Throne’, where Jenna Kelly and Hilary Jones went all regal as they prepared me for my crowning moment!
Visit ‘In The Spotlight’ to read about Amy Carrieri, the brains and talent behind the deliciously decadent Tilly’s Treats.
We have a lively ‘Ladies With Attitude’ discussion as they discuss ‘Our top 5 favourite TV programmes EVER’. Filmed in front of a live audience at The Hyst, this is not one to be missed! We’re pretty much resigned at this point in the year of being at the top of Santa’s naughty list...
And be sure to check out your ‘Fashionscope’ predictions for this month.
In this month’s ‘Beauty Warrior’ feature I undergo the fourth and final non-surgical plasma facelift treatment with the talented Sharon from Bella Beauty.
Plus we have must-read columns from Tara Hammett (Fitness & Wellbeing); the extra-celestial Angie Barnett with her extraordinary psychic powers...are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper; and Debbie Buss, Intuitive Healer & Spiritual Coach.
Our newest addition to the team, Julie Evans, returns with more frank, entertaining and honest views about the challenges, joys of the menopause, in ‘Menopausal Hotties’. This month, it’s ‘brain fog’.
‘Studio Heaven’ is open for business, so head on over and take a look at our latest spectacular offer! This one’s for the kids! AND our ‘Business Directory’ is now up and running, for all the businesses out there who would like to see their business advertised in the most entertaining online magazine out there.
The fabulously decadent and divine Lady P is back from her latest travels and ongoing quest for true love. (Team) Heaven help us - we sent her ‘Down Under’! Euphemism, much?!
Enjoy this month’s bonanza..
December 2018 Article Count: 9

Welcome to Issue 43 ~ December 2018: The Nightmare Before Christmas
You are cordially invited to this month’s ‘Fashion Feast: The Nightmare Before Christmas’, where Beth Jones and Hilary Jones went all out where they created every woman’s nightmare in the run up to Christmas.
Visit ‘In The Spotlight’ to read about Ana Chidzoy, the inspirational HotPod yoga teacher, who will get your body doing things you never thought possible.
We have a lively ‘Ladies With Attitude’ discussion as they discuss ‘The worst things about Christmas’. Filmed in front of a live audience at The Hyst, this is not one to be missed! We’re pretty much resigned now to being at the top of Santa’s naughty list...
And be sure to check out your ‘Fashionscope’ predictions for this month.
In this month’s ‘Beauty Warrior’ feature I try out Glamglow Gravitymud Firming Treatment. It’s silver and sparkly - need I say more?!
Plus we have must-read columns from Tara Hammett (Fitness & Wellbeing); the extra-celestial Angie Barnett with her extraordinary psychic powers...are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper; and Debbie Buss, Intuitive Healer & Spiritual Coach.
Our newest addition to the team, Julie Evans, returns with more frank, entertaining and honest views about the challenges, joys of the menopause, in ‘Menopausal Hotties’. Get your dancing shoes on!
‘Studio Heaven’ is open for business, so head on over and take a look at our latest spectacular offer! AND our ‘Business Directory’ is now up and running, for all the businesses out there who would like to see their business advertised in the most entertaining online magazine out there.
The fabulously decadent and divine Lady P is back from her latest travels and ongoing quest for true love in Lapland of all places. Nuts, sacks, stars - it’s like an episode of The Apprentice darlings!
Enjoy this month’s bonanza...
2017 Article Count: 0
January 2017 Article Count: 6

Welcome to Issue 20 January 2017 - Metamorphosis.
You are cordially invited to our sumptuous ‘Fashion Feast’ where you can devour our artistic and ingenious photo and video shoot.
The inspirational Emma Stewart shares her weight loss journey ‘In The Spotlight.’
Highlights include a very naughty ‘Ladies With Attitude’ discussion on New Year’s resolutions. (Not to be missed!) And make sure you check out your ‘Fashionscope’ predictions for the start of the new year.
Also we have must-read columns from Jenna Kelly, Tara Hammett, Hilary Jones, Josh Thompson and the outrageous Cross Stitch Bitch, who is on hand to provide thoughtful and heartfelt solutions to all your problems. (NOT!)
Start your 2017 with #teamheaven
I hope you enjoy...
February 2017 Article Count: 6

Welcome to Issue 21 February 2017 - Bollywood.
You are cordially invited to our sumptuous ‘Fashion Feast’ where you can devour our artistic and ingenious photo and video shoot.
Visit ‘In The Spotlight’ to read the inspirational story of Llywela Jones.
Highlights include a very naughty ‘Ladies With Attitude’ discussion on Valentine’s Day. (Not to be missed!) And make sure you check out your “Fashionscope’ predictions for this month.
Also we have must-read columns from Jenna Kelly, Hilary Jones, Tara Hammett and the outrageous Cross Stitch Bitch, who is on hand to provide thoughtful and heartfelt solutions to your problems. (NOT!)
We welcome some fresh new talent to #teamheaven - Rebecca Clark, nail artist extraordinaire and Christie Heaven with her delicious column ‘Feed Me’. Food to make you go ooooh!
Plus we introduce Lisa Richards, our latest member of ‘The Ministry Of Glamour’.
I hope you enjoy...
March 2017 Article Count: 6

Welcome to Issue 22 March 2017 - Still I Rise.
You are cordially invited to our sumptuous ‘Fashion Feast’ where you can devour our artistic and ingenious photo and video shoot.
Visit ‘In The Spotlight’ to read all about the fabulously talented Julie, owner of The Pretty Bag Company.
Highlights include a very naughty ‘Ladies With Attitude’ discussion on their Springtime grooming habits. (Not to be missed!) And make sure you check out your “Fashionscope’ predictions for this month.
Also we have must-read columns from Jenna Kelly, Hilary Jones, Rebecca Clark, Tara Hammett, Christie Heaven and the outrageous Cross Stitch Bitch, who is on hand to provide thoughtful and heartfelt solutions to your problems. (NOT!)
We have a new column ‘Beauty Warrior’, where I try out the latest beauty and skincare treatments available.
Plus there’s still time to enter our glamorous makeover competition to become the next member of ‘The Ministry Of Glamour’.
I hope you enjoy...
April 2017 Article Count: 6

Welcome to Issue 23 April 2017 - Be Our Guest.
You are cordially invited to our sumptuous ‘Fashion Feast’ where you can devour our artistic and ingenious photo and video shoot.
Visit ‘In The Spotlight’ to read all about the fabulously talented Rianon Jones, owner of RiCreations.
Highlights include a very naughty ‘Ladies With Attitude’ discussion on what they could and couldn’t live without. (Not to be missed!) And make sure you check out your “Fashionscope’ predictions for this month.
Join me on my quest to try and slow down the ageing process in our fascinating feature ‘Beauty Warrior’.
Also we have must-read columns from Jenna Kelly, Hilary Jones, Lucy Michael, Tara Hammett, Christie Heaven and the outrageous Cross Stitch Bitch, who is on hand to provide thoughtful and heartfelt solutions to your problems. (NOT!)
Plus you can read all about our current Ministry Of Glamour winner.
I hope you enjoy...
May 2017 Article Count: 7

Welcome to Issue 24 May 2017 - Graffiti.
You are cordially invited to our sumptuous ‘Fashion Feast’ where you can devour our artistic and ingenious photo and video shoot - Graffiti.
Visit ‘In The Spotlight’ to read all about the inspirational Debbie Buss.
Highlights include a very naughty ‘Ladies With Attitude’ discussion on what they would put into Room 101. (Not to be missed!) And make sure you check out your “Fashionscope’ predictions for this month.
Join me on my quest to try and slow down the ageing process in our fascinating feature ‘Beauty Warrior’.
Also we have must-read columns from Jenna Kelly, Hilary Jones, Rebecca Clark, Tara Hammett, Christie Heaven and the outrageous Cross Stitch Bitch, who is on hand to provide thoughtful and heartfelt solutions to your problems. (NOT!)
Plus you can read all about our current Ministry Of Glamour winner.
AND we launch The ƎH Awards. This is your chance to vote for all your favourite emmaheaven.com features.
Let battle commence the voting begin!
I hope you enjoy...
June 2017 Article Count: 7

Welcome to Issue 25, June 2017 - The Terrible Twos - in honour of our second birthday - HAPPY BIRTHDAY to us at emmaheaven.com - let the festivities and frolics commence!
You are cordially invited to our sumptuous ‘Fashion Feast’ where you can devour our artistic and ingenious photo and video shoot “The Terrible Twos”!
Visit ‘In The Spotlight’ to read all about The Raspberry Cakery and their delicious cakes.
Highlights include a very naughty ‘Ladies With Attitude’ discussion on their most embarrassing moments! This was filmed at The Hyst in front of a live audience and is definitely not to be missed! And make sure you check out your “Fashionscope’ predictions for this month.
Join me on my quest to slow down the ageing process in our fascinating feature ‘Beauty Warrior’.
Also we have must-read columns from Jenna Kelly, Kris Brown, Rebecca Clark, Tara Hammett, Christie Heaven and the outrageous Cross Stitch Bitch, who is on hand to provide thoughtful and heartfelt solutions to your problems *cough*!
We also introduce a new member to TeamHeaven - the talented Rianon Jones - our props and set designer, further ramping up our artistic and creative photo shoots. This month she blew us away with her beautiful balloon art!
Plus you can read all about our current Ministry Of Glamour winner.
AND voting has now closed for The ƎH Awards. The winners will be revealed next month in an ‘awards special’.
I hope you enjoy...
July 2017 Article Count: 7

Welcome to Issue 26, July 2017 - Femme Fatale.
You are cordially invited to our sumptuous ‘Fashion Feast’ to savour our latest creative offering: The Femme Fatale edition!
Visit ‘In The Spotlight’ to read all about Sacha Hammett, Sports Massage Therapist.
Notable highlights include a naughtier than normal (whatever’s normal?!) ‘Ladies With Attitude’ discussion about their childhood crushes and celebrity one night stands! This was filmed at The Hyst in front of a live audience and is definitely not one to be missed! And be sure to check out your “Fashionscope’ predictions for this month.
Join me in my quest to slow down the ageing process in our regular ‘Beauty Warrior’ feature.
Also we have must-read columns from Jenna Kelly (MUA), Hilary Jones (Hair), Rebecca Clark (Mani/Pedi), Tara Hammett (Fitness & Wellbeing), Christie Heaven (Foodie), Rianon Jones (Props) and the eternally outrageous Cross Stitch Bitch (defies description!), who is on hand to provide thoughtful and heartfelt solutions to your problems *cough*!
Plus you can read all about our NEW Ministry Of Glamour winner: Angela Evans.
AND, last but by no means least, we reveal the winners of The ƎH Awards in an ‘awards special’, as voted for by you. We couldn’t have done it without you - thank you to everyone who voted - mwah! ????????
I hope you enjoy this month’s bumper issue...
August 2017 Article Count: 8

Welcome to Issue 27, August 2017 - Mythical.
You are cordially invited to our sumptuous ‘Fashion Feast’ to savour our latest creative offering: The Mythical edition!
Visit ‘In The Spotlight’ to read all about Lunacy Boutique who are ‘Mad About Fashion’.
Notable highlights include a naughtier than normal (whatever’s normal?!) ‘Ladies With Attitude’ discussion about their holiday heaven or hell! This was filmed at The Hyst in front of a live audience and is definitely not one to be missed! And be sure to check out your “Fashionscope” predictions for this month.
Join me in my quest to slow down the ageing process in our regular ‘Beauty Warrior’ feature. This month it’s all about the lashes!
Also we have must-read columns from Jenna Kelly (MUA), Hilary Jones (Hair), Rebecca Clark (Mani/Pedi), Tara Hammett (Fitness & Wellbeing), Christie Heaven (Foodie), Rianon Jones (Props) and the eternally outrageous Cross Stitch Bitch (defies description!), who is on hand to provide thoughtful and heartfelt solutions to your problems *cough*!
This month, Tara’s covers the trials and tribulations of being a new mum, returning gently and effectively to exercise (video workout), managing those post-pregnancy cravings and most of all, ‘keeping it real’.
Plus you can read all about our Latest Ministry Of Glamour winner: Angela Evans and there's still time to enter our competition to become the next MOG winner.
AND, last but by no means least, we have several new members who have joined #TeamHeaven - ‘Dickie’ Drone and his pilot Jack Heaven have joined our film crew and we are thrilled to unleash the wonderful, mystical, magical, extra-celestial Angie Barnett on you. Angie is guaranteed to dazzle you with her extraordinary psychic powers...are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper
I hope you enjoy this month’s bumper issue...
September 2017 Article Count: 7

Welcome to Issue 28, September 2017: Secret Garden
You are cordially invited to our sumptuous ‘Fashion Feast’ to savour our latest creative offering: Secret Garden
Visit ‘In The Spotlight’ to read all about Inken Gaddass, German-born designer and owner of Felted Art To Wear.
Notable highlights include a naughtier than normal (whatever’s normal?!) ‘Ladies With Attitude’ discussion about Hanky Panky! This was filmed at The Hyst in front of a live audience and is definitely not one to be missed! And be sure to check out your “Fashionscope” predictions for this month.
Join me in my quest to slow down the ageing process in our regular ‘Beauty Warrior’ feature. This month I discover the Facial-Flex.
Also we have must-read columns from Jenna Kelly (MUA), Hilary Jones (Hair), Tara Hammett (Fitness & Wellbeing), Christie Heaven (Foodie), Rianon Jones (Props), the extra-celestial Angie Barnett who is guaranteed to dazzle you with her extraordinary psychic powers...are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper; and the eternally outrageous Cross Stitch Bitch (defies description!), who is on hand to provide thoughtful and heartfelt solutions to your problems *cough*! This month she counsels a distressed ‘empty-nester’ mother...
AND we have a new member of #TeamHeaven - introducing Debbie Buss, our very own Intuitive Healer & Spiritual Coach.
Plus you can read all about our Latest Ministry Of Glamour winner: Angela Evans as we close the competition to find our next MOG winner.
I hope you enjoy this month’s bumper issue...
October 2017 Article Count: 9

Welcome to Issue 29, October 2017: Little Hyst Of Horrors
You are cordially invited to our sumptuous ‘Fashion Feast’ to savour our latest creative offering: Little Hyst Of Horrors.
Visit ‘In The Spotlight’ to read all about how Rhiannon Haynes-Gibbs upscaled her way to big business in the world of ‘Shabby Chic’ by launching Uniquely Yours By Rhi.
Notable highlights include a naughtier than normal (whatever’s normal?!) ‘Ladies With Attitude’ discussion about superpowers! This was filmed at The Hyst in front of a live audience and is definitely not one to be missed! And be sure to check out your “Fashionscope” predictions for this month.
Join me in my quest to slow down the ageing process in our regular ‘Beauty Warrior’ feature. This month I discover Swiss Clinic’s - Skin Renewal.
Also we have must-read columns from Jenna Kelly (MUA), Hilary Jones (Hair), Tara Hammett (Fitness & Wellbeing), Christie Heaven (Foodie), Rianon Jones (Props), the extra-celestial Angie Barnett who is guaranteed to dazzle you with her extraordinary psychic powers...are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper; and the eternally outrageous Cross Stitch Bitch (defies description!), who is on hand to provide thoughtful and heartfelt solutions to your problems *cough*!
Plus Debbie Buss, our very own Intuitive Healer & Spiritual Coach, ready to equip you with your very own superpowers, to help you deal with the daily crap that life throws at you...
I hope you enjoy this month’s bumper issue...
November 2017 Article Count: 7

Welcome to Issue 30, November 2017: Fashionator
You are cordially invited to our sumptuous ‘Fashion Feast’ to savour our latest creative offering: Fashionator.
Visit ‘In The Spotlight’ to read all about the super talented stand up comedian Siânny Thomas.
Notable highlights include a naughtier than normal (whatever’s normal?!) ‘Ladies With Attitude’ discussion about lies - white lies or whoppers?! Filmed at The Hyst in front of a live audience, this is not one to be missed! And be sure to check out your “Fashionscope” predictions for this month.
Join me in my quest to slow down the ageing process in our regular ‘Beauty Warrior’ feature. This month I reveal my at-home facial.
Also we have must-read columns from the (***hot off the press***) award-winning Jenna Kelly (MUA), Hilary Jones (Hair), Tara Hammett (Fitness & Wellbeing), Christie Heaven (Foodie), Rianon Jones (Props), the extra-celestial Angie Barnett with her extraordinary psychic powers...are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper; and the eternally outrageous Cross Stitch Bitch (defies description!), who is on hand to provide her unique thoughtful and sensitive solutions to your problems *cough*!
Debbie Buss, our very own Intuitive Healer & Spiritual Coach, is ready to equip you with your very own superpowers, to help you deal with the daily crap that life throws at you…
Plus we welcome a new member to #TeamHeaven - the fabulous and creative Beth Jones, our special effects (SFX) and theatrical makeup artist - welcome on board Beth.
I hope you enjoy this month’s bumper issue...
December 2017 Article Count: 7

Welcome to Issue 31, December 2017: Snow Queen
You are cordially invited to our sumptuous ‘Fashion Feast’ to savour our latest creative offering: Snow Queen.
Visit ‘In The Spotlight’ to read all about the latest member of #TeamHeaven - the super talented Beth Jones.
Notable highlights include a naughtier than normal (whatever’s normal?!) ‘Ladies With Attitude’ discussion about whether or not we like Pantomime?! Filmed at The Hyst in front of a live audience, this is not one to be missed! And be sure to check out your festive “Fashionscope” predictions for this month.
Join me in my quest to slow down the ageing process in our regular ‘Beauty Warrior’ feature. This month it’s all about Rest & Relaxation.
Also we have must-read columns from Jenna Kelly (MUA), Beth Jones (SFX), Hilary Jones (Hair), Tara Hammett (Fitness & Wellbeing), Christie Heaven (Foodie), Rianon Jones (Props), the extra-celestial Angie Barnett with her extraordinary psychic powers...are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper; and the eternally outrageous Cross Stitch Bitch (defies description!), who is on hand to provide her unique thoughtful and sensitive solutions to your problems *cough*!
Debbie Buss, Intuitive Healer & Spiritual Coach, is ready to equip you with your very own superpowers, to help you deal with the daily crap that life throws at you - especially in the run up to the festive season...
Wishing you all a peaceful, magical Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year.
I hope you enjoy this month’s bumper issue...
2016 Article Count: 0
January 2016 Article Count: 2

Welcome to ‘Issue 8’ January 2016 - and what a bumper issue this is...
Highlights include my ‘Fur’ shoot, interviews with DJ MODAA (Lloyd Scoulding) and Kris Brown from Pimped Up Pins who is responsible for this month’s exclusive ‘Reader Offer’.
Plus columns from, Jenna Kelly, Tara Hammett, Hilary Jones, the naughty ‘Auntie Social’ and making his debut - Josh Thompson brings you ‘Life on Mars’, a page dedicated to the male species!
February 2016 Article Count: 2

Welcome to ‘Issue 9’ February 2016 - and what a bumper issue this is...
Highlights include my ‘Oscars’ shoot and interviews with James Richards from Walford-Richards Designs and restaurant Coast Italia.
Plus columns from Jenna Kelly, Hilary Jones, Josh Thompson and Tara Hammett who is responsible for this month’s ‘Reader Offer’. Plus the VERY naughty ‘Cross Stitch Bitch’ makes her debut. This column is NOT for the easily offended! You have been warned!
March 2016 Article Count: 2

Welcome to ‘Issue 10’ March 2016 - and a very special issue.
This issue is in memory of my Dad, Tudor Vaughan who is loved and missed so much...
You can see the beautiful video dedicated to him in Lights...Camera...Action.
You can read my interviews with Mal Pope’s Cappuccino Girls, and 5 A Day Fruit & Veg, who have supplied this month’s delicious ‘Reader Offer’.
Plus columns from Jenna Kelly, Hilary Jones, Josh Thompson, Tara Hammett and Cross Stitch Bitch. This column is NOT for the easily offended! You have been warned!
April 2016 Article Count: 2

Welcome to ‘Issue 11’ April 2016 - and what a bumper issue this is...
The star of this ‘Springtime’ issue is a handbag made for me by the fabulous Timmy Woods which features throughout the magazine.
You can read my interviews with Timmy Woods, the super-talented handbag designer from Beverly Hills; and the charismatic Richard Jones from fashion store Moda, Swansea.
Plus columns from Jenna Kelly, Hilary Jones, Josh Thompson, Tara Hammett and Cross Stitch Bitch
May 2016 Article Count: 2

Welcome to ‘Issue 12’ May 2016 - and what a special issue this is.
The main story of this ‘Victory’ issue is a celebration of my weightloss journey. You can see the before & after shots in Love It! Rock It! Own It! And watch the results of my hard work in Lights...Camera...Action...
I have interviews with Jodie Grove from The Grove Clinic and Julie Sullivan from myshowcase.com.
Plus columns from Jenna Kelly, Hilary Jones, Josh Thompson, Tara Hammett and Cross Stitch Bitch.
I hope you enjoy.
June 2016 Article Count: 3

Welcome to Issue 13 June 2016 - and this is the Birthday Issue.
This issue is a celebration of the magazine’s 1st Birthday. I had a crown, a cake and a birthday shoot with the team, which you can see in Lights...Camera...Action... and throughout the magazine.
I have interviews with Jill Williams (CATS) and Jamie Evans (Fat Yankee).
Plus columns from Jenna Kelly, Hilary Jones, Tara Hammett, Josh Thompson, Cross Stitch Bitch and newcomer Jodie Grove.
AND I introduce ‘The Ministry Of Glamour’ and its first member Wendy Thomas.
Happy Birthday emmaheaven.com
I hope you enjoy.
July 2016 Article Count: 3

Welcome to Issue 14 July 2016 - a visual feast for the eyes.
This Brazilian Carnival issue is inspired by the Rio Olympics. The fashion shoot is a riot of colour, mad hair & makeup AND we have the fabulous dance troupe Velvet Lane samba their way through The Spice Girls. Girl Power! You can see all the madness and mayhem in Lights...Camera...Action and throughout the magazine.
I have interviews with Velvet Lane and Claire Hanney who is one of The Cappuccino Girls.
Plus columns from Jenna Kelly, Tara Hammett, Hilary Jones, Josh Thompson, Cross Stitch Bitch and Jodie Grove.
AND don’t forget to enter our exciting competition to become the next member of The Ministry Of Glamour.
I hope you enjoy....
August 2016 Article Count: 4

Welcome to Issue 15 August 2016 - a very special celebration.
This ‘Silver Wedding Anniversary’ issue is a toast to my 25 year marriage to my wonderful husband Adrian; and this month’s video in Lights...Camera....Action, contains the original footage from our wedding.
Highlights include an interview with Tanya Igic, a very talented jewellery designer. A fabulous photo shoot with dazzling crystals. AND the introduction of a new feature ‘Ladies With Attitude’ (LWA). A panel of straight-talking ladies with a great sense of humour. It’s not to be missed - however be warned the video has been awarded an 18 certificate!
Plus columns from Jenna Kelly, Tara Hammett, Hilary Jones, Josh Thompson, Cross Stitch Bitch and Jodie Grove.
I hope you enjoy....
September 2016 Article Count: 4

Welcome to Issue 16 September 2016 - a very mixed bag this month!
This issue is in support of the wonderful charity Jeans For Genes Day, which features throughout the magazine in Lights...Camera...Action... and Love It! Rock It! Own It!
Highlights include an interview with the very naughty Cross Stitch Bitch. A fabulous photo shoot with the most amazing pair of shoes. AND the Ladies With Attitude (LWA) discuss all things ‘diet’ - which is not to be missed - however be warned the video has been awarded an 18 certificate!
Plus columns from Jenna Kelly, Tara Hammett, Hilary Jones, Josh Thompson, Cross Stitch Bitch and Jodie Grove.
I hope you enjoy....
October 2016 Article Count: 5

Welcome to Issue 17 October 2016 - our Halloween special!
This issue centres around our crazy ‘Thriller’ shoot, filmed at Coast, Swansea with the talented Velvet Lane. It features throughout the magazine in Lights...Camera...Action, Love It! Rock It! Own It! and It’s All About Me.
Highlights include a very emotional, must-read interview with Carolyn Gammon. The Ladies With Attitude discuss all things ‘scary’ - which is not to be missed. And we unveil the next fabulous member of the Ministry Of Glamour.
Plus columns from Jenna Kelly, Tara Hammett, Hilary Jones, Josh Thompson and Cross Stitch Bitch.
I hope you enjoy....
November 2016 Article Count: 6

Welcome to Issue 18 November 2016 - it’s all black magic!
This issue centres around our crazy ‘Bellatrix & The Ministry of Glamour makeover’ shoot. It features throughout the magazine in Lights...Camera...Action, Love It! Rock It Own It! And It’s All About Me.
Highlights include the must-read interview with the talented and extraordinary psychic Angie Barnett of Chriswick; and she joins us on the Ladies With Attitude panel to discuss witches, psychic powers and all things magic.
Don’t forget you could be the next member of the ‘Ministry Of Glamour’, by entering our incredible makeover competition.
Plus columns from Jenna Kelly, Tara Hammett, Kris Brown, Josh Thompson and Cross Stitch Bitch.
I hope you enjoy....
December 2016 Article Count: 6

Welcome to Issue 19 December 2016 - Hold Up A Light.
You are cordially invited to our sumptuous ‘Fashion Feast’ where you can devour our artistic and ingenious photo and video shoot.
Making his emmaheaven.com debut is the talented singer Martin Broad who features in our photo and video shoot, plus he’s ‘In The Spotlight’.
Highlights include a very naughty ‘Ladies With Attitude’ discussion on the best and worst bits of Christmas. (Not to be missed!) And make sure you check out your ‘Fashionscope’ predictions for the festive season.
Also we have must-read columns from Jenna Kelly, Tara Hammett, Hilary Jones, Josh Thompson and the outrageous Cross Stitch Bitch, who is on hand to provide thoughtful and heartfelt solutions to all your problems! (NOT!)
Merry Christmas from #teamheaven
I hope you enjoy...
Uncategorised Article Count: 2
Gallery Article Count: 4
Business Article Count: 11
Studio Heaven Article Count: 3

2015 Article Count: 0
June 2015 Article Count: 2

July 2015 Article Count: 2

August 2015 Article Count: 2

September 2015 Article Count: 2
October 2015 Article Count: 2

It’s October, Issue 5 and the Halloween Special Edition of Emma Heaven Fashionista
November 2015 Article Count: 2

December 2015 Article Count: 2

Welcome to ‘Issue 7’ December 2015 - and what a bumper issue this is…
Highlights include my Star Wars shoot, interviews with magician Mark Bowden and Sports Injury Therapist Luisa Davies, who is responsible for this month’s exclusive ‘Reader Offer’.
Plus columns from, Jenna Kelly, Tara Hammett, Hilary Jones and the anonymous and very naughty ‘Auntie Social’.
Emotional Mood Mastery Archives (EMMA) Article Count: 15
The videos will form part of the:
Emotional Mood Mastery Archives or ‘EMMA’ for short, which will be permanently accessible.
Hottie’s Menopause Manual Article Count: 34
The videos will form part of the:
Did you know that there are - brace yourselves - 34 reported symptoms associated with the menopausal journey? Ohhh yes hotties you read that right! Not 3 to 4 but a goddamn 34 of the cheeky little blighters. You may want to make a cuppa or pour yourself a large glass, and sit comfortably as it’s a looooong list.
Worcester’s Words of Wisdom Article Count: 15
The videos will form part of the:
Worcester’s Words of Wisdom this month are: