January 2025

Welcome to Issue 116 ~ January 2025: Time After Time.

This month’s issue has been inspired by my favourite home-grown British sitcom, Gavin and Stacey. Whilst waiting in anticipation of the final instalment on Christmas Day (along with the rest of the UK), I decided to rewatch the whole series to refresh and tickle my memory!

During one particular episode, the beleaguered, eternally-bickering couple Dawn and Pete kiss and make up by crooning Cyndi Lauper's Time After Time to each other. It truly is a hilarious cringe-fest of epic proportions and one which needs to be seen to be believed!

After the belly laughs subsided, I was reminded of how much I love that song, and upon further investigation, I discovered the true meaning and story of its creation. Simply put, it's a love song about a devoted relationship between two people ~ its poignant, powerful lyrics really resonated with me:

~ ~ 

If you're lost you can look and you will find me

Time after time 

If you fall I will catch you, I'll be waiting

Time after time 

~ ~

Not everyone is fortunate enough to have that special someone, that amazing selfless person who is always there for you in your time of need when you need love, support, help, advice, understanding and a strong pair of arms to catch you when you fall, or to wrap around you when you need to feel safe.

So my message would be if you find that special significant person, treat them right, hold on to them tightly, and never let go of them!

Enter the Dream Factory to watch the magic unfold as #TeamHeaven indulge their creativity and conjure up a magical moment in time…

Featuring this month:

The Ladies With Attitude ~ our panel of straight-talking ladies are discussing: “Iconic couples.”

The Zodiac Zingers are here to guide your month ahead ~ failure to comply with this essential and life-changing advice may result in us calling the celestial police to arrest you for a sense of humour failure.

Pull up a pew to read fabulously decadent & divine ‘Lady P ~ new year, new quest? Or different year, and same old quest? Or even ‘out with the new, and in with the old’? Only Lady P could get so entangled on the horns of a dilemma, and sidetracked…Or is that some seriously Sloaney side-eye and shade she’s throwing?!

Brace yourselves for: The Good, The Bad & The Dragly, in Life's A Drag. Come join the party as we enter the fabulously riotous and the (not so) glamorous world of Drag ~ complete with over-the-top tears, possible diva tantrums, laughter, and downright naughty behaviour! What could possibly go wrong?!

Extra-celestial Angie Barnett, with her extraordinary psychic powers. Are you a believer? #CosmicWhisper

‘Menopausal Hotties’ where we share our insights on the challenges and joys, capturing the accompanying highs, lows and undulations of the many symptoms of the menopause. Or as one of our Hotties likes to call it: something to save us from the cycle of Eat, sleep, rage/rave, repeat”!

Enjoy this month’s extravaganza ~ we will be back next month with a fabulous new issue on Monday 17th February.

Be part of something special…and be part of the magic…

Ladies With Attitude - “Iconic Couples.”

Introducing Ladies With Attitude (LWA)

The LWA is a panel of strong, straight-talking ladies with a great sense of humour. We get together once a month to discuss a ‘killer question’ on varied topics such as marriage, sex, diets, online dating and anything else we can think of. Even the controversial stuff! Nothing is taboo...

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